Thursday, April 30, 2009

Help Others by Helping Yourself First self-help video

Make Sure You're in the Right State of Mind before You Start to Help Other People, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place to develop some life changing skills .

Attracting A Mate Into Your Life

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dealing with Grief with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Change Can Lead To Suffering

5 Warning Signs Your Self Discovery Approaches Aren't Working

Ever wonder why what you're doing isn't working? This month's article is all about what you can do when you are not experiencing results from your spiritual practice.


  1. FORCING THE OUTCOME. Say you have your heart set on a goal that you really, really want to achieve. You've made a vision board. You've visualized every single detail of your goal. You have a positive affirmation taped to your bathroom mirror. For whatever reason, every step you take towards your goal is met with an obstacle. Delays. Uncooperative people. Being overwhelmed with details. Legal mix-ups. Missed deadlines. Whatever. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? When this happens, it is a ripe opportunity to stop yourself in your tracks. Maybe this isn't suppose to unfold in the way that you think it should. By forcing the outcome you are imposing your will instead of working in harmony with the universe. Now's the time to let go of your attachment to the outcome. No one enjoys being micromanaged. Give the universe some space to work her magic. Say out loud: "May this or something better manifest..."
  2. FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU DON'T WANT INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU DO WANT. It is far easier to name what you are dissatisfied with than it is to articulate specifically what you clearly want. You've heard the analogy of "placing your order" with the universe and that the universe doesn't process "negatives" - so it focuses on the person, place, thing, quality, or idea regardless of the emotion. You say "I don't want to be in debt" and the universe hears "debt." So what do you get? MORE debt. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? It is good to be clear with how you state your intentions. Focus on what you want. Flip any of your negatively phrased statements into the positive. For example: "I don't want to be in debt" becomes what you truly DO want by stating, "I want to be financially independent." Place your order with conscious awareness and you'll get what you asked for - remember to be specific!
  3. POSING. Stop posing and start moving. If you are a perfectionist, there is always going to be an excuse not to start something now. As you embark on a new spiritual adventure, it can be easy to get caught up in looking the perfect part instead of delving into the messy discovery. Or if you are caught up in the thinking, reason, logic, argument, fantasies, planning, scheming, knowing, and worrying...there is simply no room for these things when you are on the path of awareness. They only satisfy your ego. And where there is ego, there is no amigo. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Be both generous and gentle with your perfectionist self. Put one foot in front of the other and move into the direction of your dreams - even if you don't know all the details. Of course, do what you need to boost your confidence and help yourself feel good, but don't put off trying yoga because you think you can't afford that new yoga outfit. So what if it is your first time, everyone starts somewhere. NO one is there waiting for you to fail.
  4. THE POWER OF NOW DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET EVERYTHING NOW. You can't wait. When you don't see immediate results, you think what you are doing is not working. This can be frustrating and discouraging. How long does it take? It takes as long as it should. We live in a society of instant gratification. Not everything comes in an instant oatmeal package - ready in 60 seconds. Some things are worth the wait. But give yourself a break and just be with it all. Make room for time. Patience. Patience. Patience. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Try the Power of Yet. When you don't experience the instant fix, keep yourself motivated by simply adding the word "Yet." For example, "I am not meditating for 30 minutes...yet." "I haven't made it to yoga 3x in a row...yet." And then see #2 above. You can always try working the positive side. "I just did 10 minutes of yoga!" Why not celebrate what you do instead of what you aren't doing yet?
  5. THIS ISN'T A TO DO LIST. Self discovery doesn't respond well to being project managed. Spiritual exploration isn't something that has a finite beginning and ending, it is a "becoming" and a lifetime of learning. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Divine the signs and symbols. Ask for help when you need it. Seek great teachers. Take time to move from accumulation of knowledge to application in your daily round. That is when wisdom comes...purely through experience. There may be class you are being called to take. Look for patterns and recurring themes.


At the end of the day it is really all about action and being responsible for those actions. Seeing results in your spiritual practice is all about mindful living. Intention alone will not prevail. Intention + Action = Results. Pay attention to the warning signs, make difference choices, and take action. You'll see changes and results...we promise.

  • Release "the how." Make up your mind to trust that you are exactly where you are suppose to be.
  • Take charge of every thought. Thoughts become things so pick good ones.
  • There is power in beginning . Ready, Fire, Aim! Everything doesn't have to be perfect or planned. Sometimes taking the first step is all you need. Just start.
  • Make room for "the yet factor." Patience. Patience. Patience.
  • Realize that effectiveness is within your own power. Move from learning to wisdom. And most of all trust the universe and be yourself!

Copyright 2008 SoulStar Discovery For Women Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cynthia Watson and Sharlene Starr are the authors of a *FREE* Special Report on the "15 Blunders That Block Consciousness." To get your *FREE* copy of this report, go to and start awakening to your woman's soul and finding your authentic self.

Planting The Seeds Of Suggestion

The Meaning of Enlightenment

Everyone is speaking about it. Everyone is trying to achieve it. But what is it? Let's start at the beginning. The word 'enlightenment' means wisdom or understanding. However, the English word 'enlightenment' broadly covers two areas: (1) religious/spiritual enlightenment and also (2) secular/intellectual enlightenment. What I always find interesting is that those that claim intellectual enlightenment are usually the ones that reject spiritual concepts altogether. This, I believe, is that for them everything has to be scientifically proven, as we know, this is not possible at the present time, with regard to many areas of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Intellectual Enlightenment, this refers mainly to a European movement known as the Age of Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason. People recognized the sad state of the human condition and the need for major reforms. The Enlightenment was less a set of ideas than it was a set of attitudes. At its centre was a serious questioning of traditional institutions, customs, and morals referring to philosophical developments related to scientific rationality in the 17th and 18th centuries. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Spiritual Enlightenment For an example of this I will use a quote from noted scientist Albert Einstein: "A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Some of the most popular quotes regarding Spiritual Enlightenment are: "to become one with yourself", "to know your inner self" and "obtain inner peace".

Plainly speaking this translates into: Knowing yourself. You accept who you are. To be able to honour each person as they walk their own path and not infringe your own personal beliefs onto them. To know and accept that YOU are in control of your own life. You believe and accept in a 'higher power' and that you are an important part of this universal energy.

Also widely accepted is the fact that everyone is here for a reason and to become 'Spiritually Enlightened' means finding that reason and then acting upon it.

Some people accept the above definition as 'Spiritual Enlightenment' whilst others are looking for yet more.

Their idea of spiritual enlightenment is all of the above, plus connection with the spirit world. Some people are born with these (psychic) abilities but for most of us these abilities have to be worked on. But through meditation, focus and an accepting mind, people can achieve varying levels of spirit connection.

I hope this article gives you an understanding ofSpiritual Enlightenment without being drowned in a sea of beliefs from many different religions. Whilst most religions differ in their teachings, their basic beliefs in spiritual enlightenment are very similar.

I will be writing a series of posts about how and why meditation, diet and an accepting mind can help you develop spiritually - so keep checking back.

I have been interested in all things related to spiritualism, meditation, self development for as long as I can remember. The fascination never fades but the information keeps coming.

Discussing spirituality, spiritual development, self development, meditation and much more.

Creating Love And Happiness

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unbelievable Inspirational Video from the Founder of Pixar

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Healing With Your Mind

Defy the Effects of Aging Skin

It is said that wisdom comes with age. It can also be said that wrinkles and more wrinkles also come with age. Dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, loss of elasticity and firmness, all those scary signs we attribute to aging. Wisdom is fine, wisdom with wrinkles is a whole other story! There are two types of aging, intrinsic and extrinsic. Unfortunately we cannot do much about Intrinsic aging, this is simply the natural process of the body and skin aging with the passage of time. Extrinsic aging, however, results from the affects of our environment and the daily choices we make when it comes to caring for ourselves. Thankfully, with the right decisions and a little effort, we can make a big difference in how our skin ages. Being prepared for environmental factors and living a healthy lifestyle will keep us on the right track to aging beautifully.

