Friday, September 11, 2009

Feng Shui Rules - Cracking the Code to Universal Abundance

A Story That Puts Feng Shui Rules into the Context of Your Life

We are members of this vast and expansive organism that we call the Universe. I believe that as sentient beings, our lives were originally designed to be infinitely more abundant, in every aspect, than they are right now. To create the best possible life and world, we must live in accordance with Universal Principles.

You might be thinking: "Philosophy is nice but...what the heck do you mean?"
Good question!

Here's a metaphor I like that helps people get the picture:
Imagine grocery stores didn't exist and you only had 1 neighbor. Now... you need to eat, and the only food you could ever eat is what you grow in your back yard. You are given a beautiful piece of land with rich soil, an infinite supply of fresh water, and hundreds of absolutely magnificent seeds... to grow countless numbers of vegetables and fruit trees. Are you with me so far? Good. Simple, right?

You are given simple instructions: Plant the seeds in the soil, water them, nurture them, appreciate them... and let them grow.

THAT IS a "Universal Law" A.K.A a Law of Nature: Growth! Understand? Good.

Now...because you are curious and you just feel like decide to ignore the instructions and try growing the seeds your own way... by drowning them in water. Nothing grows, so no food.
You try planting them in the grass and choose not to nurture them, still no luck.. You even try injecting the seed with steroids and sprinkling them with some soil, still nothing grows.

Now your neighbor... who has been following the simple growth principle... sees that you are starving and offers you some food and maybe some advice on how to grow your seeds, seeing that you must have obviously forgotten the SIMPLE instructions for Abundance and Success!! HIS land is RICH with a BEAUTIFUL garden... Growing fruits and vegetables fit for a king AND his court! The environment.. is just so full of life that now many beautiful animals live there! There is so much abundance that he is now living with a lover and they are going to have lots of kids and raise a BIG, Happy family! If heaven exists on this earth, then your neighbor has it!!!

Being so can't think straight... and you have become quite BITTER and for some reason are in this "competitive" mind set. Like an idiot, you refuse because you are determined to show him you could do it too. You now have something to prove...The thing is, he doesn't care about that...he's just happy and wants you to be happy, too!

After such a long time of trial and error of your own ideas... you are a wreck. Your environment is dreadful, there is nothing of plants, no trees, no animals, no food, no nothing! For this reason, you are always angry and in a state of lacking, and to survive you steal food from your neighbor. Shame on you...all you're doing is perpetuating your crappy way of life.

Are you seeing the Problem? You live in a world, and you try to go against it's natural order, so how could you reap all it's benefits? Whatever intelligence has designed the world surely can see things from a much bigger picture and so in a sense the natural flow of things is a more ultimate state of being. Just look at your neighbor!

The Solution? Get in harmony!

Why? So you can reap all the benefits (there are so many you can't even imagine from where you are now) that Life really has to offer!

Now of course, I'm not talking about you literally! Just trying to get you in character to hold your attention...

So what does this story have to do with Feng Shui Rules? Think of Feng Shui Rules as "the simple instructions" you were given in the beginning of the story. Remain in Harmony with the Universal Laws and Natural Order of things, and enjoy the best possible life you can!

Wait are you waiting for? Come and change your life, using Feng Shui at This Feng Shui Rules Lens

Enter Feng Shui Paradise

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