Friday, October 2, 2009

Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Properly Exercising Faith - People Who Represent Christianity

It's your responsibility as a Christian to properly exercise your faith and to express your opinions as such. If you don't know something for a fact, you are obligated to seek and gather more information about these so-called facts.

With this said, if you hear a Bible verse quoted to you by someone and you don't necessarily understand 100% of what they are saying or you think that they might be twisting around the Scripture, it's your obligation to find out, the truth and nothing but the truth.

Let me give you an example of how to properly exercise your faith. An atheist walks up to you and asks you why you believe in God, you reply," Because it says so in the Bible." Wrong.., wrong answer. Because it says so in the Bible, isn't what I would consider a good answer. It's what I would consider to be a controlled Christian answer, simple but untrue.

The minute that you start referring to things in the Bible and you don't really understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not doing Christianity any favors. The minute that you listen to another person quote out of the Bible and start repeating, what it is that they were saying, without clearly understanding the truth, you're simply spreading rumors.

Think about this, the next time that you tell someone something that you heard, just because you hear something three times, doesn't make it a fact. I would like to tell you a little secret, so pay attention, simply because someone within your religious community, who others look up to, say something that sounds believable, don't start spreading rumors, find out for yourself, if it's actually true.

Christian Bible Problems

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Understanding the Bible

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

6 Step Guide to R-E-A-L Change

More than three weeks into 2009 you have ambitiously begun to tackle resolutions to bring forward in your life changes to enhance your quality of living, health, relationships, and many other areas. Unfortunately, at this point you might also be feeling the beginnings of your resistance to sticking to your resolutions and asking yourself why discipline and will power seems to elude you. Research and surveys indicate that there is a 75% failure rate in first attempts at resolutions. Personally, I don't make resolutions. I, also encourage others not to. Resolutions often set people up for failure. This article outlines a guide for R.E.A.L. (realistic, empowering, aligned, likely) Change that will more effectively support you in achieving your desired goals

My personal experience and experience working with others has consistently shown that there is a failure to accept that creating change does not happen overnight. Rather, change is a process with many components that includes resistance. The best way to manage resistance is to accept that it may very well be inevitable, and plan for it.

In George Leonard's book Mastery, he brilliantly defines homeostasis, specifically, in regards to human beings and the change process. The dictionary defines homeostasis as the tendency for a system (particularly of higher animals) to maintain stability and a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated. What does this have to do with your new year's resolutions? A lot! What this means is that your physical and psychological system fights to maintain what it perceives as normal or balanced; hence, comfortable. However, in order to really change and grow you have to move beyond your comfort zone. And yes, sometimes moving beyond your comfort zone to create desired change includes sweat and tears.

There are times when I walk into the gym and there is a loud voice in my head yelling, "Oh God, do we have to workout today?!? Can't we just go home, get back in front of the computer and keep writing?" At times it seems it would be so much easier to turn around and leave than actually get through my workout, and on occasion, I have turned around and walked out. However, I also know that this is exactly the resistance that needs to be managed. I know that if I can move beyond that voice, put on my workout clothes, get on the floor and start lifting weights that the voice goes away, my energy goes up, and I am grateful I didn't leave. Also, in order to achieve the results I want from my workouts I have to push my muscles beyond their comfort zone and perceived normalcy. And you know what? It hurts! Sometimes I just don't want to keep pushing. But again, I know that it is moving beyond homeostasis; stretching beyond my comfort zone, that supports my growth on all levels. In addition, the gym is one vivid example of how consistency and discipline in the face of seeming discomfort helps produce results.

Below I've outlined a plan for you that will support you in creating R.E.A.L. Change:

1. Set Goals and Intentions, NOT resolutions

Setting goals and intentions is a more complex process than simply stating a resolution. This includes mapping the big picture and breaking your larger goal into R.E.A.L. actions. R.E.A.L. actions are realistic, empowering, aligned with your overall goal, and likely to be done. For instance, if you're beginning a new workout routine (ideally with a trainer) and have barely set foot in a gym for the past 6 months you're not going to immediately start bench pressing 200 pounds. Rather, you break the goal of 200 pounds into R.E.A.L. actions. This might include starting with 90 pounds, stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone and continuing to work your way up in weight until you eventually reach your desired target of bench pressing 200 pounds.


BYOB means bust your outdated beliefs. If your goal is to attract a new relationship and you have unconsciously held onto an old negative belief that "Men are unavailable, and uninterested in commitment," this could sabotage your success. Enlist the necessary support to uncover and update the unconscious negative patterns and beliefs that are getting in the way of you achieving your desired results.

3. Schedule Time

Perhaps you have decided that you want to release some undesired weight this year, which includes a workout routine. It does not serve you to arbitrarily throw a specific number of workouts onto your calendar. I see people do this all the time. They say, "I plan to get to the gym 5 times a week." Actually, they don't really plan anything, which sets themselves up for failure. When they do finally pull out the calendar and take a realistic look at how much time they really have, they find that they can only get to the gym 3 times per week. This is a critical element for success as it informs the goal. For instance, knowing that they can only get to the gym three times a week instead of six informs how long it will take to realistically drop the weight.

4. Implement Support Systems

Who said you have to do it alone? I strongly encourage you to enlist the support of a friend, coach, partner, etc. who you fully inform about your intention. Ask this person to help hold you accountable by checking in with you regularly. Invite them to specifically ask what you have accomplished and what your plans for future action are during the check-in. A support system can also include non-people support. For instance, meditating or keeping a journal can be very supportive tools to help get you through the challenging moments on your path to success.

5. Plan for resistance

It is quite likely that you will hit some bumps along the way. Life happens, and as previously illustrated, we have a natural inclination to maintain comfort and normalcy. However, if you know this ahead of time you can plan to manage it. Simply being aware that this is a likely phenomenon will support you in moving through it when it shows up. I even encourage you to ask yourself what some of your typical resistance patterns are (i.e. procrastination, distractions, over committing to things that will pull your attention) and set up resources to manage yourself. I now have two computers. One of them is strictly for work and I have made an agreement with myself that when I am on the "work" computer I will not engage in frivolous online surfing that encourages distraction and procrastination.

6. Celebrate Milestones

I know for me it easy to get into the mindset of always feeling like I must do more and constantly do what appears to take me closer to success. However, sometimes moving closer towards success means taking a break and acknowledging yourself for what you have accomplished. It is easy to overlook current accomplishments when we have not yet reached the goal. However, it is the little accomplishments along the way that are the true success. The goal in and of itself is just a destination. So acknowledge yourself, set up times for personal celebration and doing what you love. For me, something as simple as going to the theater can be a celebration. I love the theater. Going to the theater is a gift to me and so when I have theater tickets I am even more driven to achieve little successes. This way going to the theater is truly a gift and a way for me to acknowledge myself for what I have accomplished.

You can create change for yourself! But it doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't occur in a vacuum. It occurs amidst the sometimes chaotic glory of our every day existence. Therefore, it is critical to intentionally set yourself up for success by implementing support systems, plans, and celebration. In addition, be good to yourself, particularly when the change you are striving for gets uncomfortable. And remember, embracing what is unfamiliar or uncomfortable can indeed result in some of your greatest breakthroughs to having the life you desire.

Jason Mannino, MA, is a Life/Career Coach, and writer. He is deeply committed to empowering people to courageous action that propels them into living lives that are inspired, balanced, and fulfilling personally and professionally.

