Sunday, April 26, 2009

How Not to Be Happier - Part 1 of 2

You keep yourself stuck in your humdrum life. You look around at everyone else. How come everybody but you gets to be happy?

If you think those thoughts now, you are the reason you are not as happy as you could be. In particular, those thoughts that you repeat every day over and over again-those thoughts prevent you from changing to a mood that will allow you to get going on changing your world! Your thoughts stop you on the path to be happier.

Vicious cycle, isn't it? How can you stop it? Can you stop it? Can you replace those thoughts with others that empower you?

The answer to all of the above is a resounding, yes. However, there is a huge "if" that precedes any attempt to turn your life around. You can most definitely change your thoughts and the programs running you (completely out of your awareness in your subconscious mind) if, and only if, you decide to do so.

Sounds simple-make a decision. The hard truth is that most people say they want to change. Most people say they want to be happier. Most people say they want a different life. You see, most people give lip service to changing their world. And that is the extent of their commitment to themselves.

When was the last time you caused something to change simply by saying you wanted a change? Doesn't happen, does it? To change something, you need to take an action you have never taken before.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Einstein was one of the most brilliant minds who ever lived. His assessment is all too accurate.

How many times will you continue to take the very same steps, saying you want a different result? How many times have you done it so far? I bet you lost count, haven't you?

Find out what to do instead. To be happier focus on happy thoughts and happy memories rather than on what is missing or wrong.

Ali Bierman shows you how to be happier by changing the unknown belief systems that stop you cold. Grab her free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know Runs You to make your life happier now at

Can One Book Change Your Life

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