One of the biggest and perhaps most known skin offender is the sun. Or more specifically the UVA and UVB rays that come down with the warmth we love. A full 80% of skin aging can be traced to sun exposure. Still think an occasional day in the sun, or even at the tanning bed won't hurt? Well that 80% of UVA/UVB damage translates to 20 years of fast forward aging. We all know what to do, break out the sun block! Take advantage of the new and improved SPF creams, don't be afraid to wear that wide brimmed hat you know you look good in, and buy the biggest sunglasses you can find! Those darn UV rays trickle down even on cloudy days so don't get caught unprotected, especially when it comes to your face and neck. There are some great moisturizers with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or more, making it ridiculously easy to ward off harmful aging rays. If a "summer glow" is too tempting please use fake tan! The market is full of sprays and creams that deliver a wonderfully sun-kissed look without the side effects of wrinkles, sun spots and maybe even cancer.

Pollution is yet another tool of extrinsic aging. Simply living in the city, surrounded by car exhaust and whatever else floats in that characteristic haze of industry and busy living, can add 5 years to our skin. As the largest, and by far most exposed, organ of the human body our skin needs fresh air. Seven percent of the oxygen we breath is carried to the skin. This means that pollutants in the air attack our skin from the inside as well as the outside, creating free-radicals that accelerate the aging process. To help protect against this atmospheric onslaught we need antioxidants on our side, well, on our face really. Skin creams and lotions rich in antioxidants not only protect, but will also help repair any previous damage. And what about that slightly tainted oxygen we necessarily breath in? Antioxidant vitamin supplements will neutralize those inhaled pollutants.

While we can't help breathing some hidden pollution we do have control over such things as cigarette smoke. Besides the serious health problems associated with smoking it is also very detrimental to the skin. Two years of smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day can double the rate of premature facial wrinkling. The only sure fire way around this damage is to put out the light. Withdrawal symptoms may be eased by taking a supplement with a high-potency vitamin B complex.

The stresses of modern living and indeed, stress itself affects the aging of our skin as well. Stressed at school? Stressed at work? Stressed at home? Relax! Find some fresh air and take some deep breaths. Overloading our system, and our schedules, with more than we can handle is literally nerve racking. Sound familiar? Add three or more years to our skin aging tally. If it's possible, drop whatever is unnecessary in your life and find healthy ways to relax. Dig those yoga pants out from the back of the closet, pick up the journal that was last dated two or three years ago, whatever works! And keep smiling. Believe it or not, picking up the corners of your mouth can pick up your mood and when you feel better you deal better. Plus it will tighten the connective tissue around the mouth, which helps the face maintain its shape and get rid of wrinkles.

Unfortunately stress often leads to more aging behaviors like missed sleep and excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. We all know how worrying about "life" can chase sleep away, no matter how tired we are. It is important to find out what helps you sleep, and sleep deeply. This is the time when the brain can concentrate on healing and rejuvenating our bodies, including the skin. The optimal time for skin repair is between the hours of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.. Try to have a "night time" routine that will trigger your mind and body for sleep, this would be a good time to slather on a night cream to help the skin in the renewal process. It may help to snack on a banana, some figs, dates or yogurt. These foods contain amino acid tryptophan, the natural chemical that stimulates the release of brain calming serotonin. (Yes, it's the stuff in turkey!). This leaves us with alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol dehydrates the body, causing premature aging and a depleted supply of vital nutrients. Excessive alcohol intake equals excessive dehydration, equals old baggy skin. And while caffeine may be the only thing keeping you awake in the Monday morning office meeting be sure not to tank up on it too much. More than four cups of coffee or eight cups of tea a day leads to high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and digestive problems. Feeling bad on the inside can translate to looking bad on the outside.

Another age defying mantra to live by is to hydrate and moisturize. The human body is composed of 70% water. We all knew we were juicy inside but 35%, a whooping half of our body water, is found in the skin! If we are not re-supplying our body with needed fluids the moisture is literally sucked from our skin. You have heard it before but we will say it again, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily! Hydrated skin cells are plump and happy, that means less structural damage, less wrinkles, and healthier looking skin. Another plus is that all this water helps flush the toxins from our bodies, toxins that may otherwise be attacking our skin from the inside. Be careful not to go too crazy with this good advice. More than 10 glasses a day can put undue pressure on the kidneys and we don't need that. The outside elements can also have a drying effect on the skin. To prevent moisture loss it is essential to use lotions and moisturizers. They add water to the skin and form a protective barrier. Find the right moisturizer for your skin type, dry skin will need the richer creams, while oily or problem skin need lighter, oil-free lotions. There are many products available to assist with moisturizing. One great anti-wrinkle product is Amatokin.

Now we come to diet and exercise. It's not much of a news flash but large amounts of sugar, fatty fried foods and highly refined carbohydrates are not our friends. These types of foods may be fast, convenient and lets face it, yummy, but they tend to speed up the aging process. Our whole body, even our skin, is nourished by what we put inside it. Along with keeping hydrated you will be amazed at how a healthy and balanced diet affects how you look and feel. Try to fit in more fresh fruits and veggies, and don't shy away from those whole grains. We're talking "balanced" remember? Stay away from yo-yo dieting. It is not fun, it deprives the skin of vital nutrients, and can thereby add 10 years of skin aging! With all this healthy eating we are now doing (or at least thinking about doing) it is only natural to talk about physical exercise. Regular exercise keeps your body in shape and is also a huge benefit to the skin. Just 30 minutes of cardio three times a week improves circulation and encourages blood flow. This means more nutrient and oxygen rich blood is reaching the skin, increasing its natural abilities to fight against free radicals, bacteria, and the breakdown of skin cells.

Our skin is aging with us, there is no doubt about that. But who says we don't have the power to slow down the ticking clock? To live a long, full life, without touting the usual "scars" of wrinkles and baggy skin? If we decide to make the effort, to protect ourselves from harsh environments, to allow ourselves to relax, to live the healthy lifestyle we know we should, we will be rewarded with a happy and youthful appearances. We were built to last, lets take care of the paint job.

Richard Fisch holds a Master's Degree in Accounting and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics. Aside from working in public accounting, Richard enjoys researching modern health and fitness methods and products and is an aspiring writer on those topics.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hatha Yoga Poses - An Introduction

The word hatha in Sanskrit is a combination of "ha" which means the sun and "tha" which means the moon. This combination of words was used and is used to describe this form of yoga as doing hatha yoga poses aim at bringing together the opposite currents in the system.

Yoga poses have been practised as some say for 5000 years. Today, then have been very popular among yoga lovers as they have proved to be very effective for improvements in balancing the body, mind and spirit. Hatha poses incorporate and include breathing techniques which helps to improve mental concentration.

Regular practice of hatha yoga and the poses associated with it can improve the flexibility of the body allowing it to stretch easily; it also regularizes the respiration process and improves the practitioner's posture. Yoga poses strengthen and balance one through stretching, giving the body a calming and relaxing effect. Hatha yoga poses are bound to improve the physical, mental and spiritual aspect of one's health. The larger goal of yoga is to blend the spirit of the universe with the spirit of the mind and hence help in achieving eternal bliss.

While practising yoga postures one should breathe normally at first and over time the breath will become deeper. Breathing deeply and effortlessly during the body exercise part of yoga allows the diaphragm to open and expand easily. While practicing, one should be cautious enough to avoid force or strain during the stretching positions. Most of the hatha yoga poses can be practised by beginners, however one should skip the poses which one is not comfortable with and should wait till the body is ready to take the physical challenges posed by the more complex yoga asanas (poses).

Yoga positions are mainly aimed at relaxing the body and enlightening the spirit within which acts to increase the harmony between the spirit, mind and body which in turn enables the spiritual energy to flow freely through the channels of energy. Yoga helps greatly in the maintenance of a healthy body which helps in building a positive attitude towards life.