Jason has a decade of experience in Corporate and Executive Recruiting, consulting for the Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros., TV Guide, Ascent Media, Universal Music, and University of Southern California. He is well equipped to strategically support people in their career growth and transitions as many are currently experiencing. As the recent founder of Los Angeles based A.C.T.ion Centered Transformation he helps clients transform their lives and careers through one-on-one coaching and his seminars: The Call to Self Discovery, The Call to A.C.T.ion, The Mating Call, and Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Body

Jason is featured every Friday in the Living section of Huffington Post and is a contributing author in the new Thank God I book series, which has reached #1 on He is an active member of International Federation of Coaches and International Association of Coaches and participates on the LA Leadership Council of Out & Equal SoCal. Jason holds a BA from Rutgers University in Psychology and is completing his MA in Spiritual Psychology at University of Santa Monica, Spring '09.

You can learn more about Jason and A.C.T.ion Centered Transformation by going to

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crispin the Cross of Lead - Book Review

Newbery Medal winner of 2003, Crispin The Cross of Lead is an action packed historical novel set in the 1380's of England's peasant revolt. The protagonist is a thirteen year old peasant boy known only as "Asta's Son" (Asta being the boys mother) because he has never been called by his own name. In fact he doesn't know he has a name until his mother dies. The village priest discloses he baptized him and gave him the Christian name of Crispin.

Also, after Crispin's mother dies the only home he has ever known is burned to the ground. Crispin is forced to begin his life as a fugitive for thievery and murder. He is declared a "wolf's head" by the corrupt steward John Aycliffe, for crimes he didn't commit. This means that anyone can kill him like a common animal and collect a sizeable reward.

Feudalism is the way of life for many in 14th century England. There are countless taxes that lowly peasants must pay and constant violence. People were either very poor or very rich. Common people had no say over their destiny. The church is unable to protect parishioners and subject to many cruelties.

"Time was the great millstone, which ground us to dust like kerneled wheat. The Holy Church told us where we were in the alterations of the day, the year, and in our daily toil. Birth and death alone gave distinction to our lives, as we made the journey between the darkness from whence we had come to the darkness where we were fated to await Judgment Day."

There are plenty of chase scenes as well as undisclosed plans shrouded in mystery. Avi develops a couple of compelling characters but Bear, a traveling juggler, will become Crispin's deliverance from the bounty hunters that follow them everywhere. The relationship between the juggler and the peasant become the heart of the story.

Learn more about children's writing tips and award winning book reviews by visiting Carma's Window at Download the free EBook, "Unite to Write," a compilation of thirteen top expert authors as read on Ezine article directory and "Free Tips on Freelance Writing."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Weird and Wonderful World of Wonky Cakes - How to Make and Decorate a Wonky Cake

Wonky cakes are designed to be exactly the opposite of traditional cakes, with their straight sides and flat tops. Instead Wonky cakes have both sloping sides and top. This type of cake is usually round, and preferably a fruit or Madeira mix - and ideally four inches deep. An electric carving knife comes in handy when cutting cakes. It makes a clean cut and is quick to use. Some types of cake start to crumble when cut, so freezing them for an hour or two will make them easier to handle.

There are two ways of making cakes look 'wonky' one design is more extreme than the other, as not only are the cakes wider at the top than the bottom, but they also look as if they are about to topple over! To arrive at this shape place a thin cake board, 2" smaller than the size of the cake - or use a saucer, of the same size - in the centre of the top surface of the cake.

Then, starting at the edge of the card carefully cut the cake so that it gently slopes from the top down to the base, which should be end up 2" wider than the top. Next turn the cake upside down so now the wide surface is now at the top. Then cut the top edge of the cake into a small curve. Your cake should now resemble a traditional plant pot.

The method given above, is a relatively easy way of cutting cakes into a type of Wonky cake. A different style is to use the same design as above but with the cake cut at an angle - giving the it a topsy-turvy look. When cutting a cake to make it 'wonky' the angle of the cut must be quite acute, otherwise it will look as if the cake should to be level, but something has gone wrong! It is a good idea to make a paper pattern of the height and width of the cake and try out the angle on paper before you begin cutting. Using this method will leave a spare piece of cake - this can always be frozen and used for trifle or truffles in the future.

Another method entails cutting the cake at an angle, then removing and reverting the top section. For instance, on a four inch deep cake, make a small mark one inch from the base of the cake. On the opposite side of the cake - one inch from the top - make another mark. If necessary, make several more marks to use as a cutting guide. Next carefully cut from the base mark to the top mark. Remove the top layer and coat the surface of the bottom layer with either apricot jam or butter cream, depending on the type of cake. Now, instead of replacing the top section back in its original position, revert it, so that the narrowest edge of the top section now rests on the narrowest of the bottom layer of cake. The cake should now slope from two inches at one side to six inches at the other.

If Wonky cakes are being stacked on top of each other, place each cake, apart from the bottom cake, on a thin cake board he same size as the base of the cake. The cakes - apart from the top cake - will need plastic dowels in to support the weight of the cake, or cakes, above. Dowels are always cut level with the top surface of a cake - after it has been iced. And remember, the dowels on a Wonky cake should be cut at the same angle as the cake.

A Wonky wedding cake will be a talking point at any wedding - and in years to come, although other memories may fade, the Wonky Wedding Cake will always be remembered!

Pat Lock is a cake decorating expert with over 25 years experience who runs the excellent Cake Decorating Ideas website. She has won awards at the prestigious international competition at Hotel Olympia, London and is also an accomplished author.

Cheddar Cheese Soup

Wisconsin Cheddar cheese is a cheese that can vary in taste from very mild to having a sharp flavor. Cheddar is one of the most well liked and famous cheeses in the world. Here in America, the state of Wisconsin is famous for its wide array of cheeses that are award winning and delicious.

Cheddar has been around for a very long time. The name cheddar comes from a small village in England that first made the cheese around the 1100's. The village is named Cheddar.

When you think of cheddar often you with associate it with the color orange. This is common because of a old tradition of adding various dyes to the cheese to change its color. In reality, a cheddar cheese is creamy to pale white. This is its color without any dye added to it. Cheddar cheese has a wide variety of flavors. The flavor depends on how the cheese was made and how long it is aged. Young cheddar cheese is mild, while the longer aged cheese has a sharp flavor. The shortest duration of aging is three months and the longest is 30 months.

Wisconsin cheddar is a great addition to many different foods. You should get creative and try different flavors. Try a mild cheddar once and then use sharp cheddar the next time you make the dish. Do not be afraid to experiment. I have put together a recipe using Wisconsin cheddar for a great soup that people and kids will love. Give it a try.

Cheddar Cheese Soup

Cook Time - 30 min

Yield - 6 servings


* 4 tablespoons butter

* 1 large onion, finely chopped

* 1/3 cup finely chopped red bell pepper

* 1/3 cup finely chopped green bell pepper

* 4 cloves garlic, minced

* 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

* 2 cups chicken stock

* 1 1/2 cups whole milk

* 1 1/2 cups heavy cream

* 12 ounces sharp yellow cheddar cheese, grated (about 4 cups)

* Salt

* 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

* Crumbled bacon or salsa, chopped parsley leaves, optional for garnish


In a large, heavy saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and peppers and saute until vegetables are soft, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and saute for 2 minutes. Add flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Slowly whisk in the stock, milk and heavy cream. Bring soup to a low boil and reduce heat so that the soup barely simmers. Cook, stirring frequently, until the soup is very thick and flavorful, about 20 minutes. Add the grated cheese in 1/2 cup increments, stirring after each addition until completely melted and smooth. Do not allow soup to boil. Season with salt and cayenne pepper, to taste.

Serve in shallow bowls, topped with some crumbled crispy bacon bits, a dollop of salsa, and chopped parsley, as desired.

