Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tips For the Challenge of Steep Hill Landscaping

There are some plants that are good choices for steep hill planting. If planted correctly they can prevent future erosion. Ground hugging shrubs like Blue Rug junipers are a good choice, along with groundcover evergreens. Pebbles and shrubs will just wash away, so it is best to avoid these. Larger stones will settle better, and along with the shrubs, can go a long way in erosion prevention.

Another tip for steep hill landscaping is to plant trees that develop extensive root networks. The trees can provide shade while also stabilizing the soil. The stabilized soil can make landslides less likely.

Flower gardens are yet another steep hill landscaping idea that is easy an easy way to add color. Steep hills may not have any other practical use, so why not beautify the area with a multitude of flowering blooms. Making a paved pathway or adding steps can help prevent erosion while giving a nice access up and down the hill.

A retaining wall could be the most essential addition to any steep hill. If you plant trees, shrubs or flowers on your hill you will need to have an effective way to keep them watered. Watering on a hill can present a new set of problems. The water will run down the hill before being properly absorbed while also adding to erosion. The retaining wall is a structure to prevent landslides of dirt, rocks and plants. It can help keep the soil from flowing down with watering and rain.

The retaining wall should be several feet higher than the current soil level. This will keep the accumulated soil from overflowing. The retaining wall also offers a added measure of safety as a landslide from your property can be a dangerous liability to the homeowner.

A steep hill can be a picture perfect addition to any home, but also a challenge to find solutions to landscape. By using these tips for steep hill landscaping you will add beauty to your landscape while also helping your property to survive many years of the natural elements that can lead to erosion and landslides.

To watch video with step-by-step instructions on building a retaining wall and hillside steps, visit

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