Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crystals - How To Activate And Accelerate The Law of Attraction (LOA) Using Their Power?

I stumbled on a forum thread discussion about crystals some time ago. It's an exchanged between a gentleman and a lady.

"I found a crystal on the riverbed, what can I do with this stone?" asked the lady.

"If I came across a crystal on the river bed, I will throw this piece of worthless rock away", the gentleman replied.

I shook my head. It's a pity, I thought. Yet at the same time, I guess this is what most people will do. Not many out there understand the true power of the crystals. And for those who do, few are willing to talk or share.

The Secret took the world by storm. Many popular teachers advocate this law, it brings them fame and popularity.

Pause for a moment. Think about it. Who is the real star of The Secret? Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Bill Harris, Jack Canfield, Marie Diamond or any other teachers? No. Rather it is the Law of Attraction (LOA). I have no doubt of the existence of this law, just like the law of gravity, it's always there, and it works.

But is LOA merely those 3 simple steps: ask, believe and receive?

There is a hidden flaw to these 3 simple steps. Do you know?

As pointed out in the book, Jack Canfield's Key to living the law of attraction, "It is your vibrational states that attract the objects of your desire", so focusing on what you want, and staying in the right emotion, are keys to send out the right vibes to unleash the power of LOA.

And the right vibes encompasses more than just being happy. It's a satisfied feeling and within this feeling you have to find calmness, peace and love.

Any traces and feeling of lack will have made the whole process of manifestation slow. It's a rather complex feeling you have to manage, to make LOA work for you. And it's even more difficult to sustain the good feeling constantly. Sounds profound? It is.

Let's face it. We are human being. We have emotions. We have other priorities in life. Can you really only focus on what you want all the time? Unlikely.

What about when you go to bed at night? You stop transmitting the right vibes to attract what you want.

And also What about times when you are emotionally down? You start transmitting the wrong vibes and attract what you don't want.

A law that looks and sounds deceivingly easy to apply turns out harder than expected. I agree there are many who succeeded in getting what they want. But I also believe there are many more failures.

Fortunately, there is an easier method. You can turn crystal stones into a desire magnet, and attract what you want.

How is this possible? Because crystal has memory effect.vibrates at it own unique frequency sending out signal to the Universe 24 hours, 7 days a week. Once you program it, the crystal aligns and sends out vibes to the Universe with your request.

So instead of you engaging the law of attraction personally, you delegate it to your crystals. It is still "you placing your order with the Universe", but easier.

But why easier?

Not only are the energy enumerated from crystals consistent and pure, the energy level are also higher. According to a Taiwanese text on crystals, the energy enumerated from these crystal stones are between 1000 to 10,000 times stronger than that from human's thoughts.

And what do all these mean to you? You speed up the manifestation process and prevent self sabotage. In short, it become easier and faster to get the product and experience you wanted.

How to unleash the transformation power of crystal to manifest your desire?

In 3 simplified steps, you can to turn a deceivingly worthless crystal into a desire magnet.

Here's how:

Crystal Cleansing: This is to erase and release off previous message embedded in the stone. In short, remove the unwanted energy.

Several methods you can use including soaking in sea salt for a day, rinse with running water and keeping the stone in the freezer compartment.

Crystal Charging: This is to restore the energy of the stone. You can think of it as charging a rechargeable flat battery.

Place the crystal under sun or onto clear quartz cluster.

I always prefer the clear quartz cluster method since you can accomplish cleansing and charging in a single step. Simply place the crystal on the quartz cluster overnight.

Crystal Programming: This is the time you focus on what you want. Hold the crystal in your right hand. Focus and visualize the product and experience what you wanted in your mind's eye.

Next, see this image slowly disappearing into the crystal. You may like to make a declaration to strengthen your programming. The best part is, you won't risk sabotaging yourself. You won't and push away what are on the way to you when you are emotionally down. Whatever desire or message you have programmed into the crystal continued to be transmitted into the Universe with your request.

In short, see it, feel it and forget it.

That's it.

Unleashing the power of crystals to attract your desire is similar to engaging the law of attraction. Only simpler, easier and faster. And for a start, my recommendation is clear quartz.

Sign up and be informed of the launch of my free course, "Manifest Your Desires with Crystals' Power!" If you believe in Law of Attraction (LOA), or if this law has not work for you in the past, either way, this is the course you are waiting for.

Manifesting your desire can only gets faster and easier by tapping into the power of the crystal stones.

Discover more about crystals and their wondrous power in Crystals Bay.

From: The Crystals Metaphysician - Glen Lim

About That Dream
How To Increase Your Brain Power

Law of Attraction - Create a Vision Board To Bring More Money Into Your Life

"O.K. I have asked Universe again and again for something I want. I have thought about it and envisioned it and it is no closer to showing up than the first day I asked."

Does this sound familiar to you? This is one of the most frequent complaints I h189Bear from people who have learned, read and studied about the Law of Attraction but are having problems making it work for them personally.

It is usually pretty easy when I delve a little deeper into their situation to figure out what the problem is.

For instance, say you declare that you want to create a lot of money. You can see it in your minds eye, you may even be able to "feel" how it feels to have it (very important, by the way), and you do this for about an average of 10-20 seconds a day.

And you have done it exactly right. That is all that is required for the Universe to kick into action and start working its magic to bring it to you. However, a week later you find that you are no better off than you were before - sometimes you find your situation may even be worse.

So what is the problem? The problem is not in how or what you asked for. The Universe is totally neutral. It does not care what it delivers or to whom it brings it.

The problem lies in what you think about after you have asked for the money. While those 10 to 20 seconds are very important every day, what are you thinking about the other 14 to 16 hours you are awake?