The experience of hatha yoga poses is so relaxing that many people who practice these asanas regularly compare it with floating. Yoga also has benefits for people and children who face problems in concentrating, as the positive attitude developed through these hatha yoga poses keeps the mind healthy and aids in good concentration. Hanging poses like rag doll can work quickly in increasing concentration.

Hatha yoga and the poses associated with it have been tried and tested for a long time which clearly indicates it has benefited one person after another. There is no doubt that practicing hath yoga poses regularly will help attain new and higher levels of physical and mental well being.

Lisa Michaels is a yoga enthusiast. For deeper insights into Hatha Yoga Poses please visit

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to Accept Rejection Letters

We've all suffered rejection and disappointment. Perhaps that job you coveted or someone you loved who might have even led you on before dropping you. It hurts. But you move on. And it does get better. It does, trust me.

Being a published writer involves accepting rejection. Think of rejection as an integral part of a road to success. If you have never been rejected then you haven't really tried, have you? There are several ways that you can gain a good perspective on your rejection letters and even make them work to your advantage.

Adopt a Healthy Perspective

One way is to adopt a realistic, objective and healthy viewpoint on your story's rejection:

View selling manuscripts as a "cold call" business: When you view it this way, you will treat it that way. Until you establish a relationship with your market, selling becomes a numbers game. The more you send, the more likely you are to get a hit. It's all in the statistics.

View rejections as an opportunity. Rejections can provide you with the opportunity to learn and re-evaluate, usually of appropriate market and publisher subjectivity rather than writing quality.

View rejections as the beginning of a relationship. Not all rejections are final; in fact most aren't. Most rejections by a publisher or magazine editor stem from story redundancy, lack of space or editorial requirements. Many rejection letters will reflect this (e.g., "Thanks, but this isn't a match for try us again." They mean it. It means they liked your writing but the story wasn't right-they may have run something too similar to it already or it didn't fit with the other pieces or theme or whatever.)

View rejections as part of your success journey. Rejection is a given in the writing business, where a story may be considered "before its time", untried, or a risk and therefore harder to place. This is often why a book that was rejected so many times becomes a great hit once it is published. The very quality that made it hard for a publisher to accept made it a success with the readership-its refreshing yet topical originality.

View rejections as your first step to success. Take heart in the fact that you reached this stage in your writing career. Getting that first rejection in the mail is a great affirmation that you have taken that first significant step to becoming a serious writer.

Acceptance begins with rejection.

Make Rejection Work for You

You can maintain a more objective view on your rejections by keeping an objective view on your submissions. This can be accomplished by submitting a lot and submitting often. Treat your submissions-and rejections-like a business. The best way to do this is to submit lots of stories and to keep submitting them. The critical part of this process is to always have a contingency ready for each story submitted. Once a story is returned you have a place to send it already.

Karen Mason publishes The Passionate Writer for people seeking guidance on getting their own books published. Our coaching and training programs are designed specifically for writers who are serious about becoming "published authors".

Get more tips to help you promote your career as an author and re-discover the "magic" of writing!

What Is Intuition

4 Secret Tricks to Creating Power Focused Affirmations

Using affirmations is a great way to boost your moral, help you to become more positive and change how you view yourself and your life. However all over the Internet you can see many instances of people stating that affirmations do not work. But is this really true? Are affirmations useless?

It is possible that many people do not experience any positive results when using affirmations because they really do not understand what affirmations are, when to use them and most importantly how to use them. There is definitely a specific way to get the most out of affirmations and it is also extremely important to learn how to write your own powerful affirmations instead of just using ones you see online or in a book.

When you write your own affirmations they become much more personal and therefore much more effective. Affirmations should invoke strong emotions within you. They should get you excited, make you happy, and make you smile, bring on a warm fuzzy feeling inside or bring out some other strong positive emotion. But many people find affirmations useless because they are using words written by someone else and the words simply do not ring true for them.

If you have used affirmations and thought that they did not work here are some suggestions that will help you to get the results that you are looking for: -

First, if you must use affirmations written by someone else, use them as a guideline only.

Second, write your own affirmations and then focus on how they make you feel when you say the words. If they do not bring out any positive feelings then they are not powerful enough and you should look at changing around one or two words and see if that invokes any good feelings. If your affirmation brings out negative emotions then you need to start over, look at making the affirmation less general.

Third, be specific in your wording; try to get to the heart of your challenge instead of skirting around the outside. For instance if you were to say, "I am confident and happy" this may immediately bring up negative mind chatter and you may hear that little voice inside of your head saying "that's not true you are not confident and you are unhappy". So instead, make the affirmation more true to your circumstances. If you know you have trouble being confident in certain situations, you could use an affirmation like "I am learning to be more confident" or "little by little I am increasing my happiness". You will find less resistance to these words and as your confidence grows you can then move onto making your affirmations even more positive by removing words like "learning to" and "becoming more".

Fourth, be clear about what you are using the affirmation for. There is no sense in using an affirmation to boost your moral when really you are struggling with your self-esteem. Be clear and be specific about what you want to change and why. This will help you to write more specific focus and powerful affirmations. By simply following these four simple steps you will be well on your way to writing life-changing affirmations and set yourself on a path to lasting happiness and success.

Carol King is a Law of Attraction coach and founder of Missing Ingredient Coaching. If you would like to learn more about writing powerful focused affirmations. Visit Coach Carol at and grab a copy of the best selling report How To Write Powerful Focused Affirmations.

Living With Out Limits

Client Centered Therapy and Why it Can Work For You

Person Centered Therapy, also known as Client Centered, Non Directive, or Rogerian Therapy, is an approach to counseling and psychotherapy that places much of the emphasis on three main Core Conditions and relies heavily on the relationship between client and counsellor. The client is recognised as the expert on them self and this is why it works.

It is often said that of all the models of therapeutic intervention, person-centred therapy (PCT) makes the greatest demands on the therapist. This is because a client in PCT must feel that their therapist is utterly trustworthy and dependable as a person. In this model of therapy the relationship between client and therapist is of paramount importance.

Psychological skill is not enough in this model. in addition, the client must feel that the therapist is totally accepting of them, no therapist can fake genuine regard for a client for a sustained period of time.

A person-centred therapist's attitude to the client should be of total acceptance of the client as he or she is at present, not of what that person may become in the future.

At the very heart of the therapy is the belief that if a person is cared for by the therapist, then that person begins to feel that he or she is worth caring for, this is a very powerful affirmation for a person seeking help.

The Core Conditions synonymous with this model are Acceptance, Genuiness and Empathy.

Acceptance. The Counsellor or Therapist must be able to accept the client as they are, accept their issues and that the client is in control of the therapeutic relationship.

Genuineness. The Counsellor or Therapist is real or authentic in his/her behaviour towards the working relationship with the client. They do not sit as expert, only as a skilled practitioner who will assist the client in finding their own answers to the presenting problem and other issues which may be of concern to the client.

Empathy. is the capacity to share and understand another persons emotions and feelings. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another persons shoes", or in some way experience what the other person is feeling.

Person or Client Centred Therapists believe that if the relationship is as it should be and if the Core Conditions are in place, then Therapeutic Change is likely. This is great news for clients choosing this model of therapy.

Paul Parkin - Online Humanistic Counselling and Therapy.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

How To Win Friends

How Not to Be Happier - Part 1 of 2

You keep yourself stuck in your humdrum life. You look around at everyone else. How come everybody but you gets to be happy?

If you think those thoughts now, you are the reason you are not as happy as you could be. In particular, those thoughts that you repeat every day over and over again-those thoughts prevent you from changing to a mood that will allow you to get going on changing your world! Your thoughts stop you on the path to be happier.

Vicious cycle, isn't it? How can you stop it? Can you stop it? Can you replace those thoughts with others that empower you?

