Saturday, May 24, 2008

Resources for Seniors Living in Los Angeles - Medicare & Medicaid

Everyone once in a while it's nice to do something kind for others. Everyone believes this philosophy to some extent, even if it's kindness shown to just the immediate family. The problem is that doing something kind for someone else doesn't always solve the needing person's dilemma. It may provide some temporary relief and push other problems back for a short time, but some effort is still needed to permanently resolve the situation. You might well consider Medicare and Medicaid the government's way of doing something nice for others. The program doesn't always help to the extent that we hope, and sometimes we may even see it as underwhelming. But it is an option that is available to many and should be explored. Both of these programs are one example of a resource for senior living in Los Angeles.

Medicare and Medicaid: A Government Resource for Senior Living In Los Angeles

Medicare is federal health insurance that is available to Americans 65 years of age and older. It covers basic medical care as well episodes of hospitalization and subsequent rehabilitation. Like most insurance policies, Medicare doesn't cover 100% of all senior costs. In terms of long-term care Medicare may pay for short-term nursing home care or home health care after an illness. But unless there are special circumstances, Medicare on its own will not pay for long-term care. You see, sometimes people do something kind and then pull back just a bit, much to our frustration. But don't lose hope. Consider the alternative plan of Medicaid.

Medicaid is a related program and covers health care and long-term care for individuals who are financially in need. This program is paid for by state and federal dollars. A person usually has to have a very low income with few assets to be eligible for this program. For seniors specifically, Medicaid is a very helpful program that can cover certain costs that are not offered by Medicare. In many states, Medicaid will pay for nursing home care or at least cover some of the resident fees. But, it does not offer help for residential care facilities.

Even if you or your loved ones do not qualify for Medicaid -- and yet cannot afford long-term care -- there are still some local programs that may be able to help you. As you see, the kindness of one person (or especially one large governmental program) can run out. But that doesn't mean that there are no options left. Sometimes we have to settle for just a little help from a few sources rather than a lot of help from just one. If these two resources for senior living in Los Angeles are not able to help you still have other options.

Finding other Resources for Senior Living in Los Angeles

There are a variety of resources that can help seniors in southern California. There are volunteer organizations, adult day services, community programs for the disabled, meal delivery services, as well as assisted living centers and nursing homes. Some of these programs could be of vital importance to you or a loved one. If you are an adult son or daughter of an aging parent but cannot devote the time necessary to caregiving then a nursing home or assisted living facility may be your only option. The primary difference between an assisted living home and a nursing home is that a nursing home is fully staffed and constantly monitored by registered nurses. Both of these facilities, as well as continuing care homes and board and care homes, can be called a resource for senior living in Los Angeles.

The problem is that there are so many resources for senior living in Los Angeles that you would be hard pressed to find the time to take look up every one of them. What if there were a complete resource for senior living in Los Angeles, a business that inspected all of the services in the city and made note of their provisions? This is what ElderHomeFinders can do for you.

ElderHomeFinders is a complete resource for Senior Living in Los Angeles that inspects residential care homes and assisted living facilities. We can match you up with a home that provides all of the necessities of senior life: a safe living environment, a clean facility, an attentive staff and a recreational program that will keep seniors happy and healthy. ElderHomeFinders is a free resource for Seniors Living in Los Angeles. If you or your loved ones are in need we are willing to help you, even where others stop short.

Bobbie Trifon is a Senior Resource expert living in Los Angeles for more information on Senior Housing

Senior Living Los Angeles

Olympian Gods
Is Confucianism A Religion

Yanking Your Ugly Self Back

One of the worst feelings in the world is when you are talking to someone, just having a dialogue when suddenly it falls apart. The subject could be anything youre both interested in. The conversation turns. You probably know the feeling. Your first reaction is you want to go back to where the conversation was great. Its as if youre suddenly propelled to a space above the both of you. Looking down, youre incredulous.

Thinking to yourself, Now, how in the world did we both get to this? How did it suddenly turn ugly?

You realize the conversation is no longer enjoyable. No longer something you want to continue.

The feeling in the pit of your stomach tells you something has changed. You can feel it in yourself, as if youve torn off one face to replace it with your other face. And if you look really closely at the other persons face, you can see it turn dark at that moment. As if a shadow just crossed it. And youve lost them. Lost that moment where you both felt free to be yourselves. Felt relaxed.

You can never presume to know why the other person went there, but you can usually figure out why you did. If you step back and watch from afar - as if you were someone else looking in - youll see that it was a point at which ego stepped in and replaced you.

You started believing those little voices in your head that told you this person had crossed some unforgivable line. They probably didnt do any such thing. Its just that your ego loves confrontation. Loves to compete with others. Be antagonistic for absolutely no freaking reason WHATSOEVER.

We all have relationships with people (hopefully) with whom we can have a relaxed conversation without feeling threatened. But for some people, life is a constant one-up contest - a constant threat. Every conversation, no matter how innocent or small, is a threat to their bruised ego.

In the movie Peaceful Warrior, the main character has decided to climb the bell tower at school and throw himself off. The thought of never being able to compete in gymnastics again because of a shattered leg has taken him to the depths of his own hell. Suddenly, he looks up to find he is facing himself and himself (his ego) is trying to pull him off the ledge and over the side. He resists. This self has a wild look in its eyes and is trying to force him to kill himself. Telling him how much he wants to jump.

Suddenly, Dan (the character) grabs the ego self by the collar and shouts, Its you, isnt it???!!!! Its you Im supposed to be getting rid of, isnt it? The ego self just scoffs at him. So Dan pushes the ego self off the ledge and watches as it falls to the ground. He then climbs down and is able to live a happy life, where anything he dreams of is possible (with a lot of work, of course).

Symbolic of what is necessary to save a conversation like the one I was just describing. Imagine yourself grabbing your ego self by the collar and shoving him/her out of the conversation completely.

See then how the conversation goes after that. Then tell me how it went.

Lynne Schlumpf is the author of "The Little Website That Could" and "Afternoons Off", both published in 2000 and 2001. She offers the full text of "The Little Website That Could" book (all 456 pages of it) on her blog for anyone to read at:

Lynne now lives in Alaska and is a filmmaker of Alaska films for the world to enjoy. Her main website has movies, artwork, a travel log, and photos at

Mark Twain
Martin Luther King

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Resources for Seniors Living in Los Angeles - Medicare & Medicaid

Everyone once in a while it's nice to do something kind for others. Everyone believes this philosophy to some extent, even if it's kindness shown to just the immediate family. The problem is that doing something kind for someone else doesn't always solve the needing person's dilemma. It may provide some temporary relief and push other problems back for a short time, but some effort is still needed to permanently resolve the situation. You might well consider Medicare and Medicaid the government's way of doing something nice for others. The program doesn't always help to the extent that we hope, and sometimes we may even see it as underwhelming. But it is an option that is available to many and should be explored. Both of these programs are one example of a resource for senior living in Los Angeles.