I am a local chef in Chicago. You can visit my site at and find further recipes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Confessions of a School-Supply Junkie

I have to confess it - I am an office supply store junkie. When my children were in elementary school and it was late August, other parents were looking forward to getting their kids back to school. Most of them were busy shopping for back-to-school clothing, or doing the last minute rounds of dentist appointments, hair cuts etc. Meanwhile I was happily drifting round the stationery store, three class lists in hand.

I loved those crisp, fresh notebooks, some with wide lines, some with regular lines, some with half the page blank for drawings. Oh, who could resist those beautiful colors, crayons for the little ones, pencil crayons for the older kids. I would pick out boxes of shiny new pencils and lovingly sharpen them all once home.

Well, time goes by, and even though I insisted on shopping for supplies through high school and even into college years, the sad time came when no-one in the family needed me to buy school supplies any longer.

At last came new hope. My grandchildren reached school age. My school teacher daughter thought I was crazy when I pleaded to be allowed to do the school supply shopping - no luck there, my granddaughter's school sells pre-packed kits. My other, still-a-student-herself daughter was delighted to let me buy the school supplies for my grandson and I was in business once more.

However, for all you school supply lovers out there (surely I can't be the only one!), let me give you some advice. Never take a six year old with you when shopping for school supplies. I thought my grandson would have a ball, shopping for his Grade 2 kit. I didn't bargain for all the bright shiny things the middle and high school students need. After many "no"s - "no you don't need a geometry set, it is not on your list. No, you only need crayons, not color markers. No, there is no calculator on your list......." I had a rather disappointed little boy on my hands. A quick trip to his favorite burger joint soon fixed that - wonderful how easy it is to distract a six year old!

Well, last year he started Grade 3 in a new school. This time I went to an office supply store that prides itself on great customer service. I asked for the Grade 3 list for his new school. "Here we are" said the helpful girl, "Just wait here a moment." In about three minutes she was back with everything on the list. Sigh!

Dear grandson's school has now also gone to the pre-order system, but I still need my fix occasionally, which explains why our home is full of half used notebooks, packets of pens, pencils, rulers.....

There is hope on the horizon for me. In another five years my new little grandson will be starting school. I can hardly wait!

Gillian is the proud grandmother of two 9 year olds and a new grandbaby boy.

For grandparenting ideas, you can visit her website:

This site offers information on grandparent's rights, distance grandparenting, as well as photos, stories, games, recipes, travel hints and more.

Feng Shui Bedroom - Bringing Harmony to Your Life

Feng Shui has been used for thousands of years to improve the quality of life and bring harmony, among many other things, into the home. You can use Feng Shui in any area that you would like but many people use it in the bedroom.

Feng Shui is pronounced "Fung Shway" and can be used to help you sleep better and enhance your love life. If this sounds like something you would like to do to your bedroom, here are a few "rules" that you need to consider to help you achieve a Feng Shui bedroom.

Feng Shui Tip Number One
The bed is the most important piece of furniture in the bedroom. Your bed should be in a command position. This means that your bed should be in complete view of the door but not in the direct line of the door. You also need to leave plenty of room on both side of the bed for each partner to get in and out of bed with ease.

Also, never have your bed in the position where your feet are facing the door. This is very bad Feng Shui. This position is called the death position because the dead are usually carried out by their feet.

Feng Shui Tip Number Two
It is best if you choose to have your bedroom in the farthest room from the door. This is said to give the mind more security because there is that much more distance between anything coming in the door and you sleeping in bed.

It is extremely bad Feng Shui to have you bedroom facing the front door. However, sometimes we have no real choice where the bedroom is located but you can still use other tips to Feng Shui your bedroom.

Feng Shui Tip Number Three
Remove the clutter. Any kind of clutter that reaches over your head that can make you feel uneasy therefore you need to clean anything that should not be piled up on your dresser or side tables. The clutter will prevent the Chi from flowing naturally as it should.

Anything in your bedroom that has to do with other things that do not have to do with sleep or the bedroom should be taken out. For example if you have work related items in your room, they need to be taken out. Computers, televisions and other electronics do not belong in the bedroom either.

These are three of the best tips that can be given for those who want to turn their bedrooms into a Feng Shui paradise. Not only will Feng Shui improve your life but using Feng Shui in the bedroom can help improve your sleep habits so that you wake up feeling more rested and fully regenerated.

There are many other things you need to consider when if you intend create a Feng Shui bedroom. Make sure you do as much research as you can before you begin. You need to know what you are doing and how to do it before you get started. You do not have to be a believer for Feng Shui to work wonders in your life.

Click Here to get Free Tips on how to improve your life with Feng Shui. Lynn Lee is a celebrated authority on the traditional Chinese art of Feng Shui, providing valuable advice on Feng Shui Decorating.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Landscape Gardening - Feng Shui With Foliage

Landscaping your garden can make a vast difference not only to its appearance but also to the value of your property if you are putting it on the market.

There are some very gifted gardeners out there but generally landscaping work would need to be carried out by specialist contractors. Not only do they bring their years of experience to the project but perhaps even more importantly all their expensive equipment, not to mention their discounts at all the local gardening retailers.

What features might you include in your newly fashioned garden?

Water landscaping or water features are very popular, whether it is a pond, fountain or something else of that ilk. Obviously with ponds and other such water features a degree of excavation work is normally involved and this is best handled by expert professionals.

Gates, trellises and arches are also amongst some of the more popular features in a well landscaped garden. Even fencing may be found under this category. Design is important to make your garden look balanced and beautiful. Why not discuss your own design ideas with a landscaping professional to see just what is possible and perhaps discover what unseen potential your garden may have.

Every garden is different but especially here in the United Kingdom, usually the predominant colour is green. Trees, shrubs and lawns for that matter form such a large part in British gardens and the planting and arranging of these trees and shrubs is yet another vital ingredient in the landscaper's arsenal.

Perhaps you will have concrete patios or block paving in amongst the lawns and foliage or pathways winding through some trees or leading to a garden pond teeming with wildlife.

The experts will be able to tell you which trees will suit your particular garden and whether your ground is suitable for certain species of shrubs and trees. Knowing how quickly the plants and trees grow, which nutrients they need and how much light they need are all considerations that the landscaping experts will be able to advise you with.

Quality landscaping professionals should be able to show you examples or a portfolio of their work to date. Where do you get your own ideas from? Well unless you have your plans already, magazines, books and even online searches can assist you in making your choices for that dream garden.

It is only when you have your ideas and plans in place and have discussed them with your chosen landscaping company that you can assess the cost and most efficient ways of achieving your gardening goals.

Producing a beautiful garden involves hard work and planning, landscaping experts can offer a wealth of information and guidance. Jules researches and writes for website SEO company sigma web.

Feng Shui Rules - Cracking the Code to Universal Abundance

A Story That Puts Feng Shui Rules into the Context of Your Life

We are members of this vast and expansive organism that we call the Universe. I believe that as sentient beings, our lives were originally designed to be infinitely more abundant, in every aspect, than they are right now. To create the best possible life and world, we must live in accordance with Universal Principles.

You might be thinking: "Philosophy is nice but...what the heck do you mean?"
Good question!

Here's a metaphor I like that helps people get the picture:
Imagine grocery stores didn't exist and you only had 1 neighbor. Now... you need to eat, and the only food you could ever eat is what you grow in your back yard. You are given a beautiful piece of land with rich soil, an infinite supply of fresh water, and hundreds of absolutely magnificent seeds... to grow countless numbers of vegetables and fruit trees. Are you with me so far? Good. Simple, right?

You are given simple instructions: Plant the seeds in the soil, water them, nurture them, appreciate them... and let them grow.

THAT IS a "Universal Law" A.K.A a Law of Nature: Growth! Understand? Good.

