Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Attitudes and Gratitude

by: Brook Noel

“Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

Once with a group of women, we were discussing why it is that some children who seem to “have it all” are pleasant and friendly while others become spoiled. After sharing our stories, we drew the conclusion that the difference rests in the attitude and teachings of the parents. Some children “expect” to have certain things, and they soon become spoiled and unwavering. Other children remain thankful and appreciative.

Think of adults you know that fit these descriptions. Whom do you know who has a chip on their shoulder or feels the world owes them something? Whom do you know who greets each discovery with appreciation? It is easy to guess who is happier and more fulfilled.

Developing a thankful attitude goes a long way toward developing a more resilient and appreciative self. Here are a few ideas for spreading the attitude of gratitude:

• Think about the whole process. When you receive anything, be it a child’s drawing or an expensive purchased gift, focus on how much time, effort, and thought went into the gift. Taking the time to realize how much work, caring, and thought a person has given you, is a wonderful way to deepen your appreciation of both the giver and the gift.

• Realize each day is a gift. There are so many things that we take for granted. Many times we don’t realize how much we actually take for granted until tragedy strikes. For example, I always enjoyed my brother and never imagined we would lose him at age 27. It wasn’t until after this tragedy that I learned each day and each moment we have is a precious gift. Don’t be wasteful or unappreciative of these moments.

• Lower your expectations. I knew a woman who felt that she had such a series of bad luck that the world surely owed her something. I couldn’t stand being around her; she complained about everything. If it rained, it seemed the sky was out to get her. When we quit expecting the world (or people) to give us things, we can become more focused on enjoying the gifts that do come our way.

Sarah Ban Breathnach in her best-selling book, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, advocates the use of a gratitude journal. She cites this as “a tool that could change the quality of your life beyond belief.” I completely agree. The premise of the gratitude journal is to record five things that you are grateful for each day. Some days you might have to be creative to find five. Other days you might have ten or twenty! Value the little things. Value the person who sincerely smiled and asked how you were at the grocery store checkout. Value the soft touch of a child’s hand on your shoulder. Value a new song that you hear on the radio.

Create your own gratitude journal and list five things that you are grateful for each evening. Notice how this deepens your appreciation for life and helps to maintain a positive outlook. You may also want to start a “Family Gratitude Journal” where each night you think of five things that you are grateful for as a family.

About The Author

Brook Noel is an international best-selling author and has written over 10 books. Her works include: I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: surviving, coping and healing after the sudden death of a loved one; Grief Steps; The Single Parent Resource and her newest book The Change Your Life Challenge: A 70 Day Life Makeover Program for Women

To learn more about the challenge that thousands of women have used to improve relationships, finances, home management, self-esteem, fitness, self-care, stress and depression you can go visit the website at http://www.changeyourlifechallenge.com/ . http://miracleminds.blogspot.com/ http://daydreamrichs.blogspot.com/ http://wayne-dyer.blogspot.com/

Be Greatful

Thankful to Be Grateful for Gratitude
by: Lauren C. Gorgo

While I admittedly have many conflicting feelings about the history and celebration of Thanksgiving from the Native Indian perspective, I do honor the singular aspect of gratitude that is seldom remembered during this American holiday of selective-slaughtered feasting.

I apologize if my tone turns to disgust, but this Thanksgiving I dug deep to try to mask over the pain of truth thinking of a world of alter-egos fighting for domination, power and greed under the guise of gratitude.

And while I desperately tried to ignore the disdain in my heart for the overindulgence of an imbalanced sector of human society steeped in ignorance, I will go on to say that gratitude is undoubtedly a foundational element for the realization of our full human potential.

In addition, it is important to realize that all is exactly how it should be on earth so as many people as possible can awaken to change. Change is definitely the name of this new game.

Was this holiday a challenge to give thanks? Was this year even more difficult to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye?

If so, know that this is a very natural process of returning to full consciousness.

Having such a keen sense of the universal effects of energy can either hinder or help your experiences in life, greatly depending on how much discord you have released. And it is a difficult balance to uphold either way...no doubt.

You may also find at your particular stage of spiritual development that you are either completely capable of accepting others and situations for the way they are with detachment, or completely incapable of even being around any outworn remnants of the old paradigm. Maybe both....and what a better time to test your mettle than during the holidays.

