Wednesday, April 29, 2009

5 Warning Signs Your Self Discovery Approaches Aren't Working

Ever wonder why what you're doing isn't working? This month's article is all about what you can do when you are not experiencing results from your spiritual practice.


  1. FORCING THE OUTCOME. Say you have your heart set on a goal that you really, really want to achieve. You've made a vision board. You've visualized every single detail of your goal. You have a positive affirmation taped to your bathroom mirror. For whatever reason, every step you take towards your goal is met with an obstacle. Delays. Uncooperative people. Being overwhelmed with details. Legal mix-ups. Missed deadlines. Whatever. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? When this happens, it is a ripe opportunity to stop yourself in your tracks. Maybe this isn't suppose to unfold in the way that you think it should. By forcing the outcome you are imposing your will instead of working in harmony with the universe. Now's the time to let go of your attachment to the outcome. No one enjoys being micromanaged. Give the universe some space to work her magic. Say out loud: "May this or something better manifest..."
  2. FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU DON'T WANT INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU DO WANT. It is far easier to name what you are dissatisfied with than it is to articulate specifically what you clearly want. You've heard the analogy of "placing your order" with the universe and that the universe doesn't process "negatives" - so it focuses on the person, place, thing, quality, or idea regardless of the emotion. You say "I don't want to be in debt" and the universe hears "debt." So what do you get? MORE debt. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? It is good to be clear with how you state your intentions. Focus on what you want. Flip any of your negatively phrased statements into the positive. For example: "I don't want to be in debt" becomes what you truly DO want by stating, "I want to be financially independent." Place your order with conscious awareness and you'll get what you asked for - remember to be specific!
  3. POSING. Stop posing and start moving. If you are a perfectionist, there is always going to be an excuse not to start something now. As you embark on a new spiritual adventure, it can be easy to get caught up in looking the perfect part instead of delving into the messy discovery. Or if you are caught up in the thinking, reason, logic, argument, fantasies, planning, scheming, knowing, and worrying...there is simply no room for these things when you are on the path of awareness. They only satisfy your ego. And where there is ego, there is no amigo. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Be both generous and gentle with your perfectionist self. Put one foot in front of the other and move into the direction of your dreams - even if you don't know all the details. Of course, do what you need to boost your confidence and help yourself feel good, but don't put off trying yoga because you think you can't afford that new yoga outfit. So what if it is your first time, everyone starts somewhere. NO one is there waiting for you to fail.
  4. THE POWER OF NOW DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET EVERYTHING NOW. You can't wait. When you don't see immediate results, you think what you are doing is not working. This can be frustrating and discouraging. How long does it take? It takes as long as it should. We live in a society of instant gratification. Not everything comes in an instant oatmeal package - ready in 60 seconds. Some things are worth the wait. But give yourself a break and just be with it all. Make room for time. Patience. Patience. Patience. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Try the Power of Yet. When you don't experience the instant fix, keep yourself motivated by simply adding the word "Yet." For example, "I am not meditating for 30 minutes...yet." "I haven't made it to yoga 3x in a row...yet." And then see #2 above. You can always try working the positive side. "I just did 10 minutes of yoga!" Why not celebrate what you do instead of what you aren't doing yet?
  5. THIS ISN'T A TO DO LIST. Self discovery doesn't respond well to being project managed. Spiritual exploration isn't something that has a finite beginning and ending, it is a "becoming" and a lifetime of learning. -->WHAT YOU CAN DO? Divine the signs and symbols. Ask for help when you need it. Seek great teachers. Take time to move from accumulation of knowledge to application in your daily round. That is when wisdom comes...purely through experience. There may be class you are being called to take. Look for patterns and recurring themes.


At the end of the day it is really all about action and being responsible for those actions. Seeing results in your spiritual practice is all about mindful living. Intention alone will not prevail. Intention + Action = Results. Pay attention to the warning signs, make difference choices, and take action. You'll see changes and results...we promise.

  • Release "the how." Make up your mind to trust that you are exactly where you are suppose to be.
  • Take charge of every thought. Thoughts become things so pick good ones.
  • There is power in beginning . Ready, Fire, Aim! Everything doesn't have to be perfect or planned. Sometimes taking the first step is all you need. Just start.
  • Make room for "the yet factor." Patience. Patience. Patience.
  • Realize that effectiveness is within your own power. Move from learning to wisdom. And most of all trust the universe and be yourself!

Copyright 2008 SoulStar Discovery For Women Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cynthia Watson and Sharlene Starr are the authors of a *FREE* Special Report on the "15 Blunders That Block Consciousness." To get your *FREE* copy of this report, go to and start awakening to your woman's soul and finding your authentic self.

Planting The Seeds Of Suggestion

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