Now...because you are curious and you just feel like decide to ignore the instructions and try growing the seeds your own way... by drowning them in water. Nothing grows, so no food.
You try planting them in the grass and choose not to nurture them, still no luck.. You even try injecting the seed with steroids and sprinkling them with some soil, still nothing grows.

Now your neighbor... who has been following the simple growth principle... sees that you are starving and offers you some food and maybe some advice on how to grow your seeds, seeing that you must have obviously forgotten the SIMPLE instructions for Abundance and Success!! HIS land is RICH with a BEAUTIFUL garden... Growing fruits and vegetables fit for a king AND his court! The environment.. is just so full of life that now many beautiful animals live there! There is so much abundance that he is now living with a lover and they are going to have lots of kids and raise a BIG, Happy family! If heaven exists on this earth, then your neighbor has it!!!

Being so can't think straight... and you have become quite BITTER and for some reason are in this "competitive" mind set. Like an idiot, you refuse because you are determined to show him you could do it too. You now have something to prove...The thing is, he doesn't care about that...he's just happy and wants you to be happy, too!

After such a long time of trial and error of your own ideas... you are a wreck. Your environment is dreadful, there is nothing of plants, no trees, no animals, no food, no nothing! For this reason, you are always angry and in a state of lacking, and to survive you steal food from your neighbor. Shame on you...all you're doing is perpetuating your crappy way of life.

Are you seeing the Problem? You live in a world, and you try to go against it's natural order, so how could you reap all it's benefits? Whatever intelligence has designed the world surely can see things from a much bigger picture and so in a sense the natural flow of things is a more ultimate state of being. Just look at your neighbor!

The Solution? Get in harmony!

Why? So you can reap all the benefits (there are so many you can't even imagine from where you are now) that Life really has to offer!

Now of course, I'm not talking about you literally! Just trying to get you in character to hold your attention...

So what does this story have to do with Feng Shui Rules? Think of Feng Shui Rules as "the simple instructions" you were given in the beginning of the story. Remain in Harmony with the Universal Laws and Natural Order of things, and enjoy the best possible life you can!

Wait are you waiting for? Come and change your life, using Feng Shui at This Feng Shui Rules Lens

Enter Feng Shui Paradise

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Traditional Chinese New Year Food

When ringing in the new year in traditional Chinese fashion, you have to consider the importance of Chinese New Year food as well. Food plays a huge part in such celebrations. The Chinese New Year is a particularly special one. It is one of the most important Chinese holidays. Sometimes called the Spring Festival, sometimes called the Lunar New Year, it takes place on the first day of the first lunar month, as denoted by the Chinese calendar. It ends on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Now, back to the subject of food - it is indeed hugely important during this celebration. Foods which are considered lucky and fortuitous are served throughout the entire fifteen days. The qualifications for lucky or symbolic foods vary.

In some cases, foods are considered precursors of good fortune because of how they appear. A whole chicken, for instance, is a symbol of family togetherness. Thus, offering a whole chicken during the Chinese New Year festivities promises that the family will remain together throughout the coming year.

Noodles are another food traditionally found during Chinese New Year's celebrations. In fact, they are practically required. In the Chinese culture, noodles symbolize a long, long life. For that reason, certain superstitions say they should not be cut. To do so would bring bad luck or worse. The inclusion of clams and Spring rolls are used to bring luck in matters of wealth. Clams are said to look a lot like bouillon. Spring rolls represent wealth because they look a bit like bars of gold.

Other foods are significant during the New Year because of the way they sound. Literally, they are used because of the Chinese pronunciation of the word. Lettuce is a good example of this. In Cantonese, the word for it sounds fortuitous. Likewise, certain citrus fruits are served because the words for them sound like forebears of good fortune, such as "luck" and "wealth."

Fish is symbolic in several ways, and thus is frequently served. One reason is because the word for it is "yu." This word resembles the terms for "wish" and "abundance." Both of those are good things to have on your side in the new year. Symbolically, serving the fish whole is good luck as well. When the head and tail are still attached, then the fish is a symbol for a good beginning and a good ending in the year ahead.

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant
Feng Shui Absolutely

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Window Header Framing Problems

As a building contractor it is my job to assemble the house to meet the specifications from the architect and the structural engineer. I do this by looking at the building plans and installing the specified lumber sizes. I can take it upon myself to install a larger size wood beam or window header adding an additional cost to the job of course. I don't think so.

It's not uncommon for a framing contractor that has an additional 5 foot scrap piece of 4 x 8 left over that he now has no use for. He can then choose to use the 4 x 8 instead of a 4 x 6 for the window header. This type of building is common and acceptable.

If the structural engineer calls out for 4 x 6 window and door headers do not take it upon yourself to replace the 4 x 6 with a 4 x 4. I have seen too many framing contractors or carpenters make an on-the-job judgment like this.

A good example would be a single story house with 2 foot wide windows that require a 4 x 6 window header. As the carpenter builds homes over the years he can come to his own conclusion that a 4x4 will work fine for this application. Again keep this in mind as a framing contractor and a carpenter you are assembling the home not designing it.

Do not change the sizes of any headers or beams.

A long time ago carpenters used a standard rule of thumb, you could go up two sizes larger than the window opening for your header. Let me give you an example of what I'm trying to explain.

A 4 foot wide window opening would require a 4 x 6 window header. A 6 foot window opening would require a 4 x 8 window header. This should give you an idea of what I mean by going up two sizes larger than the window opening to figure out the lumber necessary to use for your window header.

This rule of thumb does not necessarily apply in today's building industry. The reason for this is structural changes from earthquake damage. The structural requirements that are required for building a home require a lot more metal bracing and strapping. Therefore some of the lumber requirements for beam sizes and window headers will be different.

This message is for general contractors, framing contractors and carpenters. When installing a window header and you take it upon yourself to change the size you also assume the responsibility if the building fails. This type of mistake is common and you guys know what I'm talking about.

It's not worth it. Keep in mind you are the assembler and not the designer of the building you are working on.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and House Framing Structural Repairs

If I Hate My Brother

Manipulate Anyone With Revolutionary Form Of Hypnosis

Imagine if you could manipulate anyone you meet through the power of conversation. How different would your life be? Conversational hypnosis is a revolutionary form of mind control which allows users to place anyone under a spell, and get them to do exactly as you want, when you want. This may seem like a scam from the outset, but I assure you it is a legitimate form of mind control, only practiced properly by a select few.

How Does It Work?

All of us have experienced some form of mind control at various points in our life. Politicians, salesman and advertising companies are well aware of this phenomenon and use it to their advantage wherever possible. Did you ever wonder why you had a sudden urge to buy that Ab Cruncher at 3am? You hate exercise and have a bad back - but for some reason you could not resist the sound of that voice. The human language is full of inflections, tones and emotional triggers which can all induce a trance when used effectively. Once someone is place under a trance, it becomes relatively simple to command them, manipulate them, and get them to do exactly as you wish.

Where Do I learn It?

It used to be very difficult to find teacher of conversational hypnosis. Recent developments in online courses have produced some fantastic results. There are most certainly some things to watch out for - as like anything on the internet - there are scams to be aware of.

Firstly always seek a course designed by a real life practicing hypnotist who comes with some form of qualification and reputation. Secondly always seek testimonials from people who have used the course and are succeeding - be aware of unrealistic scenarios- many people fake testimonials online. Finally one of the most crucial things to seek in a hypnosis course is that it is delivered in audio format as well as written. Believe it or not there is no better way to learn conversational hypnosis than via cd.

What Results Can I Expect?