Medicare and Medicaid: A Government Resource for Senior Living In Los Angeles

Medicare is federal health insurance that is available to Americans 65 years of age and older. It covers basic medical care as well episodes of hospitalization and subsequent rehabilitation. Like most insurance policies, Medicare doesn't cover 100% of all senior costs. In terms of long-term care Medicare may pay for short-term nursing home care or home health care after an illness. But unless there are special circumstances, Medicare on its own will not pay for long-term care. You see, sometimes people do something kind and then pull back just a bit, much to our frustration. But don't lose hope. Consider the alternative plan of Medicaid.

Medicaid is a related program and covers health care and long-term care for individuals who are financially in need. This program is paid for by state and federal dollars. A person usually has to have a very low income with few assets to be eligible for this program. For seniors specifically, Medicaid is a very helpful program that can cover certain costs that are not offered by Medicare. In many states, Medicaid will pay for nursing home care or at least cover some of the resident fees. But, it does not offer help for residential care facilities.

Even if you or your loved ones do not qualify for Medicaid -- and yet cannot afford long-term care -- there are still some local programs that may be able to help you. As you see, the kindness of one person (or especially one large governmental program) can run out. But that doesn't mean that there are no options left. Sometimes we have to settle for just a little help from a few sources rather than a lot of help from just one. If these two resources for senior living in Los Angeles are not able to help you still have other options.

Finding other Resources for Senior Living in Los Angeles

There are a variety of resources that can help seniors in southern California. There are volunteer organizations, adult day services, community programs for the disabled, meal delivery services, as well as assisted living centers and nursing homes. Some of these programs could be of vital importance to you or a loved one. If you are an adult son or daughter of an aging parent but cannot devote the time necessary to caregiving then a nursing home or assisted living facility may be your only option. The primary difference between an assisted living home and a nursing home is that a nursing home is fully staffed and constantly monitored by registered nurses. Both of these facilities, as well as continuing care homes and board and care homes, can be called a resource for senior living in Los Angeles.

The problem is that there are so many resources for senior living in Los Angeles that you would be hard pressed to find the time to take look up every one of them. What if there were a complete resource for senior living in Los Angeles, a business that inspected all of the services in the city and made note of their provisions? This is what ElderHomeFinders can do for you.

ElderHomeFinders is a complete resource for Senior Living in Los Angeles that inspects residential care homes and assisted living facilities. We can match you up with a home that provides all of the necessities of senior life: a safe living environment, a clean facility, an attentive staff and a recreational program that will keep seniors happy and healthy. ElderHomeFinders is a free resource for Seniors Living in Los Angeles. If you or your loved ones are in need we are willing to help you, even where others stop short.

Bobbie Trifon is a Senior Resource expert living in Los Angeles for more information on Senior Housing

Senior Living Los Angeles

Ray Kroc

Yanking Your Ugly Self Back

One of the worst feelings in the world is when you are talking to someone, just having a dialogue when suddenly it falls apart. The subject could be anything youre both interested in. The conversation turns. You probably know the feeling. Your first reaction is you want to go back to where the conversation was great. Its as if youre suddenly propelled to a space above the both of you. Looking down, youre incredulous.

Thinking to yourself, Now, how in the world did we both get to this? How did it suddenly turn ugly?

You realize the conversation is no longer enjoyable. No longer something you want to continue.

The feeling in the pit of your stomach tells you something has changed. You can feel it in yourself, as if youve torn off one face to replace it with your other face. And if you look really closely at the other persons face, you can see it turn dark at that moment. As if a shadow just crossed it. And youve lost them. Lost that moment where you both felt free to be yourselves. Felt relaxed.

You can never presume to know why the other person went there, but you can usually figure out why you did. If you step back and watch from afar - as if you were someone else looking in - youll see that it was a point at which ego stepped in and replaced you.

You started believing those little voices in your head that told you this person had crossed some unforgivable line. They probably didnt do any such thing. Its just that your ego loves confrontation. Loves to compete with others. Be antagonistic for absolutely no freaking reason WHATSOEVER.

We all have relationships with people (hopefully) with whom we can have a relaxed conversation without feeling threatened. But for some people, life is a constant one-up contest - a constant threat. Every conversation, no matter how innocent or small, is a threat to their bruised ego.

In the movie Peaceful Warrior, the main character has decided to climb the bell tower at school and throw himself off. The thought of never being able to compete in gymnastics again because of a shattered leg has taken him to the depths of his own hell. Suddenly, he looks up to find he is facing himself and himself (his ego) is trying to pull him off the ledge and over the side. He resists. This self has a wild look in its eyes and is trying to force him to kill himself. Telling him how much he wants to jump.

Suddenly, Dan (the character) grabs the ego self by the collar and shouts, Its you, isnt it???!!!! Its you Im supposed to be getting rid of, isnt it? The ego self just scoffs at him. So Dan pushes the ego self off the ledge and watches as it falls to the ground. He then climbs down and is able to live a happy life, where anything he dreams of is possible (with a lot of work, of course).

Symbolic of what is necessary to save a conversation like the one I was just describing. Imagine yourself grabbing your ego self by the collar and shoving him/her out of the conversation completely.

See then how the conversation goes after that. Then tell me how it went.

Lynne Schlumpf is the author of "The Little Website That Could" and "Afternoons Off", both published in 2000 and 2001. She offers the full text of "The Little Website That Could" book (all 456 pages of it) on her blog for anyone to read at:

Lynne now lives in Alaska and is a filmmaker of Alaska films for the world to enjoy. Her main website has movies, artwork, a travel log, and photos at


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Change Your Focus and Change Your Results!

Often Ive heard people talk about feeling sad, stressed or depressed. They feel hurt, angry, in a rut among other things. The reason in most cases is usually because of something thats happened to them. Maybe they crashed their car, cant afford to pay a bill that is looming, need a job or someone didnt keep their promise. The stories are endless.

But have you ever noticed how effortless it is to get things done when you are feeling good? You find that you handle setbacks better, you can think of the future much more clearly, people are happy to be around you and you seem to attract everything you want. You give the right answers to the questions asked. Your children want a cuddle and so does your partner. Good problem to have right?

So why do people wallow in their problems, blame the environment, circumstances and let situations take over?

Why I hear you ask?

This is because most people have not learned to focus on what they are really thinking about.

In my life I have never met one person who can congruently say that they enjoy feeling any of those negative emotions. Have you?

They never think of how they want to feel instead.

Give yourself choice! Avoid talking about problems most of the time and thinking about what might or might not happen, what has been and cannot be changed.

I mean scream if you want to or even cry and then, do the right thing, let it go.

But if you ever find yourself feeling any of those emotions you might find it useful to do the following:

1. Be solution oriented Lets face it what has happened has already happened, you cannot change it. Start thinking about what you can do to resolve whatever it is you are dealing with. Adopt the How can I solve this attitude; from your how? will come all the ideas to resolve your challenges.

2. Decide how you want to feel - Realise that there is nothing to gain from allowing a negative issue take over your mind, for hours and days. They only incapacitate you. The power to solve issues comes when you are feeling good, ecstatic, joyous irrespective of the problems you face.