What are you thinking if a creditor calls, when you open your mail and see the bills, when your kids want something extravagant? Do you feel a knot in your stomach. Do you say things like, "there is no way I can pay this, or that bill is outrageous, or we absolutely cannot afford that?"

You see, in having these thoughts the rest of the day Universe will again kick in to do its job. But now it will reverse its original direction of that mornings objective and now focus on the messages it is currently being given.

So what is the answer? Quite simply, is to keep your focus more often on what you do want during the day as opposed to what you do not want. You see, whichever thought gets more of the attention - wins! It is the law!

So then you may ask, "Well how am I supposed to do that? Most of my day is dealing with trying to figure out how I am going to pay for everything. Its great to dream and envision but I also have to deal with my current reality which is currently not very abundant".

This is where a Vision Board or Creation Board comes in. A Vision Board is a board or place where you put all of the things you are wanting Universe to provide to you. You simply go through magazines or the internet and find pictures of exactly what it is you are wanting. Clip them out and put them on your board.

If you can't find a picture of what you are wanting, you can type up a saying, a reminder or an affirmation. Make it fancy, print it out and put it on your board. The important part is to have it someplace where you can remind yourself constantly that your current financial state is only temporary and the things and places on that board is where you are headed.

So now your next question might be "But what if I work someplace where I can't display a board to look at all day long? or "What if I don't want the rest of the world knowing what it is that I am creating -- It is very personal to me."

To that I say - be creative! Write it down in one of those little notepads you can easily store in your pocketbook and look at it frequently. If you are a man, insert little cards into your wallet that you will see every time you open it.

Actually, one of my personal favorites is putting the board on your computer. Especially if you work in an office or do not want a large board hanging in your home for all to see.

There are great programs available that will help you create your Vision Board right on your own computer or laptop that you can glance at anytime you want.

You can add pictures to them, even music. You can create slide shows.

In truth I have found these to be the most effective. I have found that the boards I have made on the computer with these programs, where I have also inserted my favorite inspiring song or have used my own voice, stay with me all day even when I am not directly in front of the computer looking at it.

I find myself humming the song and the video replaying in my mind automatically and I find myself giving much more attention to what I do want as opposed to what I do not want quite naturally. Which of coarse in turn, brings to me what I want so much faster.

Some of these new programs even have the ability to download a mini version onto your iPod, cell phone, PDA and digital photo frames. How cool is that?! The one I most often use has a pop up balloon that displays my affirmations at a chosen time interval so it pops up and reminds me even if I am not consciously thinking about it.

So get started today! Get excited and go find the pictures of the things that you are wanting in your life! Cut and paste to make your own physical board or go make that video. Feel inspired as you know you are taking the first action towards changing your life. You will find yourself getting so caught up in it that you will not want to stop.

Watch the video or look at your board as often as possible and feel good and inspired by it! Remember the more time you spend focusing on what you do want, the faster it will come to you!

Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. For more articles and ways to have fun with the Law of Attraction please visit her website at http://www.theveryhappyhuman.com/Visionboard.htm

Self Help And Spirtual Guide
Action is the foundational key to all success

5 Tips To Help You To Unit Body, Mind And Soul

Passion is what brings your mind, body and soul together. There are many ways to go about finding and living out your passions. Stop and think about the things that help fire your passion. For some it is a daily meditation or prayer, a particular diet or just a good book. These are some things that help people find the balance the5B4y seek.

The idea of balance is an interesting one since it evokes different feelings. Passion is described by some as the same energy you feel when your soul is moved. Most people however, leave out the concept of the soul. Not surprisingly, this eastern mentality is not widely understood by those in the west.

When I say passion, I do not mean sexual passion. This is about spiritual passion. For me it's taking a yoga class. It allows me to be present and teaches me patience and acceptance. At the same time, I gain strength and flexibility with each asana, or posture. It allows for time to take a deep breath and relax.

Passion is different things to many people. Here are five tips to help you decide:

1: Do your future goals inspire passion? Do they incorporate body, mind, and spirit? Making money is good, however, the process through which you make money should be what causes the passion. The journey is what makes the goal sweeter. A better choice would be something more esoteric, less mundane than money.

2: Remember your accomplishments. It's best not to get down on yourself for every little mistake. By remembering how much good you do is one of the best ways to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Continually beating yourself up is the fastest way to crush your soul. Eventually, the mind will dominate the body and you will get sick as a result.

3: Create happiness scenes. You can do this by meditatin54Ag on a safe and happy place that you can create or a real place that you have been to or plan to go to sometime. When things in your life get tense, as they inevitably will, go to your safe place and meditate for a few moments.

4: Look forward to something. Having something to look forward to, like a trip or maybe just the weekend, helps tremendously. Downtime nurtures the body, mind and soul. Finding a new place to go can be exhilarating. Perhaps you can plan a weekend getaway to someplace you've always wanted to go. It might even help to go alone. This way there will be no interruptions and no one else to worry about.

5: Practice affirmations. Find one that will alleviate your stress and practice it. Pick three affirmations and say them out loud to yourself in the mirror everyday. This works! Just as I mentioned briefly in point number 2, if you continually tell yourself the same message over and over the mind eventually believes it. It will become true.

Three simple affirmations to get you started with are:

I am always safe and secure.

The universe provides everything I need.

My income is ever increasing.

To find more tips on self help and bringing body, mind and soul together with 2E3meditation visit http://discover-self-help.com

Wealth and Life Skills
Having Faith in the Creative Process

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wealth of the Heart

Do you ever stop for a moment and think about all the energy you have spent in your life just chasing money? Do that now. You have worried about it, cried over it, thought of it, been panicked about it, spent it foolishly, wished for more of it and maybe even did some things you didn't want to do to get it. That is a lot of work. I'm as guilty as the next person. I have lived paycheck to paycheck many times. I have lived a little better at other times. There is an easier way to see the wealth you already have. How would it feel if you did not have to worry about money at all and it just came to you without effort? Consider for a moment that you could attract unlimited wealth by keeping your mind-set and actions in the right place. Imagine being able to turn your life into an amazing journey full of passion. Does that sound great or what? It certainly does to me. There is a way to have wealth, but you may be surprised at the solution.

