Saturday, April 18, 2009

50 and Fabulous - Goal Setting For Baby Boomers

Happiness in Mid-life

Millions of vibrant, healthy baby boomers seek to redefine mid-life from "over the hill" to a newfound opportunity.


Not all goals are equal in terms of increasing happiness. Meaningful goals increase the potential for happiness. Goals that are set out of deep personal conviction and self-interest usually bring satisfaction and happiness. Midlife goals generally involve personal growth, making choices and a desire to connect with others. Financial goals help to create happiness by giving you the means to build stronger relationships, exercise, eat healthier foods and focusing on what's important to YOU. Not because you want to impress your neighbors, please others out of obligation or fear. Financial independence gives you freedom to make more choices. Most people believe freedom, love, emotional, physical and spiritual health are important goals One way to increase happiness is to create things you love to do and avoid things you don't like to do. I remember when my children were growing up I felt overwhelmed by driving them to all their activities. Once they started driving I missed the time we spent in the car. Setting goals for baby-boomers is imperative.

6 Tips for happiness

Spend time with positive people and avoid negative energy
Examine the way you communicate
Change something you don't like to something you do like.
Get color into your life, in your clothes, your home, at work.
Be Creative
Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Stay in the day!

We as baby boomers have the opportunity to fully explore all the possibilities life has to offer. Baby boomers looking for happiness become inspired and are open to all of life's possibilities. Happiness comes to those who discover their purpose in life. How to find your true purpose:

  • listen to your inner voic
  • drown out outside voices
  • listen to your intuition

Every choice you made in life is based on your thoughts. If you change the way you perceive your age, your life will change dramatically. The way you think about yourself, determines your reality. Once you discover and accept who you are and your life's' circumstances you will begin enjoy your life. The doors of possibility will open!

"How to Practice Guilt Free Self Care in Times of Stress"; to download Janie's report visit

Janie Behr is a qualified life coach specializing in helping people find their purpose, achieve their goals, and explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. She is available for private individual coaching, group coaching and public speaking engagements. She runs frequent teleseminars dedicated to helping people find and live their most positive lives! For more information please visit

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