Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Dress Principles

I always thought I was just a sloppy dresser by nature. I never really cared about how to dress for success, and never even understood it. Whenever I had a job that required me to dress professionally, I would do my best to fulfill those requirements, but would always seem to fail. My suit would be rumpled, or my tie would not quite match my shirt. Something would be too conservative, or not conservative enough. In short, dressing well was beyond my ability.

Finally, I went to an image consultant. I have always been a hard worker, and a good worker as well. I am friendly, and can get along with almost anyone. But still, no matter how hard I tried, it seemed like I could not get ahead in the office. It seemed like I was getting passed over for promotions, and stagnating in my work.

Well, the image consultant took one look at me and told me that I needed to learn how to dress. He took me step by step through every part of fashion accessorizing, wardrobe selection, personal grooming, and attitude. It turns out that the reason that I didn't know how to dress was because it was something that I had never considered myself. I was not interested in projecting the right professional image, and as a result I came across as a slob no matter what clothes I put on. Understanding how to dress wasn't so much a matter of selecting the right clothes as of having the right self image. If I could project an image of confidence and self reliance, my knowledge of how to dress would naturally follow. I would look good no matter what I was wearing.

Well, it did not work quite as well as he said, but he was right about the basic principles. Now that I have embraced what he calls clothing consciousness, I have a more effective and artistic appearance. He told me that I am a good man with potential, but that because I do not care about how to dress, that potential does not have a chance to shine through. Well, now that I've started dressing well, it sure has changed everything around for me! I am doing better than ever in my job, and have been promoted and received a pay raise since first learning how to dress. The clothes really do make the man!

For answers on the most common How to questions, please visit

George Washington Carver

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