3. Focus on what you could be happy about Of all the unexpected things that can happen in your life right now, there are things in place that already make you happy. Think of your accomplishments, how about those things you did that people said couldnt be done, who loves you and who have you had the privilege of loving. The blessings are there if youll only look and focus on them.

4. Be a victor not a victim No matter what youre going through, somebody else has been through it and come out the other side. Even better, is the fact that there are people in worse situations than you. Know, believe and decide that you are capable of handling your problems, after all, you wouldnt have that problem unless you can solve it.

One of my mentors, Paul Elliott, often uses a phrase which I adopt at every opportunity and that is that State Dictates. The state of mind you are in is going to decide whether you do what you want to do or not. Whether you see the answers you want or not. Whether you can even think yourself into an opportunity or out of challenges. That is a discussion for another day.

The message is you dont become happy because things are going well, you need to be happy for things to get and be well.

Decide to be bigger than your challenges. Act in the moment, YES! The moment, the present; After all yesterday is gone! Stop living in the past.

Stay outstanding!

Chris Banjo The Unstoppable is a Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Master of Ceremonies and Peak Performance Consultant. His justification for existence and for doing what he does is the fervent belief that we are bigger than our circumstances and limitations and he helps organisations and individuals transform challenges into stepping stones for success by showing them how they can Step out, stick out and shine. Get his free monthly Successful Steps ezine by sending a blank email to"> or visit his website at">


Monday, May 12, 2008

Green Home Remodeling

Americans are now spending up to 160 billion each year on remodeling their homes and businesses. A fraction of this money has been focused on what is known as "green construction". Green construction or remodeling is using energy saving, recycled products, and is experiencing nothing less than a renaissance or rebirth. You can help restore a significant portion of the world's ecosystems by using "green construction". Such a practice can also help create a healthier indoor environment for your family.

Green remodeling is simple, but many homeowners interested in green building and remodeling have no idea what it involves and are therefore confused and intimidated. They think it consists not only of excessive expenses, but difficulty in getting the appropriate green products. Some also have misconceptions about the aesthetics of a green house. Some concern themselves about the misconception that they will appear to be living like hippies of the 1970's. But it is merely a process through which you can redefine the way you live, a clean slate on which you can express your visions, dreams, and principles. The process offers a vehicle through which you can manifest and integrate your core values into your sacred space.

The hardest part for a homeowner is deciding just how "green" they want their rooms or homes to be. When it comes to green remodeling, you don't have to do everything green, but anything you do will help. Are you updating an antiquated home? Have you outlived the functionality of your current design? Are you adding more space because of a change in lifestyle? Are you simply tired of your interiors and want something new?

The most important thing to remember is to pick and choose among the many options; design features and green building products that will best serve your interests. If you are purchasing new materials you can choose organic, low-impact, and healthy products such as bamboo flooring, natural fiber carpeting, natural plasters, low VOC paints and stains, as well as non-synthetic, natural furnishings and accessories, such as bedding, linens, and cleaning products.

You can use products made with high levels of salvaged (natural stone, lumber), recycled (fly ash in concrete), or agricultural byproducts (wheatboard and linoleum) content. These types of products reduce resource demand and help keep waste out of landfills. Choose products that are durable and low-maintenance; these are desirable because they need to be refinished and replaced less often, they save you money and save energy.

Try to use products that are locally or regionally produced. Local products support the local economy and may have lower levels of embodied energy, meaning that they require less energy and fewer resources during the production process (including the acquisition of primary material, manufacturing and handling), and especially in transportation.

There is no such thing as a right or wrong set of products. Building green is a thinking process, not a contest to see how many green things you as a homeowner can incorporate into your home. Do what you can within your budget and motivation.

As for the cost of taking on green remodeling, some green building elements may cost more, but many eventually will cost less. You will benefit from their use in energy saving costs for a long time to come, therefore making them a savings to you over the years to come. When it is part of the initial process of setting goals for the project, it becomes matter-of-fact. Many have found that the real cost is in the learning curve, not in the actual implementation of the building process.

The outward and even interior appearances of most green buildings don't look any different than other conventional buildings. The majority of green element differences can be seen only as improved energy efficiency and air quality, which are all built within the structure of the home.

Most recycled products look the same as their conventional counterparts. Most materials have a high recycled content and are non-toxic. Some examples include: recycled red oak and bamboo floors (both consist of water base finish), recycled tile floors, recycled exterior doors, and natural plaster with integrated color. Paint manufacturers are now offering paints low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at typically less than .00 per gallon. For kitchens, you can also find Silestone countertops (which has a high recycled content and is anti-microbial), and you can even find formaldehyde-free cabinets.

Recycling as much material as possible from an existing house demolition and incorporating it into your remodeling project will also save you money. Green products are now becoming increasingly affordable as major manufacturers compete and develop new lines to meet the green-building demand.

You can help restore a significant portion of the world's ecosystems by using "green construction". Just think about changing the world - one room at a time.

About The Author:
Emerson Lockwood write on topics related to remodeling, Home Improvement and Home Financing. You can see more of his home remodeling articles at the Super Home Ideas website:


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Socialize Successfully With Your Boss and Employees

During the twenty-three years I spent in management, there were many occasions when I participated in social events with my employees. Likewise, I attended parties where my supervisors were present.

By participating in hundreds of receptions, dinners, celebrations, award ceremonies, fund raising campaign kickoffs and other out of the office happenings, I have learned which communication behaviors work and which ones backfire.

You will agree that, handled wisely, social time with employees can boost morale. Employees welcome chances to get to know the boss as a person, not just a manager. During the frenetic work week, they encounter the boss as the source of discipline, assignments, occasional reprimands and, typically, very little personal chit chat. So it's refreshing to be around the supervisor when she showcases her humor, asks about your family and hobbies, and gives an unrestrained laugh.

However, both employees and bosses should be aware that the social scene does not erase the workplace lines of authority. Example: Because the boss likes your personality at a party does not mean you will get the next promotion, which depends instead on your professional skills.

Here are seven guidelines that every employer and employee should keep in mind for after-hours mingling:

ONE: Avoid off color humor. The jokes you would tell your golf buddies could jeopardize your professional reputation if you share them with workplace colleagues, no matter how informal the setting. True, they might laugh out of courtesy, or maybe from discomfort. Yet you risk losing their respect. Play safe. Don't tell any joke that you wouldn't tell at an office staff meeting.

TWO: Refrain from touching, other than a handshake greeting, unless you happen to go dancing with the group. Draping an arm around a colleague might prompt an eventual lawsuit, especially when you don't give that person an expected raise. And the employee who caresses the boss can create an image of fakery and pandering.

THREE: Drink moderately. Every year, holiday parties, company picnics and similar outings become career graveyards for bosses and employees who want to become "the life of the party."

Sometimes we assume that two more drinks will help us talk more easily. That's a mistake. Two more drinks will encourage you to talk more--period. The impaired speaking and unsteady walk that follow those extra cocktails could brand you: "lush," "a drunk," "undisciplined," or something similar.