The answer to all of the above is a resounding, yes. However, there is a huge "if" that precedes any attempt to turn your life around. You can most definitely change your thoughts and the programs running you (completely out of your awareness in your subconscious mind) if, and only if, you decide to do so.

Sounds simple-make a decision. The hard truth is that most people say they want to change. Most people say they want to be happier. Most people say they want a different life. You see, most people give lip service to changing their world. And that is the extent of their commitment to themselves.

When was the last time you caused something to change simply by saying you wanted a change? Doesn't happen, does it? To change something, you need to take an action you have never taken before.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Einstein was one of the most brilliant minds who ever lived. His assessment is all too accurate.

How many times will you continue to take the very same steps, saying you want a different result? How many times have you done it so far? I bet you lost count, haven't you?

Find out what to do instead. To be happier focus on happy thoughts and happy memories rather than on what is missing or wrong.

Ali Bierman shows you how to be happier by changing the unknown belief systems that stop you cold. Grab her free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know Runs You to make your life happier now at

Can One Book Change Your Life

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Smiling Is Good For Your Health

Can simply turning up the corners of your mouth affect your lifespan, or change the world around you? Smiling is a universally recognised expression of happiness across all cultures, but not only does a smile come naturally from happiness, research proves that a smile can actually increase happiness.

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."

- Thich Nhat Hanh

"If you smile you can change yourself, others and your future."

- Japanese proverb

"What can take away

All our inner poison?

Just one smile."

- Sri Chinmoy

Robert Zajonc is just one of many psychologists whose scientific research explains the fact that has been well-known through the ages. He says smiling leads to physiological changes in the brain, actually cooling the blood in the face, which in turn gives a feeling of happiness. Other research has shown that the very act of smiling releases more serotonin, the so-called 'happy chemical' in the brain. So, even a smile that starts out fake, could lead to genuine happiness. Psychologist Professor Diener, has found in his research on Subjective Well-Being that happy people live 9 years longer than depressed people, so it's well worth it!

So smiling is good for your health, but it is also infectious. A smile is one of the best gifts you can give someone, and it costs nothing at all. In this simple way we can spread happiness and harmony to the world around us, and the old Japanese proverb comes true!

More interesting facts about smiling

1. It's easier to smile than to frownit takes 43 facial muscles to create a frown, and only 17 to generate a smile (although you can use up to 53 for a really cheesy grin).

2. People are born with the smiling instinct; they don't learn it as a behaviour. Even blind babies smile.

3. Women smile more than men. (Could that be why they live longer?)

4. Research has recognised 18 particular types of smile used in various social situations.

5. If you smile, studies say you will be seen as more sincere, attractive, sociable, and competent.

6. Smiling makes you feel better due to release of seretonin

See also Smile Poems

Sumangali Morhal is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in York. Sumangali enjoys writing prose and poetry and contributes to a website about the yoga of Sri Chinmoy

What is Happiness?

Hi Everyone,

The topic of this article has been written and spoken about so many times that you would think that you need a secret key to unlock it. I am talking about happiness or more specifically how to obtain it. What does happiness mean to you?

According to success coach Tony Robbins all humans beings look for two things:

1) The attainment of pleasure
2) The avoidance of pain

We live in a world where everyone is "chasing" happiness. Everyone is "looking" for happiness.

We think that we will be happy when we get the latest car or a bigger house. Some of us think we will be happy next year when we take our vacation.

Here is what I have learnt: Happiness Is A Choice.

That's right; you can choose to be happy. Grandma was right when she said, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

It's true that things happen in life that annoy us, make us sad or just make us mad.

How you react to those situations is what is important. In any instant you can CHOOSE to be happy. You can change your focus from what is wrong in the world to what is right in your life.

So anytime you feel your emotional sniffles coming on, do something that makes you happy. Think happy thoughts. Call a long lost friend. Spend time with loved ones. Do anything that makes you happy.

Take a look at little children.

They will find any excuse to laugh, giggle and be happy. Find happy child in you.

And you will realise that Happiness is a choice.

Sounds simple, doesn't it?

It is very easy to dismiss what I am saying because of its sheer simplicity. But life can be very easy. There are no secrets. No special VIP passes and no special back doors for the special few. I wish that you realise (just like I did) that the things that we seek and crave the most are right at our fingertips and within grasp. It is like picking a low hanging and deliciously juicy fruit.

To your Success,

Your friend,


You can pick up two free ebooks on the law of attraction at his main website:

You can also request for his free ecourse, where he shows you step by step on how to set up your own online business. You must have heard successful people saying that "Success begins in the mind."

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

History of New Years Resolutions - Where Did New Years Resolutions Come From?

Where Did New Years Resolutions Come From?

On the 1st of January, millions of people around the globe start working on New Years resolutions. Chances are you have tried them yourself in one way or another. They are one of the fun things about the New Year. But have you ever wondered where they came from?

Who first started setting New Years Resolutions?

Well, here is a brief history of the origins of the New Years resolution for you:

The Babylonians
The first recorded New Years resolutions were made by the Babylonians around 4000 years ago. Most commonly, it revolved around returning any borrowed farm equipment, as their New Year coincided with the start of their farming season.

The Romans
Not long after, the Romans would start the new year by counting the stock of the previous year and setting a goal to accomplish more in the coming year.

It was not just western countries that set resolutions either.

The Chinese
The Chinese set a special New Years resolution - house cleaning. Most people nowadays would relate this to Spring-Cleaning. At the coming of the New Year, the Chinese would clean their house from top to bottom. What a great way to start the year, with a be5AEautiful clean house!

The Modern World
Today we still set New Years resolutions, and try to achieve them. They are almost always based around self-improvement resolutions and goals. They are a way to mark the beginning of changes in our habits and lifestyle. The most common resolutions include losing weight, quitting smoking and/or drinking, and improving your finances.

As mentioned earlier, millions of people make these resolutions but unfortunately only 10% ever manage to achieve them. It is a sad fact, but many of these resolutions do not even last longer than a few weeks. By July, most have been completely forgotten and no real progress against the resolution has been made.

It is amazing what such a long history the New Years resolution has had. You may be thinking of creating on yourself this coming New Year. And why not? It is a tradition practiced around the entire globe. Above all though, we should remember that the most important aspect of a New Years resolution is to take action and stick to it.

Now that you know the History of New Years Resolutions it's time to grab some free information on how to plan and set your New Years resolution in order to maximize your chances of achieving it, be sure to visit:

New Years Resolutions Help

If you're looking for help with your new years resolution, but you don't know how to achieve it, then this free report can help: 'New Years Resolutions Help'

Get it free here: New Years Resolutions Help

Do you want to learn all about goal setting success and how to achieve any New Years Resolution, then download this free report here: New Years Resolutions

Michael Clayton has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential starting every new year through his free Newsletter.

Believing In Religions - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Spiritual Christian and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Prosperity Thinking Like The Rich
Power Of Positive Thinking

Goal Setting

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in life while others are destined for mediocrity? Well a big part of succeeding in life is to know exactly what you want and taking continuous action towards achieving it. Unfortunately, most people do not know what they want. They seem quite clear about what they do not want in life but they certainly do not know what they want. This is a big oversight on their part. If you want to succeed in life you have to know exactly what you want. If you are vague and unsure about what you want you will likely be unhappy and unsuccessful in life.

"All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do."

- Norman Vincent Peale

It is unfortunate that a lot of people really do underestimate the power of goal setting. It is important to set goals to give you direction, a sense of purpose and focus in life. Goal setting provides you with a road map of where you want to go in your life. If you do not know where you are going, do not be surprised when life takes you to a place where you do not want to be. For you to achieve your goals you have to know where you want to go or be. At the same time you have to know where you are at the present moment. Only by knowing these two crucial details, are you able to guide yourself in the right direction. It is the same as using a map to get to a place. To get where you want to go, you have to know where you are. In life you have to do the same.

