Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back On Track

I truly believe unless we are doing what brings us joy, we need to think twice about what were doing, why were doing it and even take it a step further by finding the courage to do something about it so the joy is there.

For the past couple of months Ive been going through a bit of a metamorphosis personally and in my business. Because of this, Ive eliminated everything that no longer felt right for me with the business and replaced it with all that is in alignment with my heart and Soul.

The more I delve into my spiritual growth, the more I understand that less really is more. Ive come to understand at a profound level that there is nothing we have to add to ourselves in order for us to be more spiritual.
In fact, as you allow yourself to release anything and everything that isnt working in your life, the freer you become and the lighter you feel, enabling you to soar to heights you might never have imagined before.

You see, the less encumbered you are with stuff, unnecessary responsibilities, and people in your life who constantly drain you, the more you give yourself the opportunity to know who you really are at your Soul level. This in turn clears the space for you to attract into your life exactly what it is you desire.

Its the in between moments of your life, those blank spaces, that you will find your peace and true Self during each part of your lifes journey. These blank spaces represent the simplicity of life, and the more you create these spaces, the more you will find yourself awakening the Genie within and living a life true to your heart. The benefit of this is two-fold. You have more peace and clarity in your life, and, you bring greater joy to everyone you come in contact with.

When I decided to do an overhaul of my website and coaching practice, I knew it was necessary to let go of the direction the business was heading. There were certain expectations and suggestions from others, in regard to my business, that left me feeling disconnected from my vision. Change and letting go isnt always easy, but its necessary if you intend to grow and prosper in every area of your life, and more importantly, if you want to stay true to your Self.

For me, the change I needed to create involved going back to the basics. And when you go back to the basics, you will often find yourself returning to a state of calm, feeling connected to Spirit and your Soul, once again. It is this connection that makes everything in your life right.

Dr. Wayne Dyer gives a beautiful and simple definition of the word spiritual in his book, Theres A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem. He states:

Then these are the 7 ways I define spiritual: Surrender, Love, Infinite, Empty (Empty Mind), Generous, Connectedness and Cheerful. He goes on to elaborate on each of these words in the book.

Here are 7 ways I define Soul in a similar fashion: Love, Wisdom, Truth, Harmony, Genuine, Joyful and Peaceful. Perhaps in another newsletter, Ill elaborate on these words as well.

Wherever you are on your journeys path, I ask that you observe it from a birds eye view so you can see it more clearly and determine if its one that still feels right for you.

Are you connected or disconnected? Are you moving along with a skip in your step or dragging your feet? Are you in a place of surrender or struggle? Are you being genuine or wearing a mask? Are you full of love or frustration? Are you listening to your voice or someone elses?

Be honest with yourself as you answer these questions, because you are the one who must live with the consequences of your response everyday. You may have to dig deep to discover your truth, but I promise you, its there. Do yourself a huge favor and take whatever inspired actions you need to, so you too, can experience the definitions of spiritual and Soul. And please know that I am always here, should you need any assistance in doing this.

Linda Salazar
Certified Personal Life Coach, Author, Speaker
Awaken The Genie Within
Practical Strategies for Magical Results

Florence Nightingale

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