Monday, April 28, 2008

Wealth of the Heart

Do you ever stop for a moment and think about all the energy you have spent in your life just chasing money? Do that now. You have worried about it, cried over it, thought of it, been panicked about it, spent it foolishly, wished for more of it and maybe even did some things you didn't want to do to get it. That is a lot of work. I'm as guilty as the next person. I have lived paycheck to paycheck many times. I have lived a little better at other times. There is an easier way to see the wealth you already have. How would it feel if you did not have to worry about money at all and it just came to you without effort? Consider for a moment that you could attract unlimited wealth by keeping your mind-set and actions in the right place. Imagine being able to turn your life into an amazing journey full of passion. Does that sound great or what? It certainly does to me. There is a way to have wealth, but you may be surprised at the solution.

Turn your thoughts to the middle of your chest where the center of your heart is. There is your wealth. True wealth is knowing the desire of your heart and learning your life's purpose. Call it guidance from the divine, destiny or a spiritual mission. My interpretation of a life purpose or calling is finding that one thing that brings you joy. There is one thing that you can do that no one else can in just the same way. In all the history of the world there has never been another you. Therefore your place in the world is unique. It's perfectly alright if you don't actually feel "called" to anything right this moment. Instead, ask yourself what it is you really LOVE doing. What gets your blood going and creates a passion inside? That's where you start finding your purpose.

After you figure out what your "thing" is (it could be several things related to each other), figure out how you can leave the world a better place while living your life's mission. If you do it for the love of it, the wealth will eventually follow. Put all of your passion into it and share it with everyone possible. It is unlikely that you will magically have all the money you could need right away. Abundance comes from the heart and when your heart is in the right place, abundance will follow. Start expecting it because this is the way to true wealth.

Do you know what happens when you stop worrying about money? It starts to find you. Another thing about living your life's calling is that abundance in every form will start to come into your life. You not only find wealth in material ways, but the joy, passion, peace and love brings true meaning to your life. That is wealth of the heart and it is priceless.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more and to get your FREE course on "How To Have A Successful Mindset," visit today at and be sure to check back on a regular basis for more free reports and eBooks.

Successfull Living

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