Turn your thoughts to the middle of your chest where the center of your heart is. There is your wealth. True wealth is knowing the desire of your heart and learning your life's purpose. Call it guidance from the divine, destiny or a spiritual mission. My interpretation of a life purpose or calling is finding that one thing that brings you joy. There is one thing that you can do that no one else can in just the same way. In all the history of the world there has never been another you. Therefore your place in the world is unique. It's perfectly alright if you don't actually feel "called" to anything right this moment. Instead, ask yourself what it is you really LOVE doing. What gets your blood going and creates a passion inside? That's where you start finding your purpose.

After you figure out what your "thing" is (it could be several things related to each other), figure out how you can leave the world a better place while living your life's mission. If you do it for the love of it, the wealth will eventually follow. Put all of your passion into it and share it with everyone possible. It is unlikely that you will magically have all the money you could need right away. Abundance comes from the heart and when your heart is in the right place, abundance will follow. Start expecting it because this is the way to true wealth.

Do you know what happens when you stop worrying about money? It starts to find you. Another thing about living your life's calling is that abundance in every form will start to come into your life. You not only find wealth in material ways, but the joy, passion, peace and love brings true meaning to your life. That is wealth of the heart and it is priceless.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more and to get your FREE course on "How To Have A Successful Mindset," visit today at http://www.robinskeen.com and be sure to check back on a regular basis for more free reports and eBooks.

Successfull Living

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dreams Meaning-Dream Symbols and Craziness

Carl Jung was my teacher since I exactly followed his difficult method, by reading each one of his books more than 5 times until I could understand them completely. At the same time, I was also interpreting my own dreams, which helped me really understand what he was talking about. However, my merit as the one who continued his work was given to me first of all thanks to my own literature. The book I wrote after a terrible car accident I suffered when I was 15 years old was in fact written by the unconscious that produces the dreams and is responsible for many artistic and religious manifestations. I, the writer, didn't really understand the deeper meaning of my words. This book gave me a map, a key, everything I needed in order to better understand the dreams' meaning than Carl Jung, my mentor.

Using his method I could understand the dreams and the symbolic meaning of my own literature, written after a tragic event after which I lost my faith and became an atheist, until I got married, when I was 22 years old and I regained my faith, although I didn't care much about the existence of God. I only started accepting the possibility of his existence, while before I was even aggressive against religion and their believers.

I wrote this book over a span of 6-and-a-half years. I even got tired of it, I didn't care about it and later, I simply abandoned it since I decided to live in Greece and it was written in Portuguese. A Brazilian friend tried to publish it in Brazil and found where I could do that but I had to pay for the publication and I didn't want to invest in that book that was not a common one, also because I was far from the country... My friend even said that it was not the kind of book that people would like to read, because it was too complicated. It was not a popular book. It was a mythological romance, and it was very strange, written with many complicated words. It was at the same time very classical and very modern. I characterized it as a "philosophical romance" and even had the intention to start a new genre based on my definition of the type of work I wrote.

But I was living in Greece and had other plans with my husband. So, this book remained forgotten for 7-and-a-half years, when s5B4uddenly I understood that I had to reread it, after learning how to interpret my dreams very well. I had even started to write a complicated book in order to prove to the world that the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung was the only one who discovered the only correct method for the interpretation of dreams, when I reread my strange romance entitled "The philanthropic beggar".

Thanks to this book, I could directly and very easily interpret a dream that Carl Jung didn't know how to interpret himself, even though he understood that it had a very important meaning because its symbols were very strong. The dream was dreamt by a theologian. Jung even said that the unconscious wastes its symbols with generosity because he couldn't understand why that theologian saw such an important dream, with symbols that were clearly very powerful and meaningful.

I thought that he would interpret this strange and impressive dream in the end of his comments, but he never did it. Many times, Jung didn't interpret the dreams he showed in his books and he only interpreted some symbols or none at all, but he could perceive that they were meaningful.

I saw the dreams' meaning so clearly that I wrote it in my scientific book. Then I started to translate the symbolic meaning of "The philanthropic beggar".

I'm more than sure that if Jung was alive and he could read this book he would be very impressed with it! It was a real gift from t5B4he unconscious for me! Anyone would understand what I understood if they knew how to interpret the symbols of the unconscious. I even thought I should send it to Jung's students...

Nevertheless, in the end I had to continue the book I started to write in order to prove that Jung discovered the only correct method for dream interpretation in another way, since I discovered what was hidden in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere after continuing Jung's research. He abandoned the research at a certain point because he was afraid to continue, but I had to do what he couldn't do with the knowledge he had in his time. He couldn't really continue, he had started the research and what he did was formidable! He couldn't do more than that.

However, the unconscious was expecting from me to continue his research and discover the other side of the human conscience that provokes craziness to our human conscience. So, I delayed presenting my book to the world by 19 years, so that I could continue Jung's research.

Of course, I can interpret dreams much better than Jung could. But that's something I started doing in 1988, when I started writing my complicated scientific book. I didn't delay revealing my work on dream interpretation to the world by that many years because I didn't have any more to show than Jung did; however, because of what I saw, since I could understand more and see more, it had to wait.

The dream see5B4n by the theologian was that there was a black magic wise man wearing a white cloak and there was a white magic wise man wearing a black cloak. They needed one the other.