If you truly master conversational hypnosis you will be able to gain control the minds of almost anyone you meet. You will be able to manipulate people in reason - you will not be able to force them to do things that are harmful or against their morals. You will however be able to easily convince them to things which seem plausible. This could be a promotion or raise from your boss. It could be finally getting the girl or guy of your dreams. It could be influencing your bank manager to lend you another $100,000 for your home loan. These decisions will be for you to make once you can manipulate anyone who crosses your path with the power of conversational hypnosis.

Want to learn more about The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis a revolutionary conversational hypnosis course which shows you how to manipulate anyone, skyrocket your income and get the girl or guy of your dreams? Please Visit:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Does God Make Mistakes

The Mind Body Connection

An interesting incident is narrated by Gordon Rattray Taylor, the famous Chief Science Advisor, BBC Television in his book The Natural History of Mind. The Mind Body connection is a baffling subject even to the scientists. And hence it is worth reading the incident to understand the mind- body connection.

Taylor narrates: During the war I was so fortunate as to form a friendship with a man named Clifford Troke. He had been an air-raid warden in London for four years, repeatedly at risk and short of sleep. Among his more stressful experiences were the following. After a heavy air-raid in which more people were killed than the burial arrangements could cope with, an empty school in Trokes district was taken over and the unburied bodies placed in it. The following night a time-bomb fell near the school but did not explode. The health authorities decided that it was an unacceptable health risk to leave the bodies in situ. Volunteers were called for to enter the school and rescue not the living but the dead from the expected explosion. One night, after various such adventures and during a raid, Troke was assailed with the feeling that all Hitlers bombs were directed at him personally, and that the German air force would continue to drop bombs in his vicinity until they got him. He sat down on the edge of the pavement and began to weep.

In hospital next day, the doctor took his blood pressure and whistled. He told him that if he did not take things very easily from then on he would probably explode himself. In point of fact, he survived a few years after the war, but succumbed, while still relatively young, to a heart attack.
I recall this story to emphasize the point that mental stress can produce physical disease.

Stating this incident Mr Taylor points out that the connection between mind and body is subtler and more intimate than most people realize or are ready to admit.

The Upanishads declare:

Mana Eva Manushyaanaam Karanam Banda Mokshayo: in Sanskrit means the mind is the reason for the human beings to bind or release themselves. Amrutha Bindu Upanishad, one of the 108 important Upanishads teaches this.

The Mother of Aurobindo Ashram emphasizes this point:

There are people as soon as the least thing happens to their body, their mind is completely upset. There are others still who may be very ill and yet keep their mind clear. It is rarer and more difficult to see a mind that is upset and the body remaining healthy. It is not impossible, but it is much rarer; for the body depends a great deal on the state of the mind. The mind is the master of the physical being. And I have said the latter was a very docile and obedient servant. She further points out that, Normally one uses the mind ill as badly as possible. But instead of letting the mind do the disastrous work; one can use the same capacity to make favorable formations. If one knows how to do that, one gets wonderful results in a few seconds.

Mother advises us: Organize the Mind. Purify the Mind. Quiet the mind.
The great secrets of the Upanishads are to be learnt to achieve the above.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. His email address is: His articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in So far sixty three articles have been published in

Change Your Thinking About Life

What do I do when I get down and out. Well that use to happen to me often and I seemed to suffer with some minor depression. It would seem like time would stand still. I would look at the clock and notice the time. Let's say 2:23 in the afternoon. I would look back to see what time it was about fifteen minutes latter and it would be 2:26. Wow what in the heck is going on with this clock.

I just couldn't believe it seemed like the day would never end. I would just sit there and think about all the stuff going on in my life, good and bad of course. This seemed to last until I was in my early twenties. I just didn't want to feel like this any more. I made a Conscious design not to get depressed period. I never wanted to feel like that again.

I read a book on ESP and in the book it described visualizing a rose as you went to sleep. I started doing this every night and while I was doing the exercise it seemed to make me feel relaxed in a way I never had felt before. The reason for the exercise was to teach you to visualize something peaceful. This in turn would put you in a peaceful state of mind.

Then a thought came into my noggin. What if when ever I start to feel bad or seem to be going into a sort of depressive state of mind I change my thoughts. It worked... I would start to visualize something else that made me feel comfortable and give me a peaceful feeling. Man was I surprised with my results.

Keep in mind I didn't think of this all on my own but I did put the pieces of the puzzle I needed to together that I needed to change my life. It seemed like I could use this form of self control in different parts of my life. If I was at work and someone made me mad.... Well this didn't work all the time... I still got mad. Let's pick something else OK.

I would worry about something on the job that wasn't going right. Then I would get irritated over something else that wasn't even related to what I was worrying about. Why did I take it out on the other person when what I was really mad about was something else. We do this all the time in our lives. We seem to get mad, get even or give up. Why do we do this and what can we do to stop it.

My main point to all of this is we can change our thinking and change our lives. We can learn new things to change our thinking. We don't need to give up hope that we will always be like this. Change the things you don't like about yourself. Do it today. If you need some help there is a great book that will help you change your life for the better.

You can find it at This book has a lot of tools to create the change in your life you want to have a more full filling life.

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. Ross Perot.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

What Happens To Nonbelieving

Top Keynote Speakers and Event Speakers

There are many people who have the skills and understanding necessary to be effective when it comes to public speaking. However, not all speakers have what it takes to command an audience, making them effective keynote speakers. When choosing the right keynote speaker for your engagement, it is necessary to choose a speaker that can command your audience properly and can maintain their attention long enough to get their message out. Five of the most effective keynote speakers are Keith Harrell, Vince Poscente, Joseph Michelli, Ram Charan and Michael Treacy.

Keith Harrell -- Keith Harrell is a former marketing executive for the IBM Corporation, and has more than thirteen years of corporate experience as one of IBM's top training instructors. Keith Harrell travels all across the world in other to impact the lives of his clients on both a professional and personal level. Keith Harrell works as an author, a consultant, a trainer and a speaker, and is highly recognized for the enlightening and innovative presentations that he makes in order to share his ideas with other business owners.

Vince Poscente -- Vince Poscente has the mind set which is necessary in order to meet the demands of corporate culture, including the perfect balance of a passion for excellence, a dedication to the journey and a balance of mental toughness. Vince Poscente had what it took to turn himself into a Olympic skier from a recreational one in the span of only four years. Willing to try absolutely anything and everything once, he took part in his first Hi-Tek adventure race in July of 1998, then went on to the competition at Castaic Lake in October of that year. Against 259 teams, Vince's team emerged in 45th place.

Joseph Michelli -- Joseph Michelli is a speaker who is sought-after on an international level. He is also an organizational psychologist, and a business consultant. Joseph Michelli is known for urging people and businesses alike to achieve the extraordinary. Joseph Michelli is known for writing best-selling books about business principles, and he also hosts a radio program in Colorado. Joseph Michelli works to share his knowledge of business practices by delivering keynote presentations which work to develop productivity in the workplace.

Ram Charan -- Ram Charan co-authored a title called "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done", and is an active advisor to CEOs who belong to fortune 100 companies, as well as emerging firms funded by venture capital. Ram Charan strives to convert visions into action and reality using his business techniques and ideas. Visit Rams new book Know-How The 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who dont.

Michael Treacy -- Michael Treacy is an expert on corporate strategies and the transformation of businesses who is widely known and recognized for giving companies what they need to help them achieve leadership in the market. Michael Treacy has been working to help improve businesses for more than 25 years and continues to be a strong presence in the business marketing industry. Michael Treacy takes on the greatest strategic challenges in order to transform businesses all over the world, and has plenty to say about business practices and what it really takes to get a business off the ground.