Along those lines, never mention that drinking is important to you. Stay away from "Nothing like a stiff drink at the end of the day to help a guy unwind." Whimsically, we slip into comments like that, such as "Thought that bartender would never bring our order." Although you are trying to inject a bit of levity into the conversation, the quips could backfire, categorizing you as a problem drinker.

FOUR: Make sure you circulate among everyone present, not just the managerial group you feel most comfortable with. The person who talks with his or her clique and avoids everyone else nullifies the inclusive good will the event is intended to foster. Spend time with line employees as well as "the suits."

FIVE: Avoid shop talk. Demonstrate that you have an interesting, meaningful life away from the corporation. Nobody wants to hear your opinions about a five year plan, a drop in sales or the employee you had to fire. As an old song advises, "talk happy talk, things that people like to hear."

Stay well informed about major sporting events, releases of new movies, great places to vacation, new restaurants your friends have recommended, bestselling books and national events. Definitely, party goers want to talk about them, not corporate problems and plans.

SIX: Listen attentively. Good listeners become our favorite people. We move away from motormouths who dominate conversations. Encourage others to talk, with comments like "very interesting," "tell me more," and "What happened next?" When Stephen Covey wrote 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he titled chapter five, "Seek first to understand, and then to be understood." Follow that advice, and you'll become the hit of the company's social outing.

SEVEN: Mind your manners. If the occasion includes a meal, pay special attention to your table etiquette. You want to look like you belong at top-tier banquets. Illustrate that you have acquired polish and grace.

Bill Lampton, Ph.D., helps organizations Finish in First Place by strengthening their communication, motivation, sales, and customer service. His speeches, seminars, and communication coaching have benefited numerous clients, including the Ritz-Carlton Cancun, Gillette, Duracell, Procter & Gamble, Missouri Bar, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Visit his Web site to sign up for his complimentary monthly E-mail newsletter: Call Dr. Lampton to discuss how his services will benefit your organization: 770-534-3425.

Thomas Edison

Dealing with Manipulative People

At some point in our lives we have all run across manipulative people. Perhaps it was a friend, relative, salesperson, coworker, supervisor, customer, tenant, or casual acquaintance. Perhaps we did not even recognize it as they manipulated the facts or situation to their benefit, or perhaps we did see it but were helpless to counter their behavior.

The motivation for the manipulator can be varied. Some see manipulation as a way to get what they want in life. They feel that by controlling other people's thoughts and actions they can also control the agenda. They look at manipulation as a way to deflect attention from their own inadequacies.

These individuals have insecurity in their own ability or have failed to properly execute tasks to which they were responsible. They manipulate the situation by calling attention to problems in other areas so that the troubles in their areas are overlooked. Still other manipulators are factual manipulators.

They take statistics or number to paint a picture to arrive at a conclusion they may believe is right, even though it is very wrong. In many cases these manipulators are passive and unaware of their error until it is pointed out to them, but by that time they have committed to the incorrect conclusion and will defend it rather than to admit the mistake.

In his book, In Sheep's Clothing, Dr. George Simon states that all of us have used manipulation at some point in our lives. But he insists that does not make us all manipulators. He cites manipulators as those that habitually and aggressively manipulate. According to Simon, "The tactics of deceit, manipulation and control are a steady diet for covert-aggressive personality. It's the way they prefer to deal with others and to get the things they want in life."

The key to working with manipulators is to recognize their behavior and deal with it. Robert Bacal, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dealing with Difficult People says the critical message is "it isn't going to happen with me." The manipulator seeks those that they control and you have to position yourself away from the target of their behavior through the proper actions early in their game.

Rick Weaver is an accomplished business executive with a wealth of experience in retail, market analysis, supply chain enhancement, project management, team building, and process improvement. Building on a strong retail background, Rick moved to full supply-chain involvement, working with hundreds of companies to improve sales, processes, and bottom-line results.

As Rick's interaction in varied industries expanded, he became troubled as he increasingly noticed that people and companies had untapped or unfocused talent. Coupled with Ricks passion for training and development, popular style of interactive workshops and seminars, and strong desire for continuous improvement, he founded Max Impact Corporation to be singularly focused on helping individuals and organizations achieve high performance.

Rick is a popular speaker at seminars, workshops, and conferences. He has spoken in 43 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and in Canada and Puerto Rico. He is available to speak at groups of all sizes.

Contact Rick at 248-802-6138 or rick


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Lesson 2

Frank Lloyd Wright:
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

While inwardly, we crave the spiritual, emotional, and physical release that the Law of Attraction provides, some of us our squirming in our seats. Psycho mumbo-jumbo, new age babble what is causing us to feel uncomfortable is that we are going against the grain of everything we have been taught from school to church, to work to play. We are all shrouded in man-made rules, and like children, we have come to know our social and belief parameters defined by these rules. Unlike children though, we have forgotten that some of the rules become old, outdated, and no longer pertain to our situation. We not only dont push beyond the rules we have forgotten how.

The Law of Attraction asks you to suspend disbelief in yourself. Can you possibly imagine going around without the load of labels that have weighed you down for years the good son, the good daughter, the reliable, boring, not as bright as, not as good as, not quite the personality to be rich, not, not, not? Jim, the screw up or Jane, the nut-job?

Just about everyone of us has locked away or buttoned down part, if not all, of unique human potential to have the right to graze in the pasture with the rest of the cows. We are too constrained by the rules of the herd, to go out by ourselves and taste greener grass. We have sacrificed our individuality for a sense of belonging a false step since many of us know we never quite fit in. Think of all the money spent on therapy and physical illness caused by fighting ourselves our true nature to try to fit in!

Proctor explains in Lesson #2 that the Universe provides one power available to all, regardless of location, time zone, status, or belief system. He underscores another law that supports the Law of Attraction. That is The Law of Vibration.

He maintains that everything is continually changing from the rock sitting on top of hill to you, yourself. Whats more you know it. Hey, remember high school science matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So what can it do it can change. Is it so hard to believe that we who lose and re-grow millions of skin cells daily, cannot and do not also lose and re-grow brain cells as well? We have an infinite capacity to change our thinking like the dead cells we shed and we attract whatever we think!

Tim McKee is Senior Partner at Pathways Business Associates, PBAs mission is to help educate those wanting to learn more about the law of attraction and success by understanding what "The Secret" is.

Our thoughts really belong to the collective consciousness of the world

How To Dress Principles

I always thought I was just a sloppy dresser by nature. I never really cared about how to dress for success, and never even understood it. Whenever I had a job that required me to dress professionally, I would do my best to fulfill those requirements, but would always seem to fail. My suit would be rumpled, or my tie would not quite match my shirt. Something would be too conservative, or not conservative enough. In short, dressing well was beyond my ability.

Finally, I went to an image consultant. I have always been a hard worker, and a good worker as well. I am friendly, and can get along with almost anyone. But still, no matter how hard I tried, it seemed like I could not get ahead in the office. It seemed like I was getting passed over for promotions, and stagnating in my work.

