Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dream, Feel, Play

Life can be a very serious thing, and it is. The end is the same for all of us and we only get one chance. There is no dress rehearsal or practice for this. There is no second chance at stuff and we don't get to start over. In fact, we don't get to do it again, ever. Life is a once and done thing, so we need to make sure we do the best we can during this adventure, and make the best of it we can. It's important to remember to dream big. To take the time to experience as much of life as we can, the good and the bad. Take the time to enjoy the sadness and sorrow we all feel at times as well as the happiness and joy when it comes along. Most importantly, remember to play.

Many of us have heard of this whole law of attraction thing. Many of us have begun to use it and to work toward manifesting those things we want in our lives. Hopefully, if you are one of these people, even if your not, you have taken the time to dream big. It's important to have a passion for something, and to dream about that passion and chase that passion. Hopefully you have also taken the time to write down those dreams on paper. We must learn to dream big as all great men are dreamers. Life is only as big as we can imagine it being, and life will never be more than you can see it being in your minds eye. You must learn to dream big, and when I say big, take what you dream about now and mulitply that by about a hundred. Nothing is out of your reach, so reach for it.

We must also learn to enjoy the overall experience of life as we take the journey and the adventure. Life is way to short to miss even one single moment while walking the path of life. Take the time to enjoy the tears, both happy and sad. Take the time to love as deeply and as purely as you possibly can. Sit in nature when you get the chance and really take in the amazing beauty that is out there. Let a smile rule your face, and peace take over your heart. Be ok with the moments that get you down, because those moments are the moments that make the happy and joyful moments so enjoyable. So many people chase after the good emotions and hide from the negative ones. Yes, with the law of attraction we need to stay in a positive state as much as possible because that attracts more of the same. The thing though is that we get attached to our emotions instead of actually experiencing them for what they are. When you are sad, be sad and experience what being sad is. When you are happy, do the same. Experience happiness. Don't be your emotions, but understand what it is to experience those moments.

We also need to be light hearted when it comes to life. Learn to play in the moment. As a child finds wonder and enjoyment out of simple things, we must learn to take life on head first from a playful heart. Take the time to be alive in the moment and to take every moment on as though it were a game. Begin to open up to life as much as possible. Drop the facades that you wear and the different personas that you are at different times in your life. As a bird enjoys the experience of flight, enjoy the travel of life. Take life as an unformed pile of clay in your hands, and playfully mold it into something beautiful. Let yourse719lf open up to the possibilities and really begin to play with ideas and emotions and concepts. Play with the moment to moment experience of being alive. The sensations on your skin. The thoughts in your head. The emotions in your heart. The color that enters your eyes. Play with it all, and experience it all as though this very moment were your last, because it may be, and we never do know. Play with it all. Experience it all. Dream big, and chase those dreams with all that you are.

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit

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