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Putting God on Trial

I was listening to something interesting the other day when someone mentioned putting God on trial for some of the atrocities in the world. If God is the creator of the universe and all that is, or all that ever will be, how can we put him on trial, he's our creator. We can't put our spiritual master on trial can we, he'll just escape anyway if we convict him, won't he. He's got to be smart enough to break out a prison.

As a child I often thought about God and why he would allow such suffering throughout the world. It never made sense to me when I was child and it still doesn't make sense to me today. Why would the creator, want us to suffer, with even the littlest of problems. Other religions have explained it as if God was teaching us a lesson and that's why we have hardships in our lives.

Do you think God ever went through these hardships? Did God have problems finding a job or gathering some food? Does God even eat? Okay now I'm getting off the topic here,(I wonder what God does eat)... if children do something wrong, most of the time their parents will discipline or correct them. If adults to things wrong, the government will discipline and reprimand them. Sometimes these punishments can be severe. It depends on the crimes committed.

If man has to be put on trial for committing crimes like murder, genocide, and general atrocities towards mankind, should God also be put on trial or is he above man because he's God. I can't imagine the creator of the universe ever being put on trial for man's crimes against humanity or other men, but it seems like someone who is all powerful and all knowing could help his children out of this little mess that we're in today.

Couldn't God help us like we help our children. We as parents might not have all the answers, but we do not claim to have them. We are not all powerful and all knowing, like we would assume God to be. When is God going to help us solve some of our major world problems, like genocide and starvation.

Putting God on trial might not solve all of our problems today but it would be nice to have some help with our problems. If he created us to please him, do we have to go on trial one day, for all the things we did or ignored while we were alive. Something to think about isn't it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development. Check This Out What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Be Happy 101: the Happiness Course

Your Happiness Resources

This time, thirteen is a lucky number. Here are thirteen books that can really help you on the road to finding increased happiness:

1. Authentic Happiness -Martin Seligman
A great place to start. Discover your "signature strengths" and use them as much as you can to produce true, long term gratification in your life.

2.The How of Happiness - Sonja Lyubomirsky
Twelve positive steps you can take to being happier, working on areas you can influence, instead of those you can't change much.

3. 50 Self-Help Classics - Tom Butler-Bowdon
The "50 Classics" series of books provide extraordinary summaries of self help books, respectively on prosperity, success, the spirtual classics and several others. Having these excellent books is like having a self help library at your fingertips.

4. Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart - Gordon Livingston
A best selling author, Dr. Livingston uses his experience as a practicing psychiatrist to help us deal positively with many of life's common problems.

5. Your Best Life Now - 7 Steps To Living Life At Your Full Potential -Joel Osteen
The famous tv evangelist provides suggestions for living a positive life. Christians will be able to relate easily to the beneficial message this book contains, but this book can benefit anyone, whether they are Christian, or if they don't believe in God.

6. The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People -Stephen Covey
Provides an excellent structure for setting goals and accomplishing them.

7. A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life's Purpose -Eckhart Tolle
A thorough, step by step presentation to help you discover your guiding purposes. Even though this book was highly promoted by Oprah Winfrey, it would be a real mistake to think that it is only "a women's book". Anyone can benefit from it.

8. Blink - Malcolm Gladwell
Great stories that emphasize the point that good decisions can often be made by "thin slicing", using a small amount of information that leads us to a decision that might be the same as if we had taken more time and done more research in making it. Our quality of life, and our happiness, is greatly impacted by our decisions and our thoughts . This book present an alternative view for making decisions, without deprecating more traditional methods.

9. George Foreman's Guide To Life -George Foreman
This is not just "a man's book", nor is it a boxing book, it's one that can benefit anyone. It contains excellent practical advice for getting the most out of life.

10. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
This classic work provides great guidance for living daily life. Its principles are as applicable today as they were in Roman times.

11. The Right Words At The Right Time -Marlo Thomas
Short two or three page stories by celebrities telling what events made positive turning points toward success in their lives. Interesting reading and contains many good lessons.

12. Happier- Tal Ben-Shahar
Let the author share the secrets with you of finding happiness from Harvard's most popular course. Everybody wants to be happy!

13. The Working Poor -David Shipler
This might not sound like a book that relates to happiness, but it is, because its insights can truly help people stay away from things that are going to make them very unhappy. The Pultizer Prize winning author explains what it's like to be part of the working poor. Anyone who isn't, but thinks they have a good handle on this type of life should read this book. It not only encourages concern and assistance, but it provides very valuable lessons on how getting into this state can be avoided. Poverty is not a plus when seeking happiness, so this book also serves as a valuable cautionary story to anyone who is making major decisions in their lives, regarding education, child bearing, marriage and so forth.

We all need to eat to sustain ourselves physically. Make self-help reading a regular habit to support and guide you mentally throughout your life.

Larry Danks is an Assistant Professor of Business at Camden County College in Blackwood, NJ, near Philadelphia. To these books above, I also add my book, Your Unfinished Life: The Classic and Timeless Guide To Finding Happiness and Success Through Kindness. Let it help you be happier, find personal fulfillment and develop higher self-esteem. where samples from each chapter and reviews of Danks' book are available.Comments may be directed to the author at

My book, and the others listed above, are all available at, Barnes and Noble and all major booksellers.

Bathroom Moisture Problems - Home Repair

Right above my bathtub in my master bathroom the paint is peeling off the wall. The area is peeling above the tile in my bathtub and shower combination. I tried to glue the peeling paint back and only made the situation worst.

First things first. The paint is peeling because there is to much moisture in the bathroom while you are using it. Do you have any windows you can open or a ventilating bathroom fan. If you have a window crack it open part way while you are showering.

The water droplets will accumulate on the walls and drip into any cracks. Right above the tile grout is a great place for moisture to accumulate. Oh yeah moisture loves grout and drywall. If you have any unpainted areas or an area that has cracked. Guess what you have now.

Your paint is peeling because the bathroom gets hot and cold. Moist and dry. If you have the door and windows shut. You just created a moisture trap. Most people prefer their privacy and will closes the door when using the shower. Well then open the window and let some cold air in while you are taking a nice warn shower. I don't think so. Most showering fools don't like that idea either.

Ok one more idea keep the windows shut so you don't let the cold air in. Then lock the door so no on barges in on you. If you have a ventilation fan turn it on. This will at least pull fresh air in from under the door and send the moist air out of the house.

But the fan is so noisy and I can't enjoy my nice warm vapor producing shower that will eventually cause me to get sick from mold particles floating around in the air while I am using my bathroom.
Does this about sum it up for you and don't we all do this from time to time. We want to enjoy our shower time, so we close up everything and when we are in our bath sauna environment relaxing our house is getting some damaging moisture that could cause mold and mildew.

Open a window or door a little when you shower. Get some air circulating through the bathroom and prevent damage to your nice house.

Put up with a little inconvenience for you homes sake and your pocket book.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Home Remodeling Carlsbad Home Remodeling

Visit us now for Bathroom Ideas

Religion Articles

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Discover Your Keys to Success, Marcus Buckingham - "Now, Discover Your Strengths" Review

Let me guess...You are miserable in your job. Don't feel bad, most of us are. In fact, in a recent survey conducted by 84% of the nations workforce are unhappy at work

Marcus Buckingham, seen on Oprah, Dec 19, 2008, has a radical strength training approach to help people discover your keys to success and happiness at work. He has worked with hundreds of employees at places like Coca-Cola, the Gap, and MicroSoft. His key to success is simple,

"focus on what makes you feel strong, instead of trying to fix your weaknesses. If you want to know what your strength is, you've got to pay attention to how you feel. It feels like focus. It feels like concentration. You feel invigorated. Energized."