Well, the image consultant took one look at me and told me that I needed to learn how to dress. He took me step by step through every part of fashion accessorizing, wardrobe selection, personal grooming, and attitude. It turns out that the reason that I didn't know how to dress was because it was something that I had never considered myself. I was not interested in projecting the right professional image, and as a result I came across as a slob no matter what clothes I put on. Understanding how to dress wasn't so much a matter of selecting the right clothes as of having the right self image. If I could project an image of confidence and self reliance, my knowledge of how to dress would naturally follow. I would look good no matter what I was wearing.

Well, it did not work quite as well as he said, but he was right about the basic principles. Now that I have embraced what he calls clothing consciousness, I have a more effective and artistic appearance. He told me that I am a good man with potential, but that because I do not care about how to dress, that potential does not have a chance to shine through. Well, now that I've started dressing well, it sure has changed everything around for me! I am doing better than ever in my job, and have been promoted and received a pay raise since first learning how to dress. The clothes really do make the man!

For answers on the most common How to questions, please visit

George Washington Carver

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Success: By The Numbers

What is "success"? Why does it seem everyone wants "success"? What does "success" mean to you? Do you need "success"? Do you deserve "success"?

That's this week's focus!

Success. Where does it begin and what is it really?

According to Roget's International Thesaurus...

Success is...

* Accomplishment

* Prosperity

* Superiority

* Victory

When one examines the term "success" in this fashion, one can begin to see that "success" can be a fairly tall order. I mean success in most cases (our lives of simple normality), we were not simply born of it. Success must be achieved. Accomplishment must be attained. Prosperity must be built. Superiority must be earned. Victory must be won.

I am regularly blown away when I witness so many well-intentioned people try their hand at landing success right here on the NET; only to stumble and bumble through the massive quantities of gibberish found upon the browsers of millions of desktops and notebooks across the globe.

As I answer my hundreds of emails every week, I preach the same message time and again.

My sermon goes something like this...

Unless you have boat-loads of money to burn, you must build your structure one brick at a time. Time is the key.

Today's marketer consists of two separate categories...

Category #1

If you possess pockets deeper than the Grand Canyon itself,


You can easily and quite swiftly generate instant awareness about your product or service.

Category #2

If you are like most people and fit snugly into the upper 90% that must work to make a living,


You must first begin to practice the following disciplines to make the most of your initial e-business efforts:

1. Learn About Yourself...

What makes you tick? What turns you on? What turns you off? And, most importantly, what are you most passionate about?

2. Rely On Patience...

Remind yourself again and again that your new e-business adventure will take a certain amount of time to build. Anything worthy of wearing the ribbon of success did not just happened overnight.

3. Take "Baby Steps"...

Don't let the mystical world of "Smoke and Mirrors" send you into instant hyperventilation. Savor your e-business delicacy one bite at a time. Don't race from here to there with arrival of every new email opportunity. Work one e-business venture at a time.

4. Align Yourself With Successful People...

Remember, "Success breeds success"! If the person or company you are currently following is racing Mach 10 with their hair on fire exuding that "Deer-in-the-headlights" look, run quickly and furiously in any other direction than the one in which they are going. Hang with those that have proven their success and are more than willing to take you under their wing.

5. Have A Clue...

If you fail to plan than you plan to fail. Whether on a napkin or square sheet of toilet paper, write down your game plan. Always assume that if you do not write it down, you will forget. How can you sell your product or service if you yourself don't know what you're talking about. View your memoirs as a form of a contract to yourself.

About Tony Marino, Ph.D., Marketing

Dr. Tony Marino is not only the CEO of America Web Works (, he is also the Founder of the, the International ePublisher's Association, Christian Times eBusiness Newsletter and the author of the ePublishing Master's Course at: Additionally, he holds Email Compliance Officer status for many of today's leading Network Marketing companies.

He has also worked with the likes of legendary Direct Marketers Ted Nicholas and Gary Halbert. Best-Selling Authors, Harvey McKay, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. ABC Television's, Jimmie Kimmel and NBC's, Carson Daly. Online Marketers, Dale Calvert and Jay Abraham just to name a few. His offices are location in Portland and Los Angeles and he'd love to hear from you anytime! 866-824-9684

What Is The Meaning Of Life

The Resurgence of Hope

We have entered into a new planetary cycle that is already beginning to manifest some of the greatly needed changes that have been long awaited by so many faithful souls who have worked to build a better world. You may be able to sense this already. Many are feeling "change in the air", and are speak of hope, liberation and freedom in new ways that have not been seen for several generations now.

This resurgence of hope has manifested because so much darkness and negative energy have been released and purified, enabling a new level of God's light to begin to manifest upon the Earth. This new light is not an "idea" but is a vibrational reality which creates its own signature and impact on the physical world.

Just like a flashlight which serves to illuminate the cobwebs of a long neglected basement, the presence of greater spiritual light on the Earth stirs up dormant energies of separation and negativity, so they can be brought into the light of day, and then released into the greater light that now exists on the Earth. This process is known as purification, and it is happening everywhere, within individuals, groups, families, communities, countries and in the world at large.

The presence of greater light on the Earth not only accelerates the process of purification, but also changes the vibrational frequency of physical matter. This is having a major impact on our physical bodies, and on the physical body of our Earth. You may have noticed an acceleration of all kinds of unusual physical symptoms, some of which are simply an annoyance, others of which may be more serious and require professional attention.

By now we are all familiar with the significant changes in the Earth's weather patterns, which have been affected both by humanity's ongoing abuse and neglect of our environment, and also by the changes in vibration which are impacting all levels of our ecosystem from the depths of the inner Earth to the upper reaches of our atmosphere.

This process of planetary purification is very intense, and at the same time opens up entirely new possibilities for humanity. We can no longer live by the old ways, and we need to find new solutions to today's problems. These new solutions are already becoming evident and appearing on all levels of the world stage. From politics, to science, to medicine, to religion, and to the world of new technologies, human beings are being inspired and guided to create new avenues of possibility for themselves and their children.

For many years now the Earth has been covered by a cloud of energy that has obscured the perception of the light that has been growing. Now we are seeing finally some breaks in the clouds. The new light is streaming through and speaking to the hearts, minds and bodies of all those who are physically embodied on the Earth.

This new light speaks of hope, and the possibility of the new. Each soul on the Earth is being helped right now to find within themselves a deeper access to their divine soul purpose, and their own unique gifts. Your dreams and intuitions are being affected by the light, which is calling forth from the depths of all souls a new reality.

For some, this new light is so rapidly accelerating their own process of purification, that an overwhelming array of old emotions and physical symptoms are presenting themselves. For these souls, support and connection with others can greatly assist in remaining connected to the light, and having perspective about the intensity of emotions that are moving through their consciousness.

Dearest ones, this is a new time of infinite possibility, and it is also a time of choice and the need to take action. No longer can humanity sit on the sidelines to watch life as an observer. The new times ahead will require everyone's active participation. God's divine light is speaking to your heart, in your dreams, your daily life, and your intuitions. New possibilities and new hope are awakening. Listen within and follow the thread of light that calls. You will find a new life awaiting as you follow the voice of your deepest self, which is God's voice within.