The interpretation is based on the symbolic meaning. A black man shall not be considered bad only because he is black, of course, but this is the symbolic meaning that is present in dreams. Similarly, a white man shall not be considered good either, because usually he is very bad. But in dreams, he has the meaning of a good man, since the white colour symbolizes good and black, bad. This is a symbolic definition that is completely beyond racism, especially because the unconscious is against hatred. The definition given here is only a translation of symbolic meanings. Besides, I personally am against racism; I wouldn't write anything that could have that character. I even have very good black friends in Brazil who are the same as and even much better than many white people I know.

The interpretation is that the black magic wise man signifies our conscience, which is considered good because it wears a white cloak, although it is actually bad because it is black. The white magic wise man is the unconscious that produces the dreams, which is considered bad since he wears a black cloak because psychiatrists and psychologists believe that craziness comes from that side of human psychic sphere, while craziness actually comes from our conscience, not from the wise 592and saintly unconscious that produces the dreams, as Jung thought. Continuing his research, I could clearly see that craziness comes from the wild side of the human conscience, which is completely selfish and not from the unconscious, which has a saintly nature.

However, Jung made a very serious religious and philosophical mistake: he thought that the unconscious could be evil and good at the same time, because he believed in a moral without bad or good. That's why he thought that the unconscious could not only save the human being from craziness but also provoke it within the human being.

I didn't make this mistake, because sanctity cannot coexist with evil. Evil is the opposite of sanctity and where there is even only a spot of evil there can be no sanctity. Evil can only come from the selfish conscience that pushes the human being towards craziness with the desires it imposes upon its ego. The ego is a vehicle that the wild side of human conscience uses to push the human side of human conscience to the labyrinth of craziness.

The black magic wise man and the white magic wise man needed one another because the black (bad) human conscience needs the orientation of the white (good) unconscious, but the saint unconscious also depends on the obedience of the bad black human conscience to its wise directions, otherwise it has no power to cure the human being from craziness.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com and http://www.booksirecommend.com

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook

Beating Depression and Craziness


Dream, Feel, Play

Life can be a very serious thing, and it is. The end is the same for all of us and we only get one chance. There is no dress rehearsal or practice for this. There is no second chance at stuff and we don't get to start over. In fact, we don't get to do it again, ever. Life is a once and done thing, so we need to make sure we do the best we can during this adventure, and make the best of it we can. It's important to remember to dream big. To take the time to experience as much of life as we can, the good and the bad. Take the time to enjoy the sadness and sorrow we all feel at times as well as the happiness and joy when it comes along. Most importantly, remember to play.

Many of us have heard of this whole law of attraction thing. Many of us have begun to use it and to work toward manifesting those things we want in our lives. Hopefully, if you are one of these people, even if your not, you have taken the time to dream big. It's important to have a passion for something, and to dream about that passion and chase that passion. Hopefully you have also taken the time to write down those dreams on paper. We must learn to dream big as all great men are dreamers. Life is only as big as we can imagine it being, and life will never be more than you can see it being in your minds eye. You must learn to dream big, and when I say big, take what you dream about now and mulitply that by about a hundred. Nothing is out of your reach, so reach for it.

We must also learn to enjoy the overall experience of life as we take the journey and the adventure. Life is way to short to miss even one single moment while walking the path of life. Take the time to enjoy the tears, both happy and sad. Take the time to love as deeply and as purely as you possibly can. Sit in nature when you get the chance and really take in the amazing beauty that is out there. Let a smile rule your face, and peace take over your heart. Be ok with the moments that get you down, because those moments are the moments that make the happy and joyful moments so enjoyable. So many people chase after the good emotions and hide from the negative ones. Yes, with the law of attraction we need to stay in a positive state as much as possible because that attracts more of the same. The thing though is that we get attached to our emotions instead of actually experiencing them for what they are. When you are sad, be sad and experience what being sad is. When you are happy, do the same. Experience happiness. Don't be your emotions, but understand what it is to experience those moments.

We also need to be light hearted when it comes to life. Learn to play in the moment. As a child finds wonder and enjoyment out of simple things, we must learn to take life on head first from a playful heart. Take the time to be alive in the moment and to take every moment on as though it were a game. Begin to open up to life as much as possible. Drop the facades that you wear and the different personas that you are at different times in your life. As a bird enjoys the experience of flight, enjoy the travel of life. Take life as an unformed pile of clay in your hands, and playfully mold it into something beautiful. Let yourse719lf open up to the possibilities and really begin to play with ideas and emotions and concepts. Play with the moment to moment experience of being alive. The sensations on your skin. The thoughts in your head. The emotions in your heart. The color that enters your eyes. Play with it all, and experience it all as though this very moment were your last, because it may be, and we never do know. Play with it all. Experience it all. Dream big, and chase those dreams with all that you are.

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com

Use Dreams to Inspire Your Art

Have you ever awakened from a dream so inspired that you immediately had to write down a new idea for a play, draw a picture, or write a poem? If so, youre not alone. While dreams can be useful for solving problems and sorting priorities, they also have inspired countless artists working in the literary, visual, and performing arts.

The first step, of course, is remembering and recording your dreams. Keep a note pad, drawing pad, or tape recorder (whichever best suits your form of artistic expression) on your nightstand to record the most interesting or creative dreams as soon as you awake. If you rise during the night, record any dreams or dream fragments at that time, too.

TheB4D most important thing to remember when using your dreams as sources of creative inspiration is to write down all the details before you forget them. Save the development of the idea for when youre fully awake. When recording information about your dreams, be sure to include the following: date; descriptive title; underlying theme; characters present (known and unknown); setting; story; and emotions felt.

After your dreams are recorded, you can adapt them for your art in various ways. Obviously not every dream is packed full of artistic genius, but when the rare dream of profound insight and deep revelation does find its way into your nightly mindscreen, youll be ready for it.

