Wednesday, July 9, 2008

God's Love Channeled Through Me

I was in a Yoga retreat during an evening program and was watching the evening program remotely with a small crowd of people as the main hall had overflowed. We were standing, watching and listening to the video monitor.

I became aware of a young girl a parked few feet from me, about seven years of age that appeared to be permanently confined to a wheelchair. Her legs were atrophied and she was on oxygen support.

I was half watching the monitor, and half aware of her when a group of kids her age came running around the corner, almost bumping into her as they passed her and disappeared into another room. They did not even look at her. I switched my attention to her and could tell from her face what she was feeling.

She wanted to be able to play but she knew she would never be able to and I knew that she might not have many friends. Her mother obviously loved her, but she needed more than that. I looked at her and could see her eyes were very full of sadness.

My state suddenly changed. It was like a window that opened and I saw into her heart and I sunk into my heart and the only thing that I was aware of was her. Her sadness was my sadness. Her yearning was my yearning.

My heart was so full of love for her that I felt that I could even sense how her body felt to her, as she sat strapped to her wheelchair.

With this compassion blazing in me and while looking at her from the side, she became aware of me and all this energy coming her way. She swung her head towards me, but did not directly look at me, she looked just to my side.

That is how we looked at each other for a while. Me looking into her eyes, she looking just to the side of me. Her eyes were beautiful, clear, and full of feeling.

This drama happened in a small crowd of people, only her and I knew what was going on, even her mother right next to her was not aware.

For that brief period of time I did not exist, all there was, was love. I loved her fiercely, like a father, a mother, a protector, a best friend. For that brief period of time, Gods love channeled through me.

Devidas Varga is a yoga enthusiast and publisher of, which is all about how to begin yoga. He has maintained a practice of yoga and meditation for 30 years, living in Ashrams in India and the United States for a decade. He has immersed himself in many styles and promotes the life affirming effects yoga offers.

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