Mashubi Rochell is a spiritual counselor and the founder of, an online spiritual support community for people of all faiths. World Blessings is co-sponsoring the new One World Meditations, a weekly global meditation to help heal and transform the Earth through the strengthening of the lines of light that connect all people.

Greeks And Persians

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Are You a Competitor or a Creator

The answer to that question could provide considerable insight into many aspects of your life - business and personal. The "good book", The Science of Getting Rich, is clear on the point of using competition to accumulate wealth. It most certainly can be done; people do it everyday. But is it the preferred method of achieving business success?

When we understand the philosophy behind creation, and when we truly leave the competitive plane for the creative plane, that is when we are truly free. Since immersing myself in this study, I have achieved clarity on this point that is absolutely liberating. As internet and network marketers we are often conditioned to be competitive. We are competing for top spot on google, protective of our websites and copy rights, always guarding our success secrets. Some of us even pay to get the latest "secrets" of the internet and networking gurus. When you are in competition you are, by necessity, on guard. Many successful network marketers I know have achieved great success, on the competitive plane. Often, these master marketers exhibit anger that is sometimes mistaken for arrogance. I now see it as protection. The marketer who "makes it" on the competitive plane is ever fearful of "the competition" taking what is his, be it his ideas, his product or his strategies. He presents himself in such a manner so as to discourage others from "stealing" from him. And others will and do steal or borrow from him. He is very wealthy from a monetary stand point, but is he free?

True Freedom

When we move from the competitive to the creative plane, we know that there are no limits to what we can achieve or to the money that we can attract to us. We do not have a need to protect our property or our ideas to the extent that we are consumed by it. We are not on guard or needing to keep our eye on "the competition". We are free to share and cooperate.

We are bombarded on the internet with offers to purchase the "secrets" of the "big dogs" or of the wealthy or the successful, when in truth, knowing their strategies will not assist us at all. That is the real SECRET - that there are no magic bullets, no secrets. When we buy or sell other people's "secrets" we are playing on the competitive field. The TRUTH is that few have ever achieved success by duplicating someone who has. We see this time and again, and the reason is clear when you understand The Law of Attraction. Two people can take the exact same action - one may see great success, the other great failure. Success is not something that can be "copied".

The Certain Way

This is discussed in detail in The Science of Getting Rich. It is stated that the one who achieves success, while doing the same actions as the one who fails, does those actions in THE CERTAIN WAY. This certain way is the creative process, and whether the successful person is aware or not, he is vibrating on the level that is in harmony with success. The person who learns to perform these acts with AWARENESS is able to obtain riches creatively, which is permanent and free from worry or stress. This is THE CERTAIN WAY to obtaining riches in a scientifically correct manner. It cannot fail.

All we need to learn to do is to gain mastery over our own thinking, and how to perform our work in THE CERTAIN WAY. This is truly the only "study" we need to concern ourselves with. Once this is mastered, then it is quite possible that these other offerings may be of some benefit, but certainly not until. What is the use of reading or listening about how others achieved success when it is not their actions that created their success?

I teach how to's of internet marketing, and it has been frustrating as a trainer, when I see some people follow the instructions exactly, yet fail to get the results they should. It is clear that following the advice of successful networkers is not always effective. It is evident that performing the same actions does not produce the same result. It takes more than belief and positive thinking. Network marketers must learn to think and act in the Certain Way.

I believe in my heart, that the study of The Science of Getting Rich, is the first training that is necessary. Learn to master your mind, and the rest will fall into place.


Karen Weir through affiliation with Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, introduces The Science of Getting Rich Seminar system. This system is designed to create millionaires.

Wisdom Of The Ages
Psychic Crime Solvers

Are You a Competitor or a Creator

The answer to that question could provide considerable insight into many aspects of your life - business and personal. The "good book", The Science of Getting Rich, is clear on the point of using competition to accumulate wealth. It most certainly can be done; people do it everyday. But is it the preferred method of achieving business success?

When we understand the philosophy behind creation, and when we truly leave the competitive plane for the creative plane, that is when we are truly free. Since immersing myself in this study, I have achieved clarity on this point that is absolutely liberating. As internet and network marketers we are often conditioned to be competitive. We are competing for top spot on google, protective of our websites and copy rights, always guarding our success secrets. Some of us even pay to get the latest "secrets" of the internet and networking gurus. When you are in competition you are, by necessity, on guard. Many successful network marketers I know have achieved great success, on the competitive plane. Often, these master marketers exhibit anger that is sometimes mistaken for arrogance. I now see it as protection. The marketer who "makes it" on the competitive plane is ever fearful of "the competition" taking what is his, be it his ideas, his product or his strategies. He presents himself in such a manner so as to discourage others from "stealing" from him. And others will and do steal or borrow from him. He is very wealthy from a monetary stand point, but is he free?

True Freedom

When we move from the competitive to the creative plane, we know that there are no limits to what we can achieve or to the money that we can attract to us. We do not have a need to protect our property or our ideas to the extent that we are consumed by it. We are not on guard or needing to keep our eye on "the competition". We are free to share and cooperate.

We are bombarded on the internet with offers to purchase the "secrets" of the "big dogs" or of the wealthy or the successful, when in truth, knowing their strategies will not assist us at all. That is the real SECRET - that there are no magic bullets, no secrets. When we buy or sell other people's "secrets" we are playing on the competitive field. The TRUTH is that few have ever achieved success by duplicating someone who has. We see this time and again, and the reason is clear when you understand The Law of Attraction. Two people can take the exact same action - one may see great success, the other great failure. Success is not something that can be "copied".

The Certain Way

This is discussed in detail in The Science of Getting Rich. It is stated that the one who achieves success, while doing the same actions as the one who fails, does those actions in THE CERTAIN WAY. This certain way is the creative process, and whether the successful person is aware or not, he is vibrating on the level that is in harmony with success. The person who learns to perform these acts with AWARENESS is able to obtain riches creatively, which is permanent and free from worry or stress. This is THE CERTAIN WAY to obtaining riches in a scientifically correct manner. It cannot fail.

All we need to learn to do is to gain mastery over our own thinking, and how to perform our work in THE CERTAIN WAY. This is truly the only "study" we need to concern ourselves with. Once this is mastered, then it is quite possible that these other offerings may be of some benefit, but certainly not until. What is the use of reading or listening about how others achieved success when it is not their actions that created their success?

I teach how to's of internet marketing, and it has been frustrating as a trainer, when I see some people follow the instructions exactly, yet fail to get the results they should. It is clear that following the advice of successful networkers is not always effective. It is evident that performing the same actions does not produce the same result. It takes more than belief and positive thinking. Network marketers must learn to think and act in the Certain Way.

I believe in my heart, that the study of The Science of Getting Rich, is the first training that is necessary. Learn to master your mind, and the rest will fall into place.