Did you notice any played-out familial patterns or repeat cycles that may have glaringly emerged, tantalizing you to engage them? Did you bring any unresolved emotions to your turkey dinner? Did any one else? Did you find yourself swallowing swords of cutting truth for those who you knew could not handle it?

Notice any triggers ? Perhaps that one family member who's patterns of self-destruction became so obvious that you looked around the room wondering if anyone else was noticing the blatant transparency that you wish you could ignore? Did your past suddenly become very clear to you and the reason for all your own relentless results of unconscious karma?

Ahhh...the holiday mismatch of clashing frequencies.

On a less bitter note, the holidays are a great time to realize how far you've evolved when you notice how stuck others suddenly seem to be. Those people in our lives who choose to stay behind as pawns on our path mirroring our past behaviors suddenly seem revolting. Quite frankly, victimization is so 1990's and anyone who is still lacking the personal power to take hold of their own lives can leave the taste of sour yogurt in our mouths.

We are finally inhabiting a space of self-sovereignty and those energy rapists who lag behind and try to drain our life force can make us feel angry instead of compassionate. Frustrated instead of loving. Annoyed instead of forgiving. Why?

Because we are no where near this low vibration and density anymore and it is a natural process of selection that keeps us where we belong. It is the result of our new wiring and activated sensors of receptivity to what is aligned with our truth that keeps us in place. Anything that is out of alignment will feel downright awful as it should. Akin to an animal's instincts for survival, we need not mettle in any reality that is too dense for our well being.

There are so many misconceptions about "being spiritual" in spiritual communities....and one of my favorites to poke a stick at (aside from poverty consciousness) is the general consensus that a highly spiritual being will offer themselves piously to those who have not the strength to stand alone.

I touch on this in great detail in the 12 Steps to Discovering Your Divine Blueprint because the whole idea of selflessness has been misconstrued and designed to feed the religious, governmental and economic beast that inflated the outworn and patriarchal paradigm.

No more. The best thing you can do to help another in this new cycle penetrating our awareness is to become the truth, the power and to reflect what is possible for all in a detached way. When you do, those who see you...I mean really see you....will come rushing to understand your power. Those who don't see you will want to take it because they don't yet understand that it is their's to have.

Did you ever notice how you would give the shirt off your back to those who are living gratefully? Ever wonder why those who project themselves as needy turn you off?

It's pure science. In truth, gratitude is state of being, not an action. It is a rate of vibration that you inhabit when you have released mucho density. It is not a requirement to give thanks, it is the energetic result of achieving clarity and lightness of being.

Don't beat yourself up over your inability to reach out to those who smother you in victimization, it is not your job to save them. And each time you feel the urge to drop into density, ask yourself this...

Who helped you to find yourself?

If your being honest you will agree that only one person at a time can fit down the rabbit hole...but there are many who went before you and many who will follow.

This journey is singular one, but we do not travel it alone.

The facts are that the frequency of gratitude is the vibration of universal alignment. When you are living in this vibration the world and its inhabitants line up to greet you. When you are out of synch with this energy, you will be pressed to attract the resources required to achieve and maintain abundance.

The holidays give us an opportunity to see not only our level of gratitude, but also to see our growth clearly against the juxtaposition of all those limiting beliefs, people and situations we left behind in search of greater pursuits. Hopefully the holidays also remind us of our ability to love with detachment and in confidence that we are all on the same journey just traveling at different rates.

And contrarily, as we stretch over the canyon of those who still reside in the unruly rapids below, we are also more apt to open our hearts and minds to those people and situations who remind us of our new level of love...the love that most of us work to embrace daily with thanks.

Instead of celebrating Thanksgiving each year, I think we should celebrate Thanksbeing... Aquarian style.

This year I am thankful to BE grateful for gratitude.


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About The Author

Lauren C. Gorgo is an Interdimensional Channel, Spiritual Teacher, Counselor & Healer, Conscious Co-Creation Coach & Advanced Integrated Energy Practitioner. Well known for her ability to cut through extraneous esoteric details, Lauren is adept at communicating complex spiritual ideas & concepts in a grounded, easy-to-understand, humorous & articulate way.

For free articles, e-courses & channeled messages or more information about Lauren’s background & work visit:
