Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Six Daily Motivation Tips

How do you achieve a more consistent level of daily motivation? Use the following powerful techniques, beginning at the start of your day.

1. Start The Day Motivated

Have a morning motivation routine. Experiment a bit and see what gets you going. If it has to be coffee, then so be it, although there are probably healthier options. One thing that probably doesn't work is hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock. That just trains your brain and body to pay less attention to the alarm. Try cold showers, energizing music, exercise and anything else that might work for you. Once you find a few things that help you get you ready for the day, work them into a regular routine.

2. Have Worthy Goals

If you have nothing to get excited about, find something. Quit your job, move to another town, make a goal that requires work you will enjoy. You have nothing to lose in your life if there is nothing in it that you want to be doing, so start making changes. Start exploring the possibilities to see which ones might inspire you and make you want to get going each day. Then remind yourself of these important or inspirational goals every morning.

3. Use Fear

We are all motivated by both fear and the promise of rewards, but some of us respond better to fear. You can use this to get yourself moving. In fact, you already do if you sometimes lay there in the morning until the thoughts of what will happen if you don't get up make you finally jump out of bed. Just make it more conscious and planned. Imagine the bad things that will happen if you don't do what needs to be done. This is a very basic psychological technique. You link pain with not acting, so you feel a strong urge to get busy working on your goals.

4. Have Daily Motivation Talks

Almost everyone gets excited and experiences a rise in energy levels when talking about something that is truly important and inspiring to them. This could be cars, self improvement, politics, money or just about anything. Find the "hot" topics that get you excited and start a conversation about them as necessary. This works best if the person you are talking to shares your enthusiasm, but try it with anyone who will listen. Afterwards you should be able to carry that energized and motivated state over to the work at hand.

5. Do Something

Though it may seem ironic, I started writing this article without feeling too motivated (I write more than a hundred articles a year). But I knew that if I just wrote a sentence or two, there would be some momentum created. Sure enough, I am writing easily now, and with some enthusiasm. The point: take any small step. Do anything to start the project or task in front of you - any action towards a goal - and you will feel some degree of motivation building within you.

6. Go Beyond Daily Motivation Tricks

Learn how your brain and body works and you can easily apply that knowledge through "tricks" like those here. However, there is also a natural motivation which arises in us when we are living in a balanced and healthy way. You may be skeptical of the idea at first, but when you see clearly enough what needs to be done, the energy is there. Work on that self awareness and honest inquiry into ones nature, and more and more you'll be able to tap into that natural state of seeing the truth and acting. Then you won't need daily motivation "tricks" or tips.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more Self Motivation Tips, and to learn more powerful principles that go much further, visit: http://www.selfimprovementnow.com/self-motivation-tips.html

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