Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crystals - How To Activate And Accelerate The Law of Attraction (LOA) Using Their Power?

I stumbled on a forum thread discussion about crystals some time ago. It's an exchanged between a gentleman and a lady.

"I found a crystal on the riverbed, what can I do with this stone?" asked the lady.

"If I came across a crystal on the river bed, I will throw this piece of worthless rock away", the gentleman replied.

I shook my head. It's a pity, I thought. Yet at the same time, I guess this is what most people will do. Not many out there understand the true power of the crystals. And for those who do, few are willing to talk or share.

The Secret took the world by storm. Many popular teachers advocate this law, it brings them fame and popularity.

Pause for a moment. Think about it. Who is the real star of The Secret? Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Bill Harris, Jack Canfield, Marie Diamond or any other teachers? No. Rather it is the Law of Attraction (LOA). I have no doubt of the existence of this law, just like the law of gravity, it's always there, and it works.

But is LOA merely those 3 simple steps: ask, believe and receive?

There is a hidden flaw to these 3 simple steps. Do you know?

As pointed out in the book, Jack Canfield's Key to living the law of attraction, "It is your vibrational states that attract the objects of your desire", so focusing on what you want, and staying in the right emotion, are keys to send out the right vibes to unleash the power of LOA.

And the right vibes encompasses more than just being happy. It's a satisfied feeling and within this feeling you have to find calmness, peace and love.

Any traces and feeling of lack will have made the whole process of manifestation slow. It's a rather complex feeling you have to manage, to make LOA work for you. And it's even more difficult to sustain the good feeling constantly. Sounds profound? It is.

Let's face it. We are human being. We have emotions. We have other priorities in life. Can you really only focus on what you want all the time? Unlikely.

What about when you go to bed at night? You stop transmitting the right vibes to attract what you want.

And also What about times when you are emotionally down? You start transmitting the wrong vibes and attract what you don't want.

A law that looks and sounds deceivingly easy to apply turns out harder than expected. I agree there are many who succeeded in getting what they want. But I also believe there are many more failures.

Fortunately, there is an easier method. You can turn crystal stones into a desire magnet, and attract what you want.

How is this possible? Because crystal has memory effect.vibrates at it own unique frequency sending out signal to the Universe 24 hours, 7 days a week. Once you program it, the crystal aligns and sends out vibes to the Universe with your request.

So instead of you engaging the law of attraction personally, you delegate it to your crystals. It is still "you placing your order with the Universe", but easier.

But why easier?

Not only are the energy enumerated from crystals consistent and pure, the energy level are also higher. According to a Taiwanese text on crystals, the energy enumerated from these crystal stones are between 1000 to 10,000 times stronger than that from human's thoughts.

And what do all these mean to you? You speed up the manifestation process and prevent self sabotage. In short, it become easier and faster to get the product and experience you wanted.

How to unleash the transformation power of crystal to manifest your desire?

In 3 simplified steps, you can to turn a deceivingly worthless crystal into a desire magnet.

Here's how:

Crystal Cleansing: This is to erase and release off previous message embedded in the stone. In short, remove the unwanted energy.

Several methods you can use including soaking in sea salt for a day, rinse with running water and keeping the stone in the freezer compartment.

Crystal Charging: This is to restore the energy of the stone. You can think of it as charging a rechargeable flat battery.

Place the crystal under sun or onto clear quartz cluster.

I always prefer the clear quartz cluster method since you can accomplish cleansing and charging in a single step. Simply place the crystal on the quartz cluster overnight.

Crystal Programming: This is the time you focus on what you want. Hold the crystal in your right hand. Focus and visualize the product and experience what you wanted in your mind's eye.

Next, see this image slowly disappearing into the crystal. You may like to make a declaration to strengthen your programming. The best part is, you won't risk sabotaging yourself. You won't and push away what are on the way to you when you are emotionally down. Whatever desire or message you have programmed into the crystal continued to be transmitted into the Universe with your request.

In short, see it, feel it and forget it.

That's it.

Unleashing the power of crystals to attract your desire is similar to engaging the law of attraction. Only simpler, easier and faster. And for a start, my recommendation is clear quartz.

Sign up and be informed of the launch of my free course, "Manifest Your Desires with Crystals' Power!" If you believe in Law of Attraction (LOA), or if this law has not work for you in the past, either way, this is the course you are waiting for.

Manifesting your desire can only gets faster and easier by tapping into the power of the crystal stones.

Discover more about crystals and their wondrous power in Crystals Bay.

From: The Crystals Metaphysician - Glen Lim

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