Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is Happiness?

Hi Everyone,

The topic of this article has been written and spoken about so many times that you would think that you need a secret key to unlock it. I am talking about happiness or more specifically how to obtain it. What does happiness mean to you?

According to success coach Tony Robbins all humans beings look for two things:

1) The attainment of pleasure
2) The avoidance of pain

We live in a world where everyone is "chasing" happiness. Everyone is "looking" for happiness.

We think that we will be happy when we get the latest car or a bigger house. Some of us think we will be happy next year when we take our vacation.

Here is what I have learnt: Happiness Is A Choice.

That's right; you can choose to be happy. Grandma was right when she said, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

It's true that things happen in life that annoy us, make us sad or just make us mad.

How you react to those situations is what is important. In any instant you can CHOOSE to be happy. You can change your focus from what is wrong in the world to what is right in your life.

So anytime you feel your emotional sniffles coming on, do something that makes you happy. Think happy thoughts. Call a long lost friend. Spend time with loved ones. Do anything that makes you happy.

Take a look at little children.

They will find any excuse to laugh, giggle and be happy. Find happy child in you.

And you will realise that Happiness is a choice.

Sounds simple, doesn't it?

It is very easy to dismiss what I am saying because of its sheer simplicity. But life can be very easy. There are no secrets. No special VIP passes and no special back doors for the special few. I wish that you realise (just like I did) that the things that we seek and crave the most are right at our fingertips and within grasp. It is like picking a low hanging and deliciously juicy fruit.

To your Success,

Your friend,


You can pick up two free ebooks on the law of attraction at his main website:

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