He has helped hundreds, and now has a book out, Now, Discover Your Strengths, that teaches people to recognize their innate abilities.

Unfortunately, most of us have little awareness of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead, guided by society, we become experts in our weaknesses and our lives revolve around trying to fix our flaws. In the meantime our strengths lie dormant and neglected.

Think of something you are really good at. Some area of your life were you show a natural advantage , talent, strength or passion. "That's where you start," Marcus says.

How do you discover your keys to success and turn them into strengths? With the innovative program developed jointly by Marcus Buckingham, and Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center. Called the StrengthsFinder Profile, it is an internet based product that helps to identify the most prevalent human strengths. It helps guide the user to pinpoint their talents, build them into strengths, and capitalize on them.

Now, Discover Your Strengths contains a unique identification number that allows you access to the StrengthsFinder Profile on the Internet. A virtual interview analyzes your immediate reaction, your are presented with five of your most powerful signature themes such as Achiever, empathy, strategic, and shows you how to leverage them for powerful results.

The fact that Now, Discover your Strengths,it is endorsed by Oprah says enough. More than that, it has to be one of the most fundamentally useful business books ever written. Giving the reader profound insights on their keys to success, turning talents into strengths and the immediate on-line feedback of StrengthsFinder, it is truly a ground breaker.

MaryAnn Eastman is an online entrepreneur.
People all over the world have changed their lives by discovering their Keys to Success. Now they have a career that they feel proud of. Best of all, their happiness has filtered over to their family and the people that are most important in their lives. Flip the switch now.

Is Workplace Conflict Destructive or Creative?

Whenever you work with people, conflict is inevitable. The tension created by daily conflict either results in wasted time, decreased productivity, and poor decisions or the sort of internal competition that pushes each individual to do their best, if for no other reason that convince their coworkers that they can do it.

This inevitable conflict is either destructive or creative. The destructive conflict is toxic to relationships and hurts people and organizations and this is the one that needs managing. In my experience creative conflict seems to be cultural in nature. It's how the people themselves react and address each other and the situations they face together.

If you've ever seen "American Chopper" on the Discovery Channel you know what I mean by creative conflict. There is a lot of yelling going on. These guys are not shy about sharing their opinions when they disagree with one another. If you were a stranger who walked into their shop you might think WWIII had broken out.

In fact, that is how they relate to one another - there is no ambiguity, they tell it like it is in the moment. Imagine how much more they accomplish because they use the tension to air their different opinions, right now - and then get on with it. It's possible that this is just a TV show and these guys have nice quiet meetings in the board room, listening to various committee reports, before the speak up, but that's not likely. I bet they are who we see them as being.

In three decades working with family businesses I have seen dozens and dozens of companies who harness conflict creatively, and in so doing get the most out of everyone as well as optimum results overall. They don't waste time on what's not working just because it was the bosses idea. They stop what they're doing and point out the other person's mistake then show them how to fix it. Nothing and no one or their opinion is sacred - it's all about getting the job done.

Sadly I have seen experts try to get them to change their behavior, be more polite to one another and offer more politically correct input in an ever more constructive manner. In other words they (the experts) want other people to be more like them.

So instead of helping their clients manage the destructive conflict that exists, they are offering suggestions on how to fix what isn't broken.

I am talking about the conflict that distracts employees and managers from otherwise productive use of their time. Studies reveal that up to 30% of a typical managers time is spent dealing with conflict. And that 42 percent of their time is spent reaching agreements with others when conflicts occur.

Sometimes destructive conflict is simply because the people don't like each other. In the universe of family owned companies sometimes brothers, sisters, cousins, and in-laws are thrown together in ways none of them like. Conflict is the only way they have of displaying the frustration they feel about the situation they're in.

It is no wonder that an estimated 65% of performance problems result from strained relationships like these. Between employees who are not happy with each other - not from deficits in their training, skill, or motivation.

The most common way that destructive conflict shows up is about "how" a certain task should be accomplished. I met a farmer once whose son (age 50) refused to do things the way he wanted them done. He sited an example by driving me on the back of his four wheeler (you could not get there any other way) to a field that illustrated his point.

He and his father before him had always plowed the field north to south - his son was plowing it east to west. I am not making this up. It didn't have anything to do with soil erosion, conservation, or the environment - he was doing it this way against his dad's wishes, just to get his goat. And it was working.

I bet you can think of things at your company that are being done a certain way because that's the way they've always been done. And if you're the one who wants to change history, good luck!

Destructive conflict about how things are being done, what things are being done, and whether or not a certain thing should even be done can paralyze the organization.

Wasted time arguing about things that don't matter, an unwillingness to consider another person's point of view based on their experience, and the blame game when the results are in all cry out for a self-help process you can use to manage your differences so that all conflict is creative.

The end result of a successful self-help mediation process is that you (as a group) turn together and focus on the challenge or opportunity you all face. You see the problem as the stumbling block and not your coworker.

Self-help mediation tools allow two individuals the opportunity to discuss their assumptions about the other person's motives. In many conflicts the simple process of testing these assumptions face to face using active listening skills will resolve the issue entirely, because the parties realize the conflict is simply a misunderstanding.

Self-help mediation tools pave the way for more effective decision making. Obviously decisions made under conditions of conflict are going to be inferior to decisions made when cooperation prevails. If ongoing conflict (even a low grade resistance to cooperation) is present between people who share decision-making authority, the resulting decisions are likely to be flawed by the power struggles between those people.

As business owners we know that good decisions must be based on an optimum quality and quantity of objective information. So when information is withheld or distorted by those we are depending on to provide it, the decision cannot be the best one possible.

There is now doubt, workplace conflict resolution strategies - especially those that will allow you to do it yourself - will save you money, time, energy, and enhance your workplace by helping you make better decisions, retain your best employees, and design a future course for the business everyone will actively support!

Wayne Messick's web site has many additional conflict resolution articles and strategic planning resources to help you grow your business. If you are a small business advisor and want to maximize your professional and financial potential, here are the resources we are using to systematically multiply our new business, our revenues, and our client's satisfaction.

Installing a 32 Inch Back Door

In some older houses you will find a 30 inch back door. Have you ever tried to move a refrigerator or some large furniture through a 30 inch door? Keep in mind most bedroom doors are 30 inches wide and are in 36 inch hallways. 30 inch doors and bedrooms make it tough to move some furniture in too.

Let's start with the price difference between a 30 inch door and a 32 inch door. The cost difference is usually going to be around $20. If you are building a hundred homes this could become quite an additional expense. So we can understand why the home builder installed a 30 inch door in the back of our home.

He got the extra money in his pocket, you got a headache.

Here's the big problem. If you ever want to install a larger door you will need to replace the structural door framing. Now this is where you could run into a little bit of an expense. Changing the framing for a wider door could become quite costly. It could actually cost over $1000 in some cases.

Now if the homebuilder would have originally installed a 32 inch door in your house it might have ran him as high as an additional $45. How can this be? I will give you the first clue. There is a good chance the homebuilder will not be moving into any of these houses. If for some strange instance he did move into the house, he would learn the same lesson whenever he needed to move a large item into the house.

I'm a contactor and learned this lesson in a long time ago.

If you are building a new home you might even want to consider installing a 36 inch back door. This door will give you plenty of room when it comes to moving large items in or out of your house. The cost difference between a 36 inch door and a 32 inch door is usually around $20 also.

When building a new home most people don't give very much thought about their interior or exterior doors. Here's a simple chart I made to help with some basic door decisions.