A lot of good and hardworking people end up in unfulfilling lives because they do not set goals for themselves. They let external events dictate the course of their lives. They react to circumstances in their life instead of orchestrating circumstances for their future benefit. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, they get caught up with the day to day activities. Most people are on survival mode. They are living for the present only. They are busy from morning to night, making ends meet and making sure they and their family are fed. Sadly most people do not plan for their future. They may plan for the immediate future but certainly not set goals for where they want to be in twenty or thirty years.

The reality is that if we do not set goals and set our priorities in life, we are going to wake up one day and realize that we have not accomplished much in life. Without goals, we wander aimlessly through life. The truth is we are always going to be busy and if we do not prioritize our actions we may find that at the end of the day we have nothing to show. Do not mistake being busy with being productive. You can be busy every day and not accomplish much.

Something magical happens when we set goals. Goals focus attention towards goal-relevant activities and away from goal-irrelevant activities. When we have a goal, we focus our time, energy and talent on what we want to accomplish instead of squandering our lives away. The next time you are about to do something, ask yourself, "Does it move me closer or move me away from my goal?" Make sure you minimize the activities that move you away from your goal and embrace activities that get you going towards your ultimatum.

Make sure you plan your future. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Do not wake up one day and regret that life has gone by you. Goal setting is the vehicle that can transform your life from a mediocre one to a rewarding one. Take action now and set your goals to live a fulfilling life.

Zainah Zainalabidin, a graduate of Harvard University was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and successfully healed herself through holistic living and through applying the law of attraction. Zainah is passionate about inspiring and helping individuals to be the change that they want to see in the world and live the lives of their dreams. She is the founder of To take your life to the next level and learn more about goal setting and application of the law of attraction in your life visit her at

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan

Many people think that management and leadership go hand in hand automatically. But just because you are a manager does not mean that you are a leader. Many management techniques are being thrown out the window in favor of leadership skills. But making the transition between manager and leader can be difficult for some. The best way to become an effective leader is by creating a personal leadership development plan.

The first thing that you need to do to create a personal leadership development plan is to understand the difference between management and leadership. While some do not see the difference, others cannot explain it. Quite simply, management is something that you do. It is a career. Leadership is having strength and courage in your convictions, and the ability to see those convictions manifest in reality.

So what are your convictions? You may think that you know what you believe in, but it is important to take a step back and actually list your beliefs and values. There are many assessments available that can help you do this. This important step in creating a personal leadership development plan will likely teach you things about yourself that you yourself did not realize were true. It may seem like a waste of time, but until you know what your convictions are, you cannot manifest them in reality through effective leadership.

Once you have a clear understanding of your convictions, you need to apply them to your organization. Do not look at numbers and people. Look at the overall purpose and mission of the company. Then, narrow your view to your team, and finally yourself. If you do not see your values and beliefs reflected in your actions, the actions of your team, and the actions of the company, then your work is cut out for you.

When creating your personal leadership development plan, first outline your beliefs, ethics, and values. Then, outline the ways that those beliefs, ethics, and values show in your actions within the organization. Are there ways that you need to improve? What support does your team need to obtain personal and organizational success that you have failed to give them? After all, their success is your success. Write down all of your thoughts and ideas for manifesting your convictions in the reality of your team and organization. This is the bare bones of your personal leadership development plan.

Next, do your homework. Talk to your employees, team members, customers, and suppliers to learn what more you can do or be that will assist you in manifesting your convictions and your personal leadership development plan. Sit back and listen to the ideas and feelings of others. This is the only way that you can learn from other perspectives what is needed for organizational or team success. Until you are aware of the changes that need to be made, you will not be able to make any changes for the common good of the organization and your employees.

Remember that while you may be able to affect change in your own small part of the world, the organization as a whole may not reflect your convictions any time soon. Change within large corporations is either very slow or nonexistent. Watch for signs that your personal leadership development plan is making a difference in your immediate environment.

Tracy Brinkmann is an goal setting and success coach. Through his company Success Atlas, he provides goal-setting, motivational & educational material, & training via live presentations as well as digital/audio products.

Sign up for his free e-Zine

Great Video For Believing In Religion

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Dealing With Invisible Gods
Vibration And Universal Energy

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Motivational Humorous Speakers

Motivational humorous speakers can help to inspire people to laugh more at meetings, if you follow these simple yet effective suggestions below.

Aptness of Humorous Speakers for Meetings

Ideally, business meetings should be interesting, engaging, effective, and provide a platform for a smooth exchange of ideas. Meetings should be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage the emergence of path breaking ideas and effective dissemination of information. Importantly, business meetings should have an element of cheerfulness or fun underlying its proceedings. Are business meetings fun at all? They should be, but they are not. That's why you should consider hiring a motivational humorous speaker for your next motivational humorous speaker meeting.

Far from being funny and peppy, business meetings are made to be solemn affairs. Visualize a typical meeting scenario - do you see people falling off their seats with laughter or you see people frozen with seriousness, with their mobile phones switched off, body highly strung with stress, and their minds on "alert" mode? The latter image is more likely to form than the former. How often do we see an executive jumping with joy and proclaiming that he has a big meeting scheduled the next day? Very rarely. The topic of meetings have staidness writ all over them. Meetings are serious events. Unfortunately, they are invariably made to turn out that way when actually the need of the hour is - meetings should be easy, fun and yet purposeful - motivational humorous speaker to the rescue.

Professional motivational speakers meet this cardinal need of the world of business as they are gifted with the ability to transform drab and boring business meetings in to beautiful, lively and engaging platforms. Funny motivational speakers are much sought after for they have the knack of diffusing unwanted tension in the air of a meeting room. Meeting attendees' like to laugh and appreciate a motivational humorous speakers' wit and commitment to making the meeting successful.

Inspirational motivational speakers become indispensable when meetings become events where motivation is in short supply; the underachievers are pulled up; and competitors are lauded grudgingly for their successes. Keynote laughter speakers lighten up the atmosphere and put things in perspective in business meetings where big monetary figures are put on the tables; falling graphs are dissected to tiny atoms to be analyzed; and achievements are celebrated briefly only to facilitate the announcement of the next set of ambitious and sometimes over-ambitious business goals.

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

50 and Fabulous - Goal Setting For Baby Boomers

Happiness in Mid-life

Millions of vibrant, healthy baby boomers seek to redefine mid-life from "over the hill" to a newfound opportunity.


Not all goals are equal in terms of increasing happiness. Meaningful goals increase the potential for happiness. Goals that are set out of deep personal conviction and self-interest usually bring satisfaction and happiness. Midlife goals generally involve personal growth, making choices and a desire to connect with others. Financial goals help to create happiness by giving you the means to build stronger relationships, exercise, eat healthier foods and focusing on what's important to YOU. Not because you want to impress your neighbors, please others out of obligation or fear. Financial independence gives you freedom to make more choices. Most people believe freedom, love, emotional, physical and spiritual health are important goals One way to increase happiness is to create things you love to do and avoid things you don't like to do. I remember when my children were growing up I felt overwhelmed by driving them to all their activities. Once they started driving I missed the time we spent in the car. Setting goals for baby-boomers is imperative.

6 Tips for happiness

Spend time with positive people and avoid negative energy
Examine the way you communicate
Change something you don't like to something you do like.
Get color into your life, in your clothes, your home, at work.
Be Creative
Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Stay in the day!

We as baby boomers have the opportunity to fully explore all the possibilities life has to offer. Baby boomers looking for happiness become inspired and are open to all of life's possibilities. Happiness comes to those who discover their purpose in life. How to find your true purpose:

  • listen to your inner voic
  • drown out outside voices
  • listen to your intuition

Every choice you made in life is based on your thoughts. If you change the way you perceive your age, your life will change dramatically. The way you think about yourself, determines your reality. Once you discover and accept who you are and your life's' circumstances you will begin enjoy your life. The doors of possibility will open!

