Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tips to Develop Strong Positive Self Esteem - Enjoy a Happier Life

People with low self esteem are likely to be unhappy, frustrated and probably not as successful as their more confident friends.

Developing a healthy self esteem is essential for the well being and happiness of an individual. Here are some very useful tips that can help in developing a strong self-image and confidence.

High Self Esteem Tips:

1. Give inner encouragement:

All people are hungry for some sort of encouragement or the other. But why to depend on others for encouragement? Whenever you do something good, encourage yourself by saying "good job", "well done" and other such positive phrases.

Giving yourself constant encouragement even for small accomplishments can give a boost to your confidence levels. It is one of the important high self esteem tips you should follow.

2. Focusing more on strengths:

Most of us focus more on our weaknesses. Agreed that we should be aware of our shortcomings, otherwise how can we develop a plan to improve upon them?

But its not a good idea to focus more on weaknesses. How much time you focus on weaknesses, you should focus at least double of that time on your strengths. By focusing more on strengths rather than weaknesses, we can develop positive self image and we are not completely ignoring our weaknesses too.

3. Stop negative thoughts:

Negative thinking can weaken our resolve and confidence. Here is a little exercise to help stop negative thoughts as soon as they arise. Visualize a red stop sign in your mind as soon as you realize that you are getting negative thoughts. You might also imagine in your mind saying aloud the word "Stop".

You can also overcome negative thinking by challenging it with questions. Whenever you get a thought like "I am stupid" or"I am not intelligent like others", ask yourself "is it really true? What proof do I have that others are better than me?".

Such kind of counter-questioning can help in discarding long held negative notions about yourself and help catapult you onto the journey of positive thinking.

Are you suffering from low and poor self esteem problems? Find out the warning signals now - 70+ Characteristics of Low Self Esteem

Give up your bad habits. Learn how to replace your bad habits with good ones in as little as 21 days. Increase your productivity, control procrastination, develop confidence - Control Bad Habits

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