Saturday, March 7, 2009

Self Improvement and Overcoming Frustration

We all suffer from frustration, and being able to effectively deal with frustration is very important for self improvement. It can be a decisive factor between success and failure.

Frustration can have highly damaging impact on our frame of mind. It can turn a positive person into a negative person. It can inhibit our progress and, in the most extreme cases can completely immobilise us. We can become so wound up with our frustration that we cant think or act rationally, or we can even become aggressive. Our frustration can often exacerbate the situation and create a vicious circle. If we are convinced that our actions are not working, no matter how hard we try, we are much more likely to reduce, rather than increase, our chances of success.

There are countless causes of frustration, and what affects one person may have no impact on someone else

There are no simple answers or remedies. Some people simply give up on what they were trying to achieve. Some people walk away from the cause and go onto something else, and find they can then face the problem rationally when they come back to it. Stepping back from the cause of the frustration and making yourself calm down will help us to see things more clearly.

Persistence and determination can often see us through our frustration, particularly if we first make ourselves calm down. Movement can help - standing up and taking a few deep breathes, or going for a walk can help to clear our minds. Sometimes we may need to look for alternatives we hadnt considered before, or totally different approaches. There are times when we may be out of our depth, in which case we need to recognise this, and be prepared to ask for advice and support from specialists that can help us.

All successful people have to deal with plenty of frustration as they progress towards their goals, this may even be one of the biggest reasons for their success. Their frustration with their poor results or lack of success may have been so great they were driven to set goals and inspired to work hard at achieving them. They almost certainly learned strategies and techniques to deal with their frustrations, which allowed them to overcome their problems and be more productive, which definitely contributed to their success.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

About The Author Garry Zancanaro is the creator of a collection of outstanding and life changing Success and Personal Development Resources, and the founder of where you can claim a FREE copy of THINK AND GROW RICH.

Foundation For Inner Peace

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