To use your recorded dreams to their best advantage, you need to look beneath the surface for combinations of ideas and dream symbols. The dreaming mind has a way of solving problems by combining ideas in unexpected ways. Without the censoring apparatus imposed during the day, your mind is free to explore new connections. Look for these unusual combinations of ideas to find the unifying link. Can that link be adapted for your art?

Next examine the symbols present in your dream. Beyond the literal meaning of words and images, you may find funny, clever, naughty, touching, or terrifying symbols that can be used artistically. Dont be afraid to explore these symbols or use free association to link the symbols to your art.

If youre occasionally able to use dreams to inspire literary (poetry, prose), visual (paintings, sculpture, photography, etc.), and performing arts (film, theater, music, dance, etc.), then youll be in good company. Some of the most famous works of art were inspired by actual dreams or by the process of dreaming. Here are a few of my favorites that you also might want to investigate in your pursuit of artistic excellence:

Poetry and Prose

Kubla Khan, poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Frankenstein, fiction Mary Shelley

Book of Dreams, nonfiction by Jack Kerouac


The Dream, 1910 by Henri Rousseau, French

Der Traum (The Dream), 1921 by Max Beckmann, German

Persistance de la Memoire (The Persistence of Memory), 1931 by Salvador Dali, Spanish

El Sueno (The Dream), 1940 by Frida Kahlo, Mexican

Dreamer on the Ark, 1998 by Sakti Burman, Indian


The Wizard of Oz (1939, Victor Fleming); Family classic, American

Spellbound (1945, Alfred Hitchcock): Thriller, American

Wild Strawberries (1957, Ingmar Bergman): Psychological drama, Swedish

Belle De Jour (1967, Luis Bunuel): Erotic drama, French

Akira Kurosawas Dreams (1990, Akira Kurosawa): Collection of short films, Japanese


So start recording your dreams and adapting them to your artwork. Do it tonight while its still fresh in your mind. Its never too late to let your nightly dreams help your life-long dreams come true.

Copyright 2006 Leslie Halpern

Central Florida entertainment writer Leslie Halpern wrote the book Dreams on Film: The Cinematic Struggle Between Art and Science (McFarland & Company), an analysis of representations of sleeping and dreaming in more than 125 movies. She also is the author of Reel Romance. The Lovers Guide to the 100 Best Date Movies (Taylor Trade Publishing), which reviews date movies and suggests romantic ideas inspired by these films. Visit her website at http://home.cfl.rr.com/lesliehalpern/leslie_halpern.htm Both books are available at http://www.Amazon.com and http://www.Barnesandnoble.com

Dreams Meaning - Exact Proven Scientific Translations

There are too many dream interpreters and too many methods of dream interpretation, but none of them can assure you that they have really translated the exact meaning of each symbol that appeared in your dreams. They may somehow tell you what the symbol may mean, without explaining to you anything about the way they found their answers and without completely trusting their interpretation. Everyone is confused in this matter.

When I was searching the dreams meaning, I had great difficulty in finding the method that could really help me. I looked for all the existing scientific methods because I understood that each psychologist gives importance to our dreams. The dreams seemed to be an important source of information, but I couldn't translate their language in order to understand their messages.

Many people want to learn the dreams meaning because they believe that their dreams can make predictions and give them important information about many things they want to learn. When I started to study my dreams I wanted very much to discover this part too. I never looked for popular dream interpretations, because I understood that they were subjective and baseless. Of course, one may find some remarkable translations of the dreams symbols that really correspond to their real meaning because they are the result of observation of many people.

Lets suppose that some people from a village care about their dreams and that each time that someone in the village sees a certain object in their dream, something terrible happens to the village. Then they relate that object as a sign of bad luck. This way, many popular interpretations are valid. However, we never know if these popular interpretations are really the result of many years of observation and the result of the comparison of many dreams and many similar facts or events, or if they are just someones opinion.

So, we cannot trust these interpretations, even though some of them can be really helpful, if they are really the result of the observation of many people and the comparison of many dreams and facts related to them, because this is the way that a scientist discovers the symbolic meaning of a dream. This study when done by a scientist is very serious; its not the result of two or three comparisons. A scientist has to give us explanations. He cannot just say that this thing means that and expect us to accept his statement as if it were undoubtedly true.

Many psychologists and psychiatrists tried to translate the strange language of dreams, but until today, nobody knows for sure who discovered the truth. Some people believe that one of them is right, whereas some follow another one, and some dont give any importance to their dreams. Dream interpretation is not something that we could specifically define and its not something that people consider important. Most people usually completely despise the dreams they see when they sleep.

So, it is an obscure matter.

I couldn't accept this situation though and I studied the dreams intensely, searching for the correct interpretation until I found it. Τoday we know for sure which is the exact translation of the symbolic language of our dreams, which I have proved like a scientist in my scientific ebook about this subject, continuing the research made by the famed psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung, who really discovered the exact translation for the dreams symbols!

However, Carl Jungs method is very complicated, and he can scarcely be understood. Besides, he accepts ignorance in the end of his trip inside the human psyche, while I had indications from the unconscious that produces the dreams showing me that I should continue the research beyond the point where Jung accepted ignorance and stopped it.

My discoveries were amazing, so amazing that nobody believed me when I started telling everyone what I found inside the human psychic sphere. Thats why I had to write a book, explaining to everyone what exactly is hidden in the human psychic sphere, after explaining them how we can translate the exact symbolic meaning of our dreams.

I greatly simplified Jungs complicated method, discovering for myself many meanings he could not find. Moreover, I realized that our dreams are more than very important, because they can cure us from the craziness we inherit in our psychic sphere. They can show us anything and help us solve any problem!

