Saturday, September 12, 2009

Confessions of a School-Supply Junkie

I have to confess it - I am an office supply store junkie. When my children were in elementary school and it was late August, other parents were looking forward to getting their kids back to school. Most of them were busy shopping for back-to-school clothing, or doing the last minute rounds of dentist appointments, hair cuts etc. Meanwhile I was happily drifting round the stationery store, three class lists in hand.

I loved those crisp, fresh notebooks, some with wide lines, some with regular lines, some with half the page blank for drawings. Oh, who could resist those beautiful colors, crayons for the little ones, pencil crayons for the older kids. I would pick out boxes of shiny new pencils and lovingly sharpen them all once home.

Well, time goes by, and even though I insisted on shopping for supplies through high school and even into college years, the sad time came when no-one in the family needed me to buy school supplies any longer.

At last came new hope. My grandchildren reached school age. My school teacher daughter thought I was crazy when I pleaded to be allowed to do the school supply shopping - no luck there, my granddaughter's school sells pre-packed kits. My other, still-a-student-herself daughter was delighted to let me buy the school supplies for my grandson and I was in business once more.

However, for all you school supply lovers out there (surely I can't be the only one!), let me give you some advice. Never take a six year old with you when shopping for school supplies. I thought my grandson would have a ball, shopping for his Grade 2 kit. I didn't bargain for all the bright shiny things the middle and high school students need. After many "no"s - "no you don't need a geometry set, it is not on your list. No, you only need crayons, not color markers. No, there is no calculator on your list......." I had a rather disappointed little boy on my hands. A quick trip to his favorite burger joint soon fixed that - wonderful how easy it is to distract a six year old!

Well, last year he started Grade 3 in a new school. This time I went to an office supply store that prides itself on great customer service. I asked for the Grade 3 list for his new school. "Here we are" said the helpful girl, "Just wait here a moment." In about three minutes she was back with everything on the list. Sigh!

Dear grandson's school has now also gone to the pre-order system, but I still need my fix occasionally, which explains why our home is full of half used notebooks, packets of pens, pencils, rulers.....

There is hope on the horizon for me. In another five years my new little grandson will be starting school. I can hardly wait!

Gillian is the proud grandmother of two 9 year olds and a new grandbaby boy.

For grandparenting ideas, you can visit her website:

This site offers information on grandparent's rights, distance grandparenting, as well as photos, stories, games, recipes, travel hints and more.

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