Friday, June 27, 2008

Simple Easy Secret Life Skills

In order to gain control over a disordered, dysfunctional, out of control mind it is necessary to recognize and admit to yourself what state of mind you are living in. How negative are you?

The mind is in constant motion. It is the great trickster and it contains much useless thought. We are not living and experiencing life as it is meant to be. We are living in a false reality that we have created by the level of our thoughts. If you are only stuffing yourself with outerworld realities you are a fool. We are meant to create our own reality by onl5B4y thinking thoughts of what we want in our life and want it to become.. Yet most people consistently think and speak of what they do not want. Then they wonder why the got it. The negative mind is the great trickster. We are in constant battle between the negative forces and the positive forces and Thoughts Are Powerful Real Forces. We will call the negative mind the great trickster because it tricks you and lies to you all the time. Pushing your buttons and causing you to react to every little thing. The negative mind pulls you down emotionally, manipulates you, deceives you, steals your peace, tells you are going to fail and that you are useless. The trickster knows all your weaknesses. It knows which old thoughts to dig up and feed you to ruin your relationships, your goals and your dreams. It fills you up with destructive contaminating thoughts. The trickster has 365 reasons why you should not learn how to gain control of your personal power. WHY is this ? Because if you get control, it means you are in charge. It means that you will become positive , happy and successful. The trickster does not want that. This may be hard to believe, but your mind plays tricks on you all the time. It tells you that negative things are going to happen, that do not happen. It brings things up that you would rather forget. It causes you to worry and lose sleep. The negative mind creates, distorts, and magnifies problems that do not even exist. (exa5B4mple) A man goes into a hospital for a check up and they decide to keep him in overnight for some more tests. The trickster immediately feeds him thoughts of - Doubt -Fear -Worry -Anxiety - Thoughts like; "There must be something seriously wrong if they have to keep me in hospital. What is wrong ? If I have to be off work long I will lose my job. I won't be able to pay my mortgage and I'll lose my house and my car. I will never get another job because of my age." Worry sets in BUT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. It's all lies. Your mind does this all the time ! Well, that is good to know. So don't you ever forget it.

The trickster lies to us all the time. The negative mind will keep your life in strife. Change and only accept positive thoughts into your mind and your life will flow with effortless effort.

Be aware of the trickster all the time. Learn to flick him off. Say to yourself. "Get lost I am not listening to you any more". Re-program your mind. Change every negative immediately into a positive. Do not accept negative thoughts any more. Take control. Learn not to react. Use your personal power . (Here is another example of the trickster at work.) A man's wife suddenly left him for another man without any warning. He was so devastated he decided to sell his business and move away. He had worked very hard for many years to build up his business and make it successful. This is an emotional spontaneous reaction. Wrong 5B4decision.

When we choose a partner we do not know what lies ahead; we do not know how if the person we marry will change but we have learn to ride the storms as they arrive.

Why would you give up or change your lifestyle because of someone else's choices.

Hold your head up high, don't get mad, let it go. Move forward and focus on your life. Become the best you can become. Focus on your success. Do not allow the trickster to fool you into reacting. Reacting only causes more strife in your life.

When a man is blind to the views of his soul he will be unable to live life to the full. The errors of a persons past can become the wise choices of his future.

Take back your power. Cut your losses don't add to them by giving up. Take care of yourself. Give yourself permission to be successful. Give yourself a D.I.N. degree and Do It Now. You are truly better off without someone who would betray your trust.

You may have lost a partner but you have your whole life ahead of you. Be powerful not pitiful. Learn to live the Impersonal Life. Don't take offense, don't judge them, don't criticize, don't try to analyze or justify another persons actions. Stay positive.

The actions of another person has got nothing to do with you!

You are only responsible for yourself. Stay in Love and Forgiveness.

Do it for you. And You will be blessed. Do not allow the trickster to steal your True Self.5B4 Do not compromise your character. Be firm and unwavering. Stay true to yourself.

Be aware that the great trickster works overtime when you are in pain. Turn your Scars into Stars. Say goodbye to the trickster. Keep flicking him off your shoulders. Stay positive. Stay in goodness. Decide to take control of your mind. Act upon this decision by doing exercises to control the mind. Be positive all the time. Be willing to do the WORK. The work is to have a good mind and a pure heart. Affirm this to yourself daily.

Be active every day in your choices of your thoughts, words, actions and intent. Weeding out the negatives and seeding the positives until it becomes a habit and the mind is fully re-trained. The mind must be cleaned out and reprogrammed the same as a computer. Become the master of your mind.

As a man thinks today so it will become for him in his future.

May I suggest that you purchase my book "Discover the Power of Thoughts"

It is full of great charts, tools and exercises to help you to become the master over your mind.

From my book " Discover the Power Of Thoughts." Published in 2001.

Shirley Carton published author of self help life skills books, C.D.'s and articles. Expert on the evolution of consciousness, personal growth, intuition and meditation. Visit Shirley 300 on

Myles Munroe

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