"How to Practice Guilt Free Self Care in Times of Stress"; to download Janie's report visit

Janie Behr is a qualified life coach specializing in helping people find their purpose, achieve their goals, and explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. She is available for private individual coaching, group coaching and public speaking engagements. She runs frequent teleseminars dedicated to helping people find and live their most positive lives! For more information please visit

I'm Late, I'm Behind - How to Create Better Time Management

Like the Mad Hatter in the book, Alice in Wonderland, many people run around in their business always being a little late here and there for an appointment. Today, it is essential to get to your appointments on time because it is a way that people learn to trust you. Time management is also important when you have a project and you must deliver it by a certain time. If you struggle with time management, there are ways to resolve this challenge. Time management doesn't have to create havoc in your life when you want small business success.

Learn to use time more efficiently. Here are tips to help you improve your time management skills: Track Your Time

When you decide to develop effective time management skills, the first step is to get a baseline of how you are working with your time now. Take one work day and write everything down that you do from morning to the end of the business day in 15-minute time blocks. Review this at the end of the day, you may find that you are spending a lot of time on the phone, surfing the Internet, doing errands you do not have to do, and other time-wasting activities.

While reviewing your list of daily activities, consider if there is any consistency in work flow, such as the time for deliveries, the time(s) when you receive the most customer contacts, recurring appointments, etc. You may decide to repeat this activity over 3 to 5 days to create a typical day.

Create Time Management Goals and Implement A Plan

Although you can't change time, you can change your behaviors dealing with it. Look at the list and see where you can alter activities. My clients struggle the most with emails, phone calls, and other interruptions during their peak work time. A simple way that works for many is to schedule 2 to 3 times during the day to look at emails and listen to phone messages, and turn off the notifications in between. If you have an assistant, he or she can also prescreen these for you, so that you deal with only the important items.

Look at the information you gathered about your typical day and see where it makes sense to do certain activities. As an example, for some business owners, it makes sense to return calls after lunch, and for others, it is best at the beginning. Choose a block of time to do various activities and put it on your daily calendar.

If you are surfing the Internet during business hours make sure you are networking or doing other business. This can quickly get out of control, so I recommend using a timer to keep you on schedule. Look at your list again for anything that is a potential time waster. Eliminate these as much as you can to free up energy and time within your work day. Set specific goals as much as possible about how you want your day to go.

You might need to reorganize your week so that you keep like projects together. As an example, you may choose to have appointments only on certain days and then use the rest of the week for project time. You might do business errands between appointments. This would put all of your time out of the office in one or two days which would create more time in the office on other days. If you don't have an office, meet all of your clients at the same place within 15 minutes or so of each other. This also allows you to create space without having travel time.

Spend time at the beginning of your day prioritizing what needs to get done for that time. It is also a grand way to see your progress from the previous day, and then build upon it.

And to help you get started with goal setting for time management, and to get you into the business life you desire, claim your FREE workbook, "Create Your Best Year Yet!" when you visit

This fabulous e-book leads you step by step to what you really want out of your business, and the rest of your life.

From Barbara Roemer - The Entrepreneur's Success Coach

Friday, April 17, 2009

God-Given Names

I was born David A. Hoover on January 10, 1960 in Bowling Green, Ohio. However, I legally changed my name to David Ben-Ariel (with the help of my Jewish lawyer) during the Spring of 1989. It cost me $300.00.

It also required that I take out a small ad in a newspaper announcing my intentions 30 days beforehand. I placed my ad in the Bowling Green Sentinel.

I also had to appear before a judge (it depends on what county you were born) for him to privately question my motivations. He was assured by my lawyer that I wasn't running from the law or trying to escape some outstanding debt, but that my reasons were religious in nature. The judge accepted that but wanted to impress upon me that I could have "trouble" with that name in America, without elaborating. I felt he meant because it was Jewish and/or could be difficult for some to know how to pronounce. I told him I wasn't concerned about it since I planned on moving to Israel anyway.

My reasons for changing my name were religious in nature. Why? Because I honestly feel that Ben-Ariel is a God-given name. And why would I feel that way? Because after a Hebrew class where my teacher mentioned how many people change their names when they move to Israel, I went home wondering what surname I would have in Israel, knowing my first name is already Hebrew.

I had always liked the Hebrew last name of Ben-Ammi, after reading it in Leon Uris' book Exodus, since it means "son of my people," but while thinking about it and wondering what name my father would've given me, if he would've given me a Hebrew name, I didn't know. I then knelt down in prayer and asked God what name, IF ANY, would He give me since He's my Heavenly Father, and I couldn't ask my dad because he died when I was twelve.

I expected God to perhaps lead or guide or influence me to like a particular name, but immediately ARIEL flashed into my mind and immediately I rejected it. Why? Because it means "the Lion of God" and I felt such a name only belongs to Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. While wondering about the name of Ariel, I remembered that Israel's defense minister was Ariel Sharon (whom I've since met in Jerusalem and Hebron). I reluctantly decided to keep the name in reserve (since it was really impressed upon me!) until God or circumstances might lead me to accept another, and went to bed.

The Bible mentions MANY INCIDENTS where God chose to change someone's name or to name them before their birth. It is unusual but it's not unscriptural. There was Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac (Gen. 17:5, 15, 19); Ishmael (Gen. 16:11); Solomon (1 Chron. 22:9) and Solomon's nickname Jedidiah (2 Sam. 12:25); Cyrus (Isa. 44:28; 45:4); John the Baptist (Luke 1:13); Jesus (Matt. 1:21); Peter and the two brothers James and John whom Jesus nicknamed "sons of thunder" (Mark 3:16-17); just to name a few.

God promises to give us each a new and unique name in the Kingdom, either in place of or in addition to our current one (Rev. 2:17), as well as sharing Jesus' new name and bearing the Father's name as Priest-Kings (Rev. 3:12, 14; Ex. 28:36; Lev. 8:9). God has many name or titles, descriptive of His wonderful qualities and characteristics (Isa. 9:6). The Jews even teach that God's Hebrew name Elohim (literally Gods) is plural due to the fact that God is too great to be constrained to one name, and is used in the sense of the royal "We." That's why Elohim said "let us...." We understand that it's also because there's presently two God-Beings in the one Kingdom of God, like Adam and Eve were two separate people who both shared the surname Adam as one family unit (Gen. 2:24; 5:2; John 10:30).

God has His reasons why He would change someone's name and who are we to question Him? The April 1980 issue of The Good News Magazine (published by the Worldwide Church of God) carried an article called "History of the Church" that helps us to understand why Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter: "...and He gave him a surname prophetic of the moral and spiritual strength he would eventually demonstrate. Jesus bestowed upon him the new name, before he had earned it that it might be an incentive to him to realize what Jesus had expected."

After going to bed, about to fall asleep, Isaiah 29:1 flashed into my mind. What's amazing is that I had never memorized that Scripture! It reveals that Ariel is a nickname for JERUSALEM! I now understand why God the Father had chosen Ariel for me. Anyone who knows me knows that Jerusalem is always on my mind (Jer. 51:50), especially after my first visit there to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in 1980. God has shown me that He's stirred me up and given me a burning desire for Jerusalem and Israel (Isa. 62:1, 6-7). I finally realized that God was calling me a "SON OF JERUSALEM."

I got out of bed, got down on my knees with tears in my eyes, and thanked God for truly knowing us inside and out, just like His Word says, and embraced the new name God had given me! I also accepted it as a SPIRITUAL GOAL: to live worthy of one named after holy Jerusalem and all that it ideally represents.

I end my prayers facing Jerusalem every night with "Yerushalayim shel Zahav" (Jerusalem of Gold), a plea for Jerusalem to fulfill its calling (2 Chron. 6:38-39; Dan. 6:10). Later, I began to understand how Ariel can also refer to Judah and King David. Since my family tree is traced back to the British and Scottish Royal Families (the Royal House of David) it's also befitting that Ben-Ariel can mean "son of David" and "son of Judah" (whose tribal emblem is the lion).

