Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Defy the Effects of Aging Skin

It is said that wisdom comes with age. It can also be said that wrinkles and more wrinkles also come with age. Dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, loss of elasticity and firmness, all those scary signs we attribute to aging. Wisdom is fine, wisdom with wrinkles is a whole other story! There are two types of aging, intrinsic and extrinsic. Unfortunately we cannot do much about Intrinsic aging, this is simply the natural process of the body and skin aging with the passage of time. Extrinsic aging, however, results from the affects of our environment and the daily choices we make when it comes to caring for ourselves. Thankfully, with the right decisions and a little effort, we can make a big difference in how our skin ages. Being prepared for environmental factors and living a healthy lifestyle will keep us on the right track to aging beautifully.

One of the biggest and perhaps most known skin offender is the sun. Or more specifically the UVA and UVB rays that come down with the warmth we love. A full 80% of skin aging can be traced to sun exposure. Still think an occasional day in the sun, or even at the tanning bed won't hurt? Well that 80% of UVA/UVB damage translates to 20 years of fast forward aging. We all know what to do, break out the sun block! Take advantage of the new and improved SPF creams, don't be afraid to wear that wide brimmed hat you know you look good in, and buy the biggest sunglasses you can find! Those darn UV rays trickle down even on cloudy days so don't get caught unprotected, especially when it comes to your face and neck. There are some great moisturizers with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or more, making it ridiculously easy to ward off harmful aging rays. If a "summer glow" is too tempting please use fake tan! The market is full of sprays and creams that deliver a wonderfully sun-kissed look without the side effects of wrinkles, sun spots and maybe even cancer.

Pollution is yet another tool of extrinsic aging. Simply living in the city, surrounded by car exhaust and whatever else floats in that characteristic haze of industry and busy living, can add 5 years to our skin. As the largest, and by far most exposed, organ of the human body our skin needs fresh air. Seven percent of the oxygen we breath is carried to the skin. This means that pollutants in the air attack our skin from the inside as well as the outside, creating free-radicals that accelerate the aging process. To help protect against this atmospheric onslaught we need antioxidants on our side, well, on our face really. Skin creams and lotions rich in antioxidants not only protect, but will also help repair any previous damage. And what about that slightly tainted oxygen we necessarily breath in? Antioxidant vitamin supplements will neutralize those inhaled pollutants.

While we can't help breathing some hidden pollution we do have control over such things as cigarette smoke. Besides the serious health problems associated with smoking it is also very detrimental to the skin. Two years of smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day can double the rate of premature facial wrinkling. The only sure fire way around this damage is to put out the light. Withdrawal symptoms may be eased by taking a supplement with a high-potency vitamin B complex.

The stresses of modern living and indeed, stress itself affects the aging of our skin as well. Stressed at school? Stressed at work? Stressed at home? Relax! Find some fresh air and take some deep breaths. Overloading our system, and our schedules, with more than we can handle is literally nerve racking. Sound familiar? Add three or more years to our skin aging tally. If it's possible, drop whatever is unnecessary in your life and find healthy ways to relax. Dig those yoga pants out from the back of the closet, pick up the journal that was last dated two or three years ago, whatever works! And keep smiling. Believe it or not, picking up the corners of your mouth can pick up your mood and when you feel better you deal better. Plus it will tighten the connective tissue around the mouth, which helps the face maintain its shape and get rid of wrinkles.

Unfortunately stress often leads to more aging behaviors like missed sleep and excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. We all know how worrying about "life" can chase sleep away, no matter how tired we are. It is important to find out what helps you sleep, and sleep deeply. This is the time when the brain can concentrate on healing and rejuvenating our bodies, including the skin. The optimal time for skin repair is between the hours of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.. Try to have a "night time" routine that will trigger your mind and body for sleep, this would be a good time to slather on a night cream to help the skin in the renewal process. It may help to snack on a banana, some figs, dates or yogurt. These foods contain amino acid tryptophan, the natural chemical that stimulates the release of brain calming serotonin. (Yes, it's the stuff in turkey!). This leaves us with alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol dehydrates the body, causing premature aging and a depleted supply of vital nutrients. Excessive alcohol intake equals excessive dehydration, equals old baggy skin. And while caffeine may be the only thing keeping you awake in the Monday morning office meeting be sure not to tank up on it too much. More than four cups of coffee or eight cups of tea a day leads to high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and digestive problems. Feeling bad on the inside can translate to looking bad on the outside.

Another age defying mantra to live by is to hydrate and moisturize. The human body is composed of 70% water. We all knew we were juicy inside but 35%, a whooping half of our body water, is found in the skin! If we are not re-supplying our body with needed fluids the moisture is literally sucked from our skin. You have heard it before but we will say it again, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily! Hydrated skin cells are plump and happy, that means less structural damage, less wrinkles, and healthier looking skin. Another plus is that all this water helps flush the toxins from our bodies, toxins that may otherwise be attacking our skin from the inside. Be careful not to go too crazy with this good advice. More than 10 glasses a day can put undue pressure on the kidneys and we don't need that. The outside elements can also have a drying effect on the skin. To prevent moisture loss it is essential to use lotions and moisturizers. They add water to the skin and form a protective barrier. Find the right moisturizer for your skin type, dry skin will need the richer creams, while oily or problem skin need lighter, oil-free lotions. There are many products available to assist with moisturizing. One great anti-wrinkle product is Amatokin.

Now we come to diet and exercise. It's not much of a news flash but large amounts of sugar, fatty fried foods and highly refined carbohydrates are not our friends. These types of foods may be fast, convenient and lets face it, yummy, but they tend to speed up the aging process. Our whole body, even our skin, is nourished by what we put inside it. Along with keeping hydrated you will be amazed at how a healthy and balanced diet affects how you look and feel. Try to fit in more fresh fruits and veggies, and don't shy away from those whole grains. We're talking "balanced" remember? Stay away from yo-yo dieting. It is not fun, it deprives the skin of vital nutrients, and can thereby add 10 years of skin aging! With all this healthy eating we are now doing (or at least thinking about doing) it is only natural to talk about physical exercise. Regular exercise keeps your body in shape and is also a huge benefit to the skin. Just 30 minutes of cardio three times a week improves circulation and encourages blood flow. This means more nutrient and oxygen rich blood is reaching the skin, increasing its natural abilities to fight against free radicals, bacteria, and the breakdown of skin cells.

Our skin is aging with us, there is no doubt about that. But who says we don't have the power to slow down the ticking clock? To live a long, full life, without touting the usual "scars" of wrinkles and baggy skin? If we decide to make the effort, to protect ourselves from harsh environments, to allow ourselves to relax, to live the healthy lifestyle we know we should, we will be rewarded with a happy and youthful appearances. We were built to last, lets take care of the paint job.

Richard Fisch holds a Master's Degree in Accounting and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics. Aside from working in public accounting, Richard enjoys researching modern health and fitness methods and products and is an aspiring writer on those topics.

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