Karen Weir through affiliation with Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, introduces The Science of Getting Rich Seminar system. This system is designed to create millionaires.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Resume Writing Help

Writing a resume can seem to be a frustrating task especially if you have never written a resume before. Thankfully in the new age of technology there are several online websites that offer to help individuals with writing their resume. This is perfect for someone who is a novice at resume writing.

A resume writing website will ease the intimidation of writing an effective resume. It is often times difficult to know what to include in a resume or what to highlight or what to emphasize. The pressure is placed on an individual because our resume is a foot in the door. There are an estimated one hundred applicants for any open position.

Since human resource departments and managers are swamped with hundreds of rsums this means that on average they probably spend ten tot thirty seconds looking at each one. You need to make sure that your resume stands alone from the pile. If you organize information incorrectly on your resume this can affect your chances of being called in for an interview.

A rsum writing website will offer important services to users such as resume writing software, free resume samples to view, answers to the most frequently asked resume questions, free tips on writing a resume and the resume forum where you can chart with others. This is a valuable online resource that is changing the way we write resumes.

It is so important to have detailed and organized rsum that impresses potential employers. If you are a beginner at resume writing then it is recommended that you visit a resume building website. Put your best foot forward when you are applying for a job.

There is so much competition for each job that we apply for. Remember that you are up against hundreds of applicants. Tools that assist you in designing a professional resume can give you an edge against your competitors.

Written by Chuck Masterson. Find the latest information on Resume Writing Help as well as Job Interviews

Alan Turing

Get Rid of Your Boredom at Work in 6 Simple Ways

You hate waking up in the morning and realizing that you have to hurry to go to work. You hate to imagine the tasks you will be doing for the whole day.

Whats wrong with you?

Nothing. Nothings wrong. It is a common thing that happens to many people.

Yet, it is not wise not to do something about it. Help yourself. You dont want to be left behind just because you feel bored, do you?

So, to overcome this boredom, try these simple tips:

Do something with your desk. If it is not permanently attached to the wall, check out with your boss or the general affair manager if you can switch its position. Yet, if it is permanently attached, simply put some pictures of your beloved ones on it. Or, you can install some cute and animated screen savers to cheer up your day.

Stop thinking about your boss as someone who gives you too many tasks. Think of him/her as your gateway to success. The more good jobs he/she hands to you, the wider he/she opens the gateway. Getting too much work is actually an unsaid compliment, meaning that the boss has trust in you.

Change your way of work. Be creative in handling the tasks. Find another way to finish them. Spice up your ways to get them done.

Set a goal. If possible, set a higher goal than that of your boss expectation. This is to enthuse yourself in performing a lot better. Not only it can wipe away your boredom, it can also be a great step you take for a promotion.

Email yourself. Send funny pictures or motivational quotes to yourself.

Make the most of your breaks. Coffee breaks or lunch time. Use them effectively. Enjoy every moment to help you become fresh again.

David W Richards has been writing and sharing tips about many subjects to help others deal with stuff. Check out his exciting websites, Ringtone Movie, Ringtone Gratis, and Ringtone Jukebox.

Superstition and Religion

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Coping As A Caregiver

Few people are prepared for the responsibilities and tasks involved in caring for loved ones who are ill, elderly, or disabled. The success of the relationship between you and your loved one depends on several factors. One of the most important is how well you take care of yourself, empowering yourself to be there for the person you are caring for. Lets look first at what causes the stress in such a relationship, and then we will explore some ways to care for yourself as you care for another.

Sources of Stress

Caring for someone who is sick or disabled causes tremendous stress. This stress comes from several directions and each has a different effect on the caregiver. The following are the main sources of such stress:

1.Being far away: In most families, people are spread out across the country and are not always available to help with caring for a sick or elderly person. This places extra stress on the person nearby, who often must contribute the most in terms of time and money toward the patients care. The out-of-towners may not realize how much time and money the person close at hand is devoting to the care of their family member.

2.Financial stress is inevitable when someone requires an excessive amount of care. For example:

a. Many caregivers spend their own money to cover expenses that are not covered by insurance or Medicare.

b. The family members who are less involved may not realize how expensive certain items are and may even resist helping to pay for them.

c. The primary caregiver may have to work fewer hours or find less demanding work (which may pay less money). Many caregivers have to stop working completely in order to care for the patient.

3.Cultural expectations: In some cultures, daughters are expected to care for parents, and in others it is not acceptable to place relatives in nursing homes.

4.Relationship stress: In addition to the financial stress, all of these factors create enormous stress on the relationships among family members. This can lead to an additional layer of problems if it is not openly discussed and resolved.

5.Physical stress: Caring for an ailing person can be a physical challenge. Activities like cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and shopping can be exhausting, especially when they are added to the responsibilities of your own life.

6.Home alterations: If the patient continues to live at home, you may need to make alterations such as building ramps or railings. Everyone in the home will have to adjust.

7.Social stress: Providing personal care 24 hours a day can cut off the primary caregiver from family and friends. You may be too tired to have an evening out, or you may not have anyone else to take over. This can result in your feeling angry and resentful toward the person you are caring for.

8.Emotional stress: As a result of these stresses, it is not unusual to feel a range of emotions, including anger, resentment, anxiety, frustration, sadness, and guilt. These negative emotions may conflict with the love you feel for your family member and the satisfaction you feel from contributing to the quality of his or her life.

With all of these kinds of stress, it is not surprising that many caregivers become overwhelmed and begin to feel burned out.

Signs That a Caregiver Needs Help

How do you know if the stress is becoming too much for you? The following is a list of signs that you need help. Take a moment to look through these and identify those that are now problems for you or may be potential problems.

1.You dont get out much anymore.

2.You argue with the person you care for.

3.You have conflicts with other family members.

4.You abuse drugs, alcohol, or medications.

5.Your appetite has changed.

6.You isolate yourself from others.

7.You behave in a compulsive manner or are overly focused on minor details.

8.You feel listless; you lack energy.

9.You feel more angry, anxious, or worried than usual.

10.You have a difficult time controlling your emotions.

11.You have a hard time concentrating.

12.You have physical symptoms of anxiety, such as an upset stomach, headaches, or a racing heart.

13.You often forget things.

14.You are clumsy or accident-prone.

15.You have self-destructive or suicidal thoughts.

16.You sleep more or less than usual.

17.You never seem to get enough rest.

18.You feel guilty about your situation.

Caregiver Survival Tips

1.Find out about resources before you need them. For example, dont delay researching nursing homes until the patient needs to be placed in one.

2.Seek all the support you can find. Be on the lookout for groups, individuals, and organizations that provide emotional, social, physical, and financial support.

3.Ask your family and friends for help. They may be able to provide you with time, knowledge, or money.

4.Investigate adult day care facilities. They offer therapeutic, rehabilitative, and support services such as nursing, social work services, meals, or transportation.

5.Consider having meals delivered. Many organizations provide nutritional programs.

6.Consider hiring a home health aide. Aides can provide personal care at home such as help with eating, dressing, oral hygiene, bathing, administering medication, and light household tasks.

7.Find out about homemaker services. These services can assist with shopping, laundry, housecleaning, preparing meals, and taking clients to medical appointments.