I'm convinced that the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, and the God of my forefather David, has blessed me with the name of Ariel. Even if I chose Ariel for myself -- which I did not, I originally objected to it -- there wouldn't be any harm in that since such a practice is Biblical: "One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel" (Isa. 44:5).

God surnamed me Ariel back around 1982, however it wasn't until 1989 that I finally changed my name legally. I knew that even though God had given me the name that I didn't necessarily have to change my name. I was also hesitant to do so because I am the only son and the only Hoover males alive (that I'm aware of) were my grandfather and myself. I didn't want the name to die out, not that I'm married and have any sons anyway (although God assures His "eunuchs" that we'll be given excellent and eternal names - Isa. 56:5). I began to see that Hoover was possibly an Anglicized form of the German Huber (since many immigrants changed their names upon arrival in America).

I also didn't want to hurt or offend my grandfather (Arthur Hoover of Risingsun, Ohio) or possibly get disinherited, but I made up my mind that since I was about to seek citizenship in Israel, starting a new chapter in our family history, I was going to take the lead and change my name. My grandfather ended up dying about four months before the fact, unaware of what I planned to do. So now I've been David Ben-Ariel for years and my family and friends are used to it.

My God-given name is ESTABLISHED BEFORE GOD who mentions Jerusalem twice in it: the City of David and Ariel.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happiness For a Better Life

Have you ever felt to be in bad mood when you get up in the morning? Do you need too much time to get running and functioning at high speed? Do you need many coffee breaks? Off course, sometimes everybody has a hang through phase, be it after a lot of work, long time school or study, boring work or what ever.

I have thought a bit about how to improve the small things of life to the positive and how to get up with a great smile every morning. Actually I just reflected what I am doing for years and which helped me through many difficult situations. Funny enough, to get up positively in the morning has its roots in the evening before and how you go to bed. That's what I do:

After our work day, Eliane and I sit down for a short while just talking to each other about the nice and frustrating things we encountered over the working day. Then, while she prepares a small meal, I help her with some jobs to be done in the household, going to the cellar for milk or what else is needed. After the meal, often together with our adult children, we do no more speak about business but about our dreams, holidays, the book we a re reading, etc. Now it comes: we go to bed with an absolutely positive feeling and mind.

The alarm clock rings! There it is very important to get up slowly and with a first and positive thought. This is easy since I already slept with a positive mind, so I just restart where I left. Be not hectic, enjoy the shower, look out of the window, see the birds, the sunshine, and enjoy your life. Go on to have joy the whole day!

My conclusion and recommendation:

- Chose to be happy, be grateful
- Avoid bad news and stress
- Manage your time well, do not waste it, it's just too precious
- Laugh heartily, this is medicine
- Express your feelings and passions
- Work hard but not to exhaustion
- Enjoy your achievements and accomplishments
- Learn something new everyday, broaden your horizon
- Exercise your mind, soul and body, feel alive, eliminate depression
- Find Inspiration and success, be enthusiastic
- Take some minutes for meditation and religion

Following these simple but powerful small steps every day will increase your health (mind and body) dramatically. If you learn to avoid negative exposures, enjoy what you feel and what is around you, you are set for a long and prosperous life. Start reading motivational books.

Martin Bigler is an experienced Copywriter and offers Resources, Tools and Educational Content to help interested People build their Internet Business successfully and with motivation. His Educational Martin Bigler Newsletter offers profound step by step guidance on various Marketing and Sales Tasks. A big selection of Free Reports, Downloads and useful Links are available at and the MartinBiglerBlog. Copyright by Martin Bigler.

Stephen Covey

Five Ways to Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals

Are you having one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Is every task you try to do harder than you thought it would be, and do you seem to encounter problem after problem along the way? We all have stressful times during our lives when everything seems to be going wrong, but it's crucial to stay positive as giving in will usually make the situation worse. Here are five ways to stay motivated and achieve your dreams:

1. Think less and act more

Stop putting off that difficult job because you're worried it will be too much for you, or you won't be able to do it. The more you worry about something you have to do, the less you will want to do it, so just making yourself get started is one of the best ways to stay motivated. You may have all sorts of excuses for mot doing something, but once you make a start you'll feel so much more motivated to continue.

2. Plan your time and stick to the plan

Having a large task ahead of you, or a big project to complete, can be very daunting, and without a clear view of how much you have to do and when you are going to do it, it can be easy to get sidetracked and put things off until the last minute.

If you have a large project at work, set aside two hours at the same time each day to work on that particular job. Be clear about which tasks you want to complete during that two hours. If you are trying to get fit or lose weight, decide on two evenings a week when you are going to do an exercise class, or go to the gym, and stick to that.

3. Set yourself targets and treat yourself when you reach them

One of the easiest ways to stay motivated is to set yourself achievable targets. If you are setting up your own business, saying that you want to be earning $40k in five years time is a far away target. Break that five years down into periods of six months and decide how much you aim to be earning in each six month period, building up to the five years.

When you reach your targets, you will feel a great sense of achievement, and if you don't quite make it you can evaluate where you could improve to make sure you are on track for the next six months.

4. Mix things up a little

Boredom with the same routine can easily cause us to become unmotivated, so if you are feeling that you need a change then make one. If you are tired of going to the gym, start running in the park instead. If you always work in your home office, try relocating to the deck for a few hours. Even small changes in your routine can be great ways to stay motivated.

5. Make time to relax and avoid burnout

Many people go head on into a project or business venture, and give it all their time and energy, only to collapse with exhaustion after six months and give it all up. One of the most important ways to stay motivated is to take time out to rest and enjoy yourself. Step back and appreciate what you have achieved, make time for a hobby, and spend a few hours with friends and family.

Perhaps some days you have planned to work, but you wake up feeling totally unmotivated. Don't take a whole day off as this will set a precedent, but it's ok to reduce the amount of work you do. Maybe decide just to work until lunchtime and take the afternoon off, but make sure you accomplish something tangible in the morning that you can be proud of to keep you motivated.

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How to Motivate Yourself With Real Results

One of the hardest things for almost anyone to do is to keep their level of motivation at a peak level so that they achieve the results that they are looking for. Their is no question that being in a peak state of motivation is key to achieving whatever it is that you want. When you are inspired enough to keep going even when there are obstacles in the way, you are that much closer to getting the results that you desire.

So, what is the trick that can help you to keep yourself going even when it seems like the odds may be against you?

Passion is a key element. You have to be passionate about the results you are after. If you are not passionate enough, it will be easy to give up at the first signs of adversity. Setting goals that you can be passionate about is something that you must do in order to guarantee you stay motivated and stay in line with what you want to achieve.

Believing that you can and will get what you want is also necessary. When you have a strong belief in yourself and your ability to break through any barriers and climb over any obstacles, you are going to be able to keep yourself inspired to keep moving forward towards achieving what you want.

Believe with passion that you can and will achieve anything that you want to and that you can do this. This will help you to stay motivated so that you will keep moving forward in your life.

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Bryan Appleton is an investor/entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to teaching others how to achieve their dream life. He is also a proud single father with one son.

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How to Counteract Violence, Anger and Hatred

Counteract Violence with Knowledge... The saying "it's the quiet ones you want to watch" is very accurate, the people who don't instantly recoil to the violence but stop to weigh their options. Profile the aggressor, find the cause of the violence, then react in a cool calculated way by finding collaborative and empowering alternatives. If the reaction comes from keen acuity and not a chemical imbalance the outcome will be far more efficacious. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"- "Mahatma Gandhi" Wise words from an even wiser man that teaches us one thing. There is no point in fighting fire with fire. Remedies like listening, deducing and giving time to get to the root of violent behaviour is what we need to dissipate it.