Its also true that we can predict the future interpreting our dreams, but the visions we see are not about the things we desire to see, they are very serious. We see dreams with visions only when theyll help us understand something very important or when theyll help us avoid a big danger. Its not true that we cannot change our destiny if we can predict that something bad is going to happen to us. If we follow the wise orientation the unconscious gives us in our dreams, we can certainly avoid what is bad and find the path that wil2D47l lead us to peace and psychic health.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com and http://www.booksirecommend.com

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Beating Depression and Craziness

What is a Paradigm Shift?

A Paradigm Shift is when a significant change happens - usually from one fundamental view to a different view. In most cases, some type of major discontinuity occurs as well.

Thomas Kuhn wrote about Paradigm Shift during the early 1960s, and explained how "series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions" caused "one conceptual world view to be replaced by another view."

In laymen terms, Paradigm Shift is a popular, or perhaps, not so popular shift or transformation of the way we Humans perceive events, people, environment, and life altogether. It can be a national or international shift, and could have dramatic effects -- whether positive or negative -- on the way we live our lives today and in the future.

Paradigm Shift: A Summary

In today's society, we've all witnessed a major shift already. When we look back upon "counterculture" (More information here: http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Counterculture), we trace some of the origins to the definition of "Paradigm Shift."

During the counterculture era (1960s-1970s), younger generations opposed authority and were very much at odds with society's accepted belief systems and standards of living. In the counterculture movement (fueled by the Vietnam War), social conservatives were deemed "social repressionists."

The enlightening Paradigm Shift exploded into innovative ideas about religion, society and spirituality, notwithstanding traditional Western ideologies.

In today's society, we see a shift toward a more blinded-oppresionistic view; breed by censorship. The ironic juxtapositions between the Paradigm Shift of nearly half a century ago and society's youth today are chillingly revelational.

Youth's opposition to authority may n5B4ot have always been in the best interest of humanity; however, it was the Paradigm shift that led to revolutional changes that improved racial tensions and relationships, opened communication lines to outside nations, and ended the Vietnam War.

The end result included varying degrees of negative and positive transformations that allowed people to open their hearts and minds to multicultural diversity; and promoted liberty and freedom -- on the flipside of the shift, there was increased promiscuity, higher divorce rates, higher drug use, and imposed socialistic views and applications of welfare systems.

Today's Paradigm Shift

In lieu of recent times; however, a Paradigm Shift has been evolving. Have you been paying attention? Youth -- today, is seemingly under the hypnotic spell of invisible censorship. What is "invisible censorship?" Local news stations often report half-truths, or biased news reports in relation to national and international events; including: environmental, global, and political reports. Many traditional educational systems are imposing personal political views upon students; and incorporate these beliefs and attitudes into instructional plans. Other invisible censorship, is the fact that many events are brushed under the rug and are not given adequate media coverage as opposed to propaganda-style news.

So, in essence, what does this Paradigm Shift translate to with regard 503to human life and environmental habits? What could be the possible outcome of such dynamic and interventional metamorphosis?

Your thoughts?

2005 - All Rights Reserved
Paradigm Shift: A Summary
By C. Bailey-Lloyd

C. Bailey-Lloyd is a professional writer of poetry books, poetry and informative articles on many subjects. More in-depth biographical information can be found at Somewhere Along the Beaten Path at MySpace.com.

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Author Resource Box (above) is included, and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Live Up To Your Dream And Become A Famous Guitar Player

Most children have dreams about what they want to do when they grow up or what they are when they want to grow up. Many of these dreams include becoming a fireman, a policeman or even an astronaut. However, most of these dreams tend to fade as the children grow into maturity. One dream that many people still dare to dream is that of becoming a rock star or a musician of some sort.

The idea of playing the guitar in front of large, cheering crowds of fans appeals to most people even into the more advanced years in life. Unlike most dreams, dreams of being a guitar player do not often fade quietly into our memori79Bes but persist and sometimes even haunt us.

What if there was a way that you could turn this dream of being a guitar player into more than just a dream? What if you could make your dreams come true? Would you be interested in earning fame and fortune for playing your guitar music to adoring fans? Almost everybody would have to say yes but then again, many people think it is still impossible because it is too late or they think that learning to play the guitar now will be difficult or even impossible.

Fortunately, you do not have to spend decades, years or even months learning to play the guitar. There are some guitar guides that will allow you to pick up the guitar and begin playing real music within a matter of days and in some cases, even hours. How good you get and becoming famous as a rock star will be strictly up to you but you can now learn to play the guitar quickly and easily.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Spontaneous Human Combustion

and Electrical Discharges in the Subtle Body

Plasma is often described as the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid, and gas. It is also sometimes described as an ionized gas i.e. a gas in which the energy level is so high that the electrons escape from the atoms. This results in soups of charged particles which are overall quasi-neutral.

Spontaneous Combustions in Space Plasma

Plasma tends to separate into different regions according to temperature, density and other physical properties. When this happens a "double-layer" or plasma sheath develops around these regions and a "plasma cell" is formed. A double layer is a structure in plasma that consists of two parallel electrostatic layers with opposite electrical charge. The two thin sheets of charge cause a strong electric field and a correspondingly abrupt change in voltage (or electrical potential) across the double layer. The charge distribution in a double layer is therefore very similar to the charge distribution in a capacitor. To that extent, a double layer acts like a capacitor.

Plasma cells moving relative to one another induce electric currents in each other, generating filamentary currents and forming electrical circuits. Prodigious amounts of electrical energy developed in one plasma cell may be carried over many billions of light years through these filamentary currents to burst suddenly (as an electrical discharge) from a very small and localized region. Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén had proposed that, "...X-ray and gamma-ray bursts [in space] may be due to exploding double layers." Furthermore, since the double layer gets energy from the entire circuit, the explosion can be far more energetic than expected from the energy that is locally present.