8.Look into the offerings of hospital and surgical supply services. They rent or sell medical supplies and equipment like hospital beds, canes, walkers, bath chairs, oxygen, and other equipment.

9.Check out respite care services. They provide relief to caregivers.

10.Look into social day care. They provide recreational activities, social work services, hot meals, transportation, and some health services.

11.Find out about transportation services. They provide transportation to and from medical appointments or other care services.

12.Find out about skilled nursing services. They offer professional help with specific medical problems.

13.Maintain your interests. Keep balance in your life.

14.Be realistic about what you can accomplish. Recognize what you can and cannot do.

15.Maintain communication with your family and friends. When tensions and misunderstandings develop (and they will), address them quickly.

16.Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, rest, and take time off.

Garrett Coan is a professional therapist,coach and psychotherapist. His two Northern New Jersey office locations are accessible to individuals who reside in Bergen County, Essex County, Passaic County, Rockland County, and Manhattan. Garrett also offers online and telephone coaching and counseling services for those who live at a distance. He can be accessed through or at 201-303-4303.

Julia Cameron

What is Career Coaching? Start With These Simple Self-coaching Questions

Professional career coaches are trained to accomplish 3 things.

1.Listen, observe and ask questions to help you figure out exactly what you want out of your next career.

2.Strategize with you on how to get what you really want in a new job.

3.Help you with the tactical steps to get there. This includes help with:

a.Resume & Cover Letter Writing
d.Professional presentation skills
e.Negotiating salary and benefits

Here are a couple of questions that may help you get the ball rolling.

Are you doing what you really want to be doing for a living?
What are you putting up with?
Are you bored?
Do you want more?
What do you want in the next 5 years?
What have you done in the last week to achieve it?

Often, people settle for what they have instead of what they want. Your challenge is to figure out what you want and fearlessly achieve it! A professional career coach can help in this process.

Make a connection or don't hire them. One of the most important things to look for when trying to choose a career coach is a personal connection and feeling of comfortable and open communication. The best career coaches are also the best listeners, and if you don't feel that you can effectively communicate with your career coach - for whatever reason - then keep looking until you find someone that is a more natural match for you. Career coaching is all about understanding a person's talents, needs, and goals. And much of the career coaching process is spent talking about choices, options, and strategies for landing the appropriate job for a satisfactory salary.

When you work with a trained and experienced career coach you should have those moments when a light goes off in your brain and you think to yourself "Wow. I never looked at it that way before", or "Gee. I never thought about that." The process should make you think outside the box about career potential. Those are the kinds of coaches who make the difference in helping you find the job of your dreams.

Wayne Dyer Intentions

Living In The Gap

One dilemma, with which I often wrestle, is the low level of trust that I have in the belief of being then doing to obtain the having rather than, so automatically, leaning towards first doing then having and consequently acquiring the desired state of being. How do I live the former, day-by-day and moment-by-moment?

In the very instant that I have an idea for producing a particular, tangible result there is the gap between where I am and where I want to be. Can I enjoy what there is in my current moments when, in the background, there also live my concerns about that gap and all that I see there is to do?

The key is clarity about what I want.

From a powerful position of clarity, I can then determine who I would need to be, while engaging with current activities, which moves me toward the doing and the having that I desire.

It is important to remember that any state of being is something that I choose and that it comes from within. It is not determined by external circumstances, as I have been programmed to believe.

When I start being happy and satisfied then I begin doing the things that happy and satisfied people do, there and then, I have what happy and satisfied people have.

This does not mean that I will no longer create and just accept what I have in the physical realm. It does mean that I am able to day-by-day experience and live the being-ness of my desired outcome!

Whether I choose to be anxious during the next hour or whether I choose being at ease for the next hour, changes my perception of what occurs in that hour and shifts how I respond to circumstances, ultimately changing outcomes and my future. When I choose to operate on automatic and merely react to what happens in that hour, then that too will produce a particular result.

"Realize that now,in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what's real. We can let go of the unconscious belief that being anxious about the past or the future will somehow protect us and instead reprogram our cells with new ways of responding." (Doc Childre - from Overcoming Emotional Chaos)

Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She is editor and publisher of a free, monthly newsletter at Thea also publishes a few blogs, visit here inspiration">http:// inspiration for directional links to each.

Foundation For Inner Peace

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Life Insurance UK - To Afford Financial Protection After Death

Family is a priority for all of us. And we have special concern for those dependent on us. We shudder to think what would happen, in case, we are no longer there to take care of them. Howsoever remote it may be, it is but a possibility. And we need to be prepared for such an eventuality. The most recognised means of giving financial protection to your family is through insurance, more specifically, life insurance, to cater to the situation after death.

Life is an uncertain fare. And much of the onus for this uncertainty rests on the pace with which life moves these days. It is possible to get caught up in the mad rush that sweeps past us daily. And the number of high-speed collisions and crashes point to this fact. Road accidents take an amazingly heavy toll of human lives every year. The body count is high and there is concern all around.

Life insurance UK is a policy that reduces the pain that the ebbing away of life brings by helping the dependents to counter the hour of crisis that the death of the earner can bring upon them. Without this insurance policy, a real ordeal for the dependents can begin after the departure of the bread-earner of the family. It could become difficult to make ends meet. The large number of fatal accidents prove the significance of this policy. One needs a better way out of precarious situations. Life insurance is the means to achieve this: to afford your family financial protection.

When deciding to go for Life Insurance UK, one may like to basically consider term insurance or lifetime insurance, each of which have their own advantages. To avail to them, one can visit online to collect insurance quotes from several companies and choose the one that suits one best.

Allan Elvin is an MBA in Finance and has a rich experience of writing on topics related to finance. He professes special interest and expertise in Life Insurance UK and in guiding you on its various details.

Termite Protection

Choosing Your Career Isn't A Life Sentence

Choosing a career is one of the most important things that you can do. You are going to spend a large portion of your waking hours engaged in the pursuit of an income, so you may as well choose a career that you love.

I learned a lot about life and work from my father, from whom I inherited my work-a-holic tendencies. He was a great man who was devoted to his work and to his family, and had very solid beliefs about the role that career plays in life. Among the many wise bits of advice he gave me in during his life is the following: there is nothing worse than being in a job that you hate or being married to someone you cant stand. He managed to avoid both, and so far so have I.

While I have had jobs that I couldnt stand, his words gave me the strength to walk away from them when the time was right. Ive been lucky in the spouse category, though. Havent had to change my mind about that one. Too many people stay in jobs that are wrong for them instead of choosing careers that will become a natural part of their lives. Dont take the first job that comes along and then try to make it into something other than what it is. If you end up in a job or a career that isnt right for you, just keep looking until you find one that is.

Remember that choosing a career isnt a life sentence. If you arent happy where you land in the beginning, you can always start over!

Mary Gormandy White specializes in customer service, management, and career development training at Mobile Technical Institute She also works with MTI Business Solutions, providing marketing, writing, and SEO consulting services to a wide variety of clients. Stop by regularly to read more tips for improving your professional skills and career prospects.