Bathroom Doors Should Be 28 Inches Wide Minimum.
Bedroom Doors Should Be 30 Inches Wide Minimum.
Front Doors Should Be At Least 36 Inches Wide
Back Doors and Garage Doors Should Be At Least 32 Inches Wide

If you are a professional football or basketball player don't use these numbers above.

If you have large sliding glass doors or French doors throughout your home and can use them to move large items into the house you can install whatever size doors you choose that are comfortable to walk through.

Give some thought when installing a new door on your next project and keep some of the above tips in mind..

If you are designing a home give some thought to the stairways and hallways in the home as well.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Bay Window Ideas

Should The Bible Be Edited

The Trap of the Common Sense

Many people are not satisfied with their lives and want to achieve more. However, only few actually make their dreams come true. Why does this happen?

It seems to be logical that if you are not satisfied with life you are negative about your current situation; you have negative thoughts and constantly complain. For many people it is also logical to blame others for things that didn't work out in their lives. This kind of logic actually keeps people where they are today.

Many things that seem to be a "common sense" and "intuitive" in reality just ways everybody does things. It is our collective thinking that makes them common sense and intuitive. If you look at lives that people live you will see how these "common sense" habits, perceptions and beliefs make their lives miserable. They keep people at their current jobs, stiff all their creativity, promote fear of taking risks, keep them glued to their comfort zones. This results in deep inner dissatisfaction and is a direct way to depressions and different self-destroying addictions.

"Think outside the box" is not just a common self-improvement textbook phrase. It has a deep meaning of questioning all the "common sense" things in order to see the way out which is usually just in front of you. You can't see it because it is not part of your belief system, it doesn't go along with how you perceive the world.

Let's go back to a "negative" situation you find yourself in. The non-intuitive and only way out of it is to be positive. Do you want to have good things in life? Be positive about what you already have, be deeply grateful for every single thing, no matter how little, that you have in your life right now. Do you want to have more control over your life? Never blame anybody for anything that happened to YOU. Take full responsibility for attracting people and events into your life. How you can attract anything good if you are always negative?

It seems to be hard to be positive and grateful when everything is wrong however it is just a matter of forcing yourself to repeat positive phrases in your head even if you don't agree with them or they don't sound to be true. With time you will start actually feeling the truth in your statements.

As your perception of the world changes, slowly the physical world around you will change to reflect better who you are.

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Lynn Alex is a Life-Skills Coach, Yoga Teacher and an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner.

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

What Happens To Nonbelieving

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Perceptions of Self - How You See and Treat Yourself is Expressed in Your Reality - Part 1

Many individuals do not recognise that their self-esteem or self-worth needs improving. As long as they have the personal good looks, status and material needs they think that is all that they need for success and no one else is the wiser to what is going on in their inner world! It goes deeper than an outer faade. Self-esteem and self-image is an outer reflection on their inner level of self-love and self-worth. Their level of worth is expressed in their quality of life, within their experiences and what is happening in their reality.

Human self-esteem problems, issues and challenges can be broken down into four primary categories:

1. Recognise and address your issue
2. Acknowledge and respect yourself
3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment
4. Release disempowering events, things and people

Let's take a look at each individual category:

1. Recognise and address your issue. The most important factor for you to be able to raise your self-esteem is for you to uncover the issue that is giving you a low self-worth in the first place. Nobody and nothing outside of you can do it for you. Dressing well and living in a nice environment only addresses a perception of your worth on the outside - it is a faade, if you have imbalances within you, or conflicts with those you live and work with, you are just covering up an unfinished business. Even if you are successful at your work, your life's experiences, your health and the quality of your relationships will tell you how much self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance you have. Once you realise that you have a low self-worth you must be ready and willing to do something about it.

2. Acknowledge and respect yourself. You need to be aware that you attract to you what you are within. You need to acknowledge yourself, accept yourself, love yourself, honour all of your experiences and choices without regrets and to have compassion for yourself etc. Eg. If you do not respect yourself, you will attract others to you who will treat you in a very disrespectful manner. You were born with 100% worth and that is up to you to claim your worth. A lower self-esteem or worth is due to allowing others to belittle you, to influence you into thinking that you are not 'good enough' or you do not deserve to be, do or have something. You have taken on their old truths as your own. You now believe that you are unworthy, it is an old truth and that is how people will treat you. If you feel that you don't deserve, or are unworthy or you do not love yourself in anyway - it is a truth that you have formed, your masquerade story, which is now your lie. It is only your perception on how you see yourself and therefore how you treat yourself either with belittlement emotionally or physically. How you see and treat yourself is reflected back to you as 'like attracts like' scenario in your health, relationships and abundance aspects.

3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment. Once you make a conscious choice to raise your self-esteem and self-worth - be alert to sabotage or you will retreat from exploring this empowering journey fully. The level of your self-worth also relates to the level of your assertion and empowerment. Once you begin to practice self-worth strategies you will soon develop more assertion and empowerment qualities. You will not be so timid in standing your ground towards others manipulations. Once you begin to stand your ground, your family, friends and workmates may dislike it as your personality-identity changes. The sabotage is: when you have a low self-worth, people usually walk all over you and when you hold high regard for yourself and honour yourself and stand in your power, you will not allow them to wipe their feet on your worthy doormat. This can create a conflict in your relationships and you are in danger of retreating if you are not prepared to get out of your comfort zone and 'stand alone'. Change may cause a conflict in the beginning, but if there is unconditional love present with that relationship they will come around to support you, otherwise they will leave your life, because they cannot get what they want from you. If you give up on continuing to raising your level of worth due to family or social challenges, you can retreat back into appeasement, obligation and compromise. If you are not prepared to release anything and anyone who is feeding off you or stealing your energy in order to support their self-absorbed needs you may stop trying to improve your perception of self. That means, if anyone who cannot support you and allow you to choose your own journey, those who do not respect you for who you are and who you can become or those who try to control you through their agendas to get what they want - let them go, they don't serve you in an empowering way. That is conditional love.

4. Release disempowering events, things and people. The greatest gift anyone can give to you whilst you are choosing to raise your self-worth and your consciousness is their love and support - with compassion but without judgement and agendas - no matter what you choose to do, even if it seems a silly or wrong choice for them. Whatever path you choose to walk down is appropriate for you, for that is what you need to experience to develop your growth and awareness.

True compassion is not just about sadness and pity - it is allowing you to choose your journey without others trying to control you, without others trying to change you or to enforce their righteous ways upon you. Having an agenda or expectation of trying to enforce and change you or what they think you should be, do or have, places limitations and controls onto you. They will disempower you if you allow others to control you, which will result in you retreating into submission or resisting and rebelling with conflicting drama games. Any self-absorbed limitation combined with conditional love suffocates relationships - causing conflict and breakdowns within relationships, as well as your health and abundance levels. This also means that you need true compassion for yourself for all the choices and experiences that you have had. To be able to raise your self-esteem is to release anything or anyone who does not serve your growth.

As you let go of things or people who do not serve you, you may feel that you are left stranded or alone with only a few to support you. As you stand in your power, you will attract other people into your life who will respect you for who you are, you will attract new relationships based on unconditional love into your life and you will attract more abundant opportunities.

Pamela's new revolutionary Self-Help Personal Development Review is a unique and complete report that reveals new insights, perceptions, direction and empowerment for personal or business problems, issues and challenges. It reveals new ways to address and solve problems, to expand the understanding of self-love and self-worth, the attraction of new relationships, the manifestations of abundance of all kinds, empowerment and self-awareness concepts. It provides new refreshing 'out of the mind' information that gives greater awareness, clarity, wisdom, acceptance and understanding to inspire and expand consciousness. Please visit to discover new 'out of the box' insights about Self-Help Personal Developments Reviews.