An electrical discharge in space is a sudden release of stored electrical or magnetic energy when the electromagnetic stress exceeds some threshold. In space plasma, cells containing different types of plasma develop double layers that play the role of energy-storing capacitors which can discharge their stored energy suddenly. These discharges are localized and are usually accompanied by violent processes such as rB68apid heating, ionization and the generation of prodigious amounts of electromagnetic radiation.


In electrical circuits, energy is stored in capacitors. The capacitor is important for its ability to quickly store and release electrical energy. Some of the highest energy experiments in the world are performed using large banks of charged capacitors to produce intense discharges.

A capacitor is made of two conductors separated by an insulator. When charge is placed on one conductor it attracts charge of the opposite polarity on the other conductor. As a result, an electric field is set up between the conductors and a reservoir of electrical energy forms. As the charge on the capacitor increases, the electric field between the conductors increases, placing a growing stress on the insulator. At some critical point, the insulator breaks down and the capacitor "short circuits," releasing the stored electrical energy. Such breakdowns may destroy the capacitor. However, if the charging rate is slow the damage may repair itself as fresh insulating material (for example, air) rushes in. If the current is strong or the insulator weak, current will pass between the conducting plates, either steadily or in bursts.

Many natural systems on Earth form capacitors as well. For example, the Earth's surface and its ionosphere are two conducting layers which are separated by air – hence this system acts as a capacitor. A bolt of lightning is an electrical discharge within this system.

Capacitors in the Subtle Body

According to plasma metaphysics, the same phenomenon that occurs in space and on Earth can occur within our subtle bodies. It holds the view that our subtle bodies are composed of magnetic plasma or "magma" which generates filamentary currents that are also found in space plasma (see this author’s article on Acupuncture Meridians and the Cosmic Spider Web) and the low density magnetic plasma spheres that interpenetrate Earth (see this author’s article on Acupuncture Meridians and the Terrestrial Spider Web) .

Plasma metaphysics observes that the center of the magma or bioplasma body (coinciding somewhat with the lower abdomen of the biomolecular body) contains a pool of the highest density charged magnetic plasma of heavy particles (originating from the fiery core of the subtle counterpart body of the Earth). (This is normally identified as "kundalini" or "Earth qi" in the metaphysical literature.) It is separated from a pool of lower density magnetic plasma of lighter particles of an opposite polarity near the head (this plasma can be identified loosely with "prana" and "Heaven qi" which mainly originates from the subtle counterpart body of the Sun). As noted above, plasma with different characteristics self-organize into "cells" with double-layers around themselves. Hence, a double layer deve5B4lops within the torso of the bioplasma body separating the two types of plasma. This double layer operates as a capacitor.

Various types of instabilities have been seen to occur in double layers in laboratory plasmas. Unstable double layers generate oscillations across a wide frequency spectrum and are therefore often described as "noisy". A lack of plasma stability may lead to a dramatic change in configuration and is often referred to in the literature as an "explosion" (and hence "exploding double layer"). These types of explosions were first observed in mercury arc rectifiers, used in high-power direct-current transmission lines, where the voltage drop across the device was seen to increase by several orders of magnitude. Just as exploding double layers in space cause a burst of energy, drawing energy from the connecting circuits, it is not inconceivable that the double layers in our magma or bioplasma bodies would do the same, drawing energy from the circuits identified as "meridians" in Chinese acupuncture.

In Chinese Qigong studies, qi is said to accumulate in specific areas – identified as "qi vessels" (also sometimes called "qi reservoirs"). There are eight of these qi vessels; four of the most important vessels lie within the torso – including two at the lower abdominal region. These vessels act like the capacitors in electrical circuits which store electrical charge, according to Dr Yang Jwing-Ming – an auth5B4ority on Qigong. From the perspective of plasma metaphysics, these vessels are plasma cells containing different types of plasma with double layers around them which act like capacitors.

A capacitor can supply a large burst of power during a brief period. For example, in cameras, a capacitor is discharged quickly through a flash bulb, lighting the bulb brightly for an instant. In "capacitor discharge welding", a bank of capacitors is charged and then the discharged current is applied across the joint between the work pieces. A high temperature phenomenon, accompanied by blinding light, seals the joints. This type of welding method has also been used to shrink objects.

How does it Happen?

Ordinarily, a coherent magnetic plasma (or "magma") body is protected by a transparent or translucent (double-layered) membrane around the ovoid which protects the body because it provides a resistance to the currents in the magnetic plasma spheres that interpenetrate Earth. (These currents are often described as "ley lines" or "dragon lines" in the metaphysical literature. In plasma metaphysics they are identified more formally as "Birkeland currents" i.e. currents that arise from charged particles coursing through magnetic field lines. The first complete map of "Birkeland currents" in the Earth’s polar region was developed in 1974 from satellite-borne magnetic field observations.)

However, a magma body can become fragmB68ented due to an undisciplined wandering mind. This happens when plasma with different physical properties and pulsating at different frequencies within the body separate into different regions forming plasma cells. Forces are generated from the separations which cause a pressure to develop on the membrane. This results in stresses and strains which can rupture the protective insulating membrane and reduce its resistance to the external currents. This allows strong currents in the environment to "leak" into the magma body in an uncontrolled manner. The charge from the currents accumulates within the capacitors in the lower physical-etheric body. As the charge builds-up, the electric field between the conductors increases. When the threshold is reached an electrical discharge, lasting only a split-second, occurs in the magma body. If this magma body is the lower physical-etheric body it can impact the physical-biomolecular body, causing it to suddenly combust. (The dominant left brain's discriminatory and analytical thought processes in human beings, associated with the acquisition of language, are primarily implicated in the fragmentation of the plasma body. Other animals, on the other hand, have not developed the neural processes associated with left brain activity to any significant extent comparable to humans.)