Counteract Anger with Understanding... Anger is a significant state of disapprobation and reasoning power is significantly hampered. Often anger can be diffused significantly when given a passive audience or serene location. Communication skills are essential in anger management but it is important not to lose control of your emotions. You do not have to agree with the position to respect the human behind it.

Counteract Hate with Righteousness... Hatred is more difficult, simply because it is not a rational feeling and is not subject to reason. Isolation from the hate mongers, education and psychotherapy should work. Every individual is human (with good traits and not so good traits) applying this ideology inhibits the reciprocation of this hate.

These may be difficult to counteract, especially since they are strong emotions, but with practice and dedication, they can be achieved!

Sashakay Fairclough is a 20 year old final year law student at the University of Huddersfield in England.

What You Need to Know to Improve Your Study Skills

Improving your study skills will make you a better student when taking tests and exams for any subject. Students who struggle to perform on tests do so for a variety of reasons. A big reason why certain students struggle is a failure to prepare properly. Students may be studying but not fully using their time wisely. This article will talk about how motivation and a desire to be great is the fundamental building block to success.

Tiger Woods is a classic example of motivation and a desire to be great, having that motivation and desire means going to the driving range and hitting 1000 golf balls everyday. But how do you get motivated or if you perceive to not have motivation how do you develop it. The answer is to find what motivates you. What I mean by that is what do you want to accomplish. Not knowing what you want to achieve makes it very difficult to get motivated.

Motivation and desire are often not always the difference between a great student and a good student. Its the difference the majority of times between a good student and a student who just gets by. Improving your study skills takes commitment and a desire to want to change. In essence you have to be motivated to make that change. Motivation can happen very quickly if you make the conscience decision to embrace it. That is the point of this article and how it relates to improving your study skills. To improve you must focus on it, set goals and get motivated to learn new study skills and then apply them. If you do you will see results in the classroom and exams guaranteed.

I have written a ton of articles on tips and study suggestions but without goals, desire and motivation all these tips will not help you. Students who graduate Magna Cum Laude have the desire to be great in school. They have a focus, they make sacrifices and they are motivated to complete a task to the best of their ability. If you want to be great at whatever you do strive for it and don't stop until you reach your goals.

My motivation was to become a better student by learning how to improve my study skills and also learning how to increase my study speed. Motivation will help you become a better student guaranteed but you have to find it and use it. As mentioned before becoming a better student is learning how to increase your study speed. A website you can go to to learn the benefits of speed studying is here Imagine how well of a test taker you will be when you can study twice the material in half the time. My motivation was because I had more time to focus on other things. There are many benefits to using this method of studying. I used this method and was able to finish my undergrad in 3 and half years and currently I carry a 3.79 in my MBA program. If you want to be a better student follow these tips and check the website out you won't regret it.

The Source of Motivation and Determination

When a person persists at a task, we say that person has determination or motivation. But where does that determination come from? Some would say it comes from dedication, commitment, or sense of duty. But I believe that Core Desires are the sole source of both the determination and the motivation that are critical for success. If you are not pursuing a Core Desire, you won't be very motivated or dedicated. You won't pursue something relentlessly unless it is a Core Desire.

Once you learn to unleash the power of your Conquering Force by drilling down to the Core Desires in all areas of your life, you will find your life filled with more joy, satisfaction, and balance. Notice that I said learn. Tapping into your Conquering Force happens automatically once you learn to correctly identify your Core Desires.

Motivation from the outside (extrinsic) usually only scratches the surface. That's why it has little or no lasting power. But when you're driven from within (intrinsic) by a Core Desire, nothing can stop you.

When you know exactly what you want, the Conquering Force becomes available to you at full strength. All great accomplishments are the result of extraordinary determination and drive, both of which come from Core Desires.

You, too, can become an extraordinary person-achieving all your heart's desires-when you harness your Conquering Force. It even creates new talents and characteristics as needed. The Conquering Force engenders enthusiasm, determination, commitment, creativity, discipline, and drive, and it leads to great satisfaction and joy. Any person who is in the process of achieving a Core Desire is already an extraordinary person.

I'm often asked, "What motivates you?" My answer is simple- I'm motivated from within by my many Core Desires. I clearly recognize my Core Desires, and then I act upon them because doing so brings me great rewards and joy. My Core Desires are written on my heart, and what is written on the heart always comes to pass.

A man once told me, "I don't understand how I can be something that I'm not or do something I'm not comfortable doing. I'm not confident, I'm not dynamic-I'm just a low guy on the totem pole. I can't take advantage of opportunities that come my way. How can I make the kind of money I want and need when I can't even earn enough to pay all my bills every month? In the past, I've never earned more than thirty-two thousand a year, and I'm limited because I don't have a master's degree." His list of reasons why he couldn't be more successful or earn more money was never-ending.

I asked him why he was letting his past determine his future. He couldn't answer, so I continued by talking about Core Desires and the Conquering Force. But he confessed that he had no hope and no chance because all the good opportunities had already passed him by. He felt his life was devoid of all happiness and joy.

Many people think opportunity only knocks once; others believe it knocks many times. But I say that opportunity doesn't knock at all. You must knock. When you are driven by a Core Desire, your Conquering Force won't allow you to knock lightly or timidly. You're anxious to get that door open because you want what's behind it, so you knock hard- with force and determination-until the door opens. You might even break the door down or pick the lock-you'll do whatever it takes to create the opportunity.

By Jack M. Zufelt
Mentor To Millions

Jack M. Zufelt is a bestselling author and has achieved worldwide recognition for teaching people the true cause of all achievement. His life's mission is to impart the truth about-and dispel the myths surrounding-success and achievement.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting it Going

You are to be congratulated for going the extra mile, even though you are enlightened enough to know that the interest you receive, leveraged back, compounded back, pays you in spades.

And so here is another idea we like to think about, it's about "getting started", it's about "some is always better than none". It's about once you take a step forward then you'll be in a different place and you'll have a different view, you'll see different things, different opportunities, and different ways to advance.

I'm talking about some people make splendid plans and they go to seminars for years trying to figure out how to, for instance, put up an internet business... How to trade stocks or options... How to buy nothing down real estate... Or how to become a wealth coach. And then they've got so many excuses saying, for instance, the technology's become too difficult, or "I'm not wealthy myself, how can I teach other people to be wealthy?"

And then others attend a single seminar, start by reading/taking a single course.

Start, not getting it right, but getting it going.

One thing for sure... If you want an excuse, you got it.

Excuses are easy. But do they move you toward your goal?

I'd like to share with you a story about the very first book (manual, to be more exact) I ever published. I wrote it, advertised it, got orders, and shipped it. Then I got it back from about three or four different people, all written over and scribbled in red. Seems I had a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in the work.

That was the humble beginning, that first product I ever sold in the beginning of business that would turn into multi-millions of dollars. It was just a $97 sell of an imperfect product, but it got the chain of events in motion that would make me millions.

Imperfectly done, but DONE, that's the thing. You can try and get it perfect, but if that keeps you from getting it out the door, there's no point. Some is always better than none. Getting going is the most crucial step you'll ever take.

Hey, talk about red ink!... Those people who were sending me that product back marked in red, those were corrections they were giving me! This was great, because I entered them into the computer, and the next time I printed the book out to sell it, it was better!... Those were improvements! I quit getting those nasty correction letters.

It went upwards on from there. The message is: don't let the perfection bug bite you. You can't afford it. The most important thing you could ever do in any venture is get going. That's how you'll go to a new place, experience a new view, take new actions. That's how you'll get feedback. That's how you'll know if it's making money, if it's adequate for the market, and a thousand and one other discoveries that you can't imagine grandstanding or preparing.

Get out there and play. That's how you make money!

Ted Ciuba, "living legend" and bestselling author of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, Ted Ciuba is one of the world's top human potential trainers. He helps people find, define, and actualize their passions to transmute their intangible desires into real money. To find out more about Ciuba, how he can help you, and to collect $297 worth of free gifts visit

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