Friday, June 27, 2008

Why Intelligence Increasing Techniques Work

The 21st century has seen the advent of many so-called "intelligence increasing" techniques. These techniques have been purported to lead to intelligence gains of as little as 5-10 points, but all the way up to 30-40 IQ points gains for major techniques.

The most popular techniques in use today are image streaming, wave streaming, brain harmonics and pseudo telekinesis, though there are many others which are just as effective and can suit your lifestyle. Each technique has its distinct advantages, where some lead to increases in concentration and focus, others are more favorable towards intuition, creativity and inspiration generation.

The reason why these techniques work are several fold. First, the intelligence increase arises from the subconscious mind which lies within us. The genius of today is merely a result of increased connections to this subconscious foundation to let the genius come to us. The subconscious itself is the area of our minds which is always at work to give us what we plant into it. It also contains the solutions to any problem that we have, so is excellent for problem solving and creativity increase.

The second reason why intelligence techniques work, is because it natural for us to be the best that we can be, because we already have the best things within us in the unconscious. Therefore it is impossible for us not to achieve the best, when we allow it to flow through to us. We can therefore increase our intelligence into the stratosphere, and become a Universal Genius who achieves all their dreams with flying colors.

So in essence, the secret to genius lies on the fact that we have a subconscious and unconscious mind within us. We merely need to link with these and allow their secrets to pass through to us and fulfill our dreams on our behalf.

The author has increased his IQ to over 180, using the techniques he has created and perfected throughout his life. Visit for more information on how to increase your intelligence and achieve the genius of your dreams.

To understand others is to have knowledge

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