In spontaneous human combustions the burns are not distributed evenly over the body - the extremities are usually untouched by fire but the torso suffers severe burning. In many cases, the torso is completely destroyed, the bones being completely reduced to ash. This is not surprising as the most important capacitors in the lower physical-etheric body can be identified in the torso. An uncontrolled huge electrical discharge from any of these capacitors can cause a spontaneous combustion of a significant portion of the physical-biomolecular body – radiating out from the torso.

The energies of our subtle (high energy) magma bodies far exceed anything the biomolecular body can withstand. In spontaneous human combustions the rate of total body burning is much faster than in the hottest crematoriums. Almost no fire damage is done to other objects in the vicinity of the body. Often the victims’ clothes are untouched by the fire. Hence, it is highly localized – just like in situations involving electrical discharges in space plasma or a bolt of lightning. The evidence also points to a situation where the fire starts from "within". The lower physical-etheric body is an extension of the physical-biomolecular body and is capable of generating a highly energetic burst of energy at high frequencies resulting in a highly localized ‘subtle fire’ that appears to erupt from within the physical-biomolecular body.

Electrical Discharges during Meditation and Prayer

"'Real Yoga' is as dangerous to an impure and undisciplined body as a maB68tch to a cask of gunpowder." – Annie Besant

In the meditative state of one-pointedness (also known as "hot" meditation or "active" meditation under the Newberg-Aquili model) or in qigong exercises, a person opens himself or herself up to absorb energy from the environment. Ruptures in the membrane of the magma body of an undisciplined person reduce the resistance of the magma body to external currents. If unsupervised by a teacher, a prodigious amount of current may leak into the magma body of the undisciplined and unsuspecting meditator. This energy will accumulate in an uncontrolled manner in the torso. When the electromagnetic stress exceeds a certain threshold, the current is discharged in a brief moment and a spontaneous human combustion occurs in extreme cases. In order to reduce the risk of this happening, meditators should go on to more energetic exercises in a gradual manner under the supervision of a more experienced person.

"Your body must be able to withstand the high voltage of this energy. Some of the delicate sinews of your body may be damaged if the voltage is too high for you to bear." – Osho (formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Uncontrolled surges of electromagnetic energy during meditation or prayer can damage the cells of the physical-biomolecular body. If it is close to any vital organ such as the heart, it can cause death. If it is near the brain, it can cause a breakdown of neural processes which may result in insanity. It can lead to spontaneous combustion of certain parts of the body. It is important in these cases to interrupt or absorb any flows of charged particles (or currents) from the body.

According to Osho, a modern mystic, the use of wooden platforms for meditation had no other purposes than the fact that they were poor conductors of electricity. Deer and leopard skins were also frequently used for the same purpose: so that electromagnetic energy that is released during meditation does not damage the internal organs of the physical-biomolecular body. "A man can be killed by this electric shock," said Osho. "Therefore, the sadhak [or Yoga practitioner] puts on wooden sandals and slept on a wooden platform."

Can it Happen to You?

EEG studies show that the hypnotic state is not a form of sleep. In fact, it is a form of focused altertness, with increased attention in one area and reduced attention in other areas – much like the meditative state of one-pointedness.

You may not feel like you are in a trance or in hypnosis. For most people they simply feel relaxed. Scientists say that people who lose themselves in a movie, a book, or a day-dream are probably experiencing a mild form of self-hypnosis. In fact, all of us pass through brief periods of hypnosis every day just prior to falling asleep and once again immediately before waking-up completely. Hence, the same risk of a spont5B4aneous human combustion or damage due to uncontrolled electromagnetic discharges from the lower physical-etheric body will exist when you are absorbed in a day-dream or TV program; or when you are just waking-up or going to sleep – as when you are meditating.

For most people, however, this risk would be low as generally our subtle bodies, composed of dark matter, only weakly interact with our biomolecular bodies, composed of ordinary matter. For unsupervised regular meditators who deliberately interact with their lower physical-etheric body in a persistent and forceful way (and whose subtle bodies are generally fragmented and pulsating at different rates), this risk may be higher.

The Borderline - "Gray" Matter

Based on our current understanding of interactions between dark and ordinary matter, electromagnetic interactions are generally ruled-out. Nevertheless, there is no reason not to posit a class of objects which are on the borderline between dark and ordinary matter, such as the cosmic filaments discussed in the author’s article Acupuncture Meridians and the Cosmic Spider Web. These gray matter objects, at the threshold between dark and ordinary matter, are generally invisible. However, ordinary matter which condenses around them gives out detectable radiation. Alternatively, gray matter objects may experience temporary falls in energy levels which enable them to emit lower frequenc5B4ies associated with ordinary matter. Or a combination of both may occur. (Hence, gray matter objects can cross the borderline between ordinary and dark matter intermittently or under special conditions.)

Objects in the lower physical-etheric plane are such gray matter objects. According to the metaphysical literature, the lower physical-etheric plane is an extension of the physical-dense plane. Hatha Yoga, general Qigong practices and Chinese acupuncture are associated primarily with the lower physical-etheric body. Electrical discharges from the lower physical-etheric body can therefore impact the physical-biomolecular body electromagnetically, intermittently or under special conditions.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007

Jay Alfred is the author of three books on a new field called "plasma metaphysics". The books include Our Invisible Bodies, Brains and Realities and Between the Moon and Earth. Plasma metaphysics is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of our high energy subtle bodies and their corresponding environments. These bodies include the "bioplasma" bodies and "astra2E9l" bodies found in the metaphysical literature. Plasma metaphysics provides an internally consistent framework for the study of these bodies against the backdrop of modern physics. The books are